Chapter 17: dgjodsHELPjvcdfyhsd.

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Its now 6pm and we finished dinner. Lets just go for a recap.


I was sat next to Rose, as Sally left after our little talk. She was quieter, since Ally dropped her off. I haven't recived a text, but it might just be because its Christmas. Anyway, im sat at the end of the line thats now on the floor. We layed the food on the table, giving ourselfs a buffet.

We laughed as Stevie argued over who did what. Ally told me to sit still as she went to get gifts. I got, red beats headphones, new black doc martins and a door whiteboard for my room, that I can write on. The others got me things like HP socks, wristbands, some make-up (not alot) and a large bar of Dairy Milk chocolate striaght from UK.

I thanked them all as we binged watched some Disney films. I feel like this Christmas is gonna be the best. Ever.*

Finally, Sally messaged me. I was getting worried, because you know? Girlfriend isn't replying to texts and she is being very distant? No okay.

Queen S: Hi.
Me: Hi babygirl xx
Queen S: What you doing?
Me: Having Netflix with no chill. Like seriously everyone is making out but me. What you doing? xx
Queen S: Im trying to avoid father's questions. Like you said.
Me: I know but tomorrow you can come round to mine xx
Queen S: I can't wait.
Me: Whats with no xx's? xx
Queen S: Sorry. xx
Me: Its fine I thought something happened xx
Queen S: Something will happen.
Me: Confusion is real xx
Queen S: dgjodshelpjvcdfyhsd
Me: Are you okay? xx
Me: Your starting to worry me xx
Me: Please? xx
Me: Please don't xx

I looked up from my phone and all eyes were on me. I didn't notice till now, that I had tears streaming down my face. My heart had completely crushed at all the thoughts of what he is gonna do to her.

Is she hurt?
Did her phone die?
Has her dad taken the phone off her?
Has she fallen?
Did her dad find her?
Did he hit her?
Has he done something to her?
Did he finally do it?
Has he hurt her too much?

"Y/N!" I was pulled from my thoughts as I sat in Ally's lap.

Ally was singing as I had shaky breathing. I could not do anything, I gave up and I needed to let all the tears go. I cried with thoughts running through my head, im such a bad person. I sit and cry when I could actually do something about it.

"Y/N? Look at me." Stevie looked concerned.

"No." I gasped.

"Y/N come on, whats wrong?" She asked again.


"Y/N your crying, sweating and shaking. Whats wrong?"

"No-j-just lea-v-ve me."

"No. Now tell me." Stevie raised her voice.

"NO!" I screamed as I ran to my room.
"Y/N, Y/M/N, BOEBI-HILLS! GET OUT HERE NOW!" Stevie banged against my door.

"GO AWAY!" I heard a groan from the otherside.

"Okay." Stevie lightly said.

I replayed the messages in my mind. I needed answers and fast. I got the nearest clothes on. Which were black ripped jeans, white shirt with balck and red flannel, Sally's snapback and my new Doc Martins. I got dressed quickly and made sure it was quiet. I presses my ear against the door.

"I hope she is okay." Rose said.

"Probably a teenage phase." Steph added.

"She started crying because of her phone." Bria stated.

"Her phone is here. Let me see." I heard Ally say then a click.

This was my chance. I lightly unlocked my door. It was so quiet. I then walked through the hallway and to the door. I opened it and it was still quiet. I slipped through the door and it made a noise.


I ran quickly down the stairs going through the final door as I heard someone shout my name from the balcony. I ignored it and kept running, I needed to get Sally back. She might be hurt or worse. I took no chance, I wanted to save her.

"Y/N!" I heard Ally run after me.

"No." I growled back.

"Y/N! Stop!" I had to. She had that mother tone voice, that made you do whatever.

"Okay." I stopped, I still don't know why.

"Where are you going?" She went with the calm approch.

"For a run." A short reply.

"You don't go for runs at 8pm. Ever." She must have pieced it all together. "Sally."

"Yes." I looked down.

"This is about her father?" Ally asked. "I read the messages."

"Y-yes." I sat on the floor.

"Come on. We are gonna go home and then tomorrow, I will talk to her father." I widened my eyes.

"No you can't." I said quite quickly.

"Why?" I didn't wanna tell her, but I had to.

"You know her dad." She was confused. "Vidcon." I whispered.

"Really?" Ally asked confused.

"Yes, you hit her dad because he hit you. He hits her and she can't leave." Ally gasped.

"The preacher?" She asked.

"Yes." I saw Stevie run out.

I stood up and went to walk away. I can't deal with them both at me. I need only one, not two. I heard other footsteps behind me. I turned to see Bria and Rosie walking with me. I slowed down for them to catch up. They gave me a smile and I returned a weak one. I don't know where im going, im just walking. I stop randomly and I just sit on the floor and cry.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Bria asked bending down next to me.

"No." I cried out.

"Why did you stop at this house?" Rosie asked.

I turned around and faced a familier house. It was Sally's. I want to go in there and act all heroic for her but I can't. I need her outside for me, I know its wrong but I need her.

"Sally." I was crying.

"Bria." Rosie stated.

I continued to cry, I couldn't handle it. I wanted it all to end, I needed it to. My parents are probably crying. They won't want a 15 year old who just cries, they also don't want a 15 year old who is treated like a baby. I lay back onto the cold pavement, Rosie rubs my arm. I feel alone, I just wanted to be happy. I feel myself starting to fall asleep. I lightly clised my eyes and sleep took over.

I dreamed about me and Sally. I just hope I can deal with the questionings. I just need my Sally and my own happiness.

Adopted By Stally: (Stally/You)Where stories live. Discover now