Chapter 35: Maybe Nat

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Day 4 of laying in bed. I've watched the romantic films and cried, ate food. I ruing my own lifer, I tried to go to hers after Bria said she went missing. She walked in and walked out cursing at me. Before she even walked in I went to her room and hell she trashed it a lot. I saw the hole in the wall and I got scared a little I mean damn.

Anyway, I haven't been on social media or even looked at my phone. I can't or most likely won't. I love her and now I'm stuck, alone.

"Y/N! There is some girl at the door claiming she knows you." Ally yelled.

"Just let her in. Oh and who?" I asked.


A small smile appeared on my face and then it faded. My bedroom door opened and she walked in holding tissues, chocolate and the box set for the 100. I giggled and she smiled.

"Come on I'm bored and need a friend." She groaned laying face flats on my bed.

I giggled and she sat up and rolled her eyes.

"Fine, and thanks."

"What for?"


"Honey, they ain't for you. The tissues are for deaths and chocolate is just food."


"No I'm serious the death rate is high in the 100."

I giggled and moved over on my bed as she put The 100 in the side DVD built in player. She jumped into my bed as the credits began. I smiled and started to watch it. By the end of the first season she had me hooked.

"So, favourite male character?" She asked.

"Hmmm...... Jasper."

"Me too! Favourite female?"

"Either, Raven, Octavia or Clark."

"I would say Clark."

"Next season?"

" Yassss."

"Wait? Don't you need to go home? Or you could stay?"

"I mean I could stay. Its up to your family."

I smiled and nodded getting up from my bed. I went out the room and tried to find my parents. I found them in their room just talking I walked in and they turned to me.

"Can Natasha sleep?"

"Sure as long as she asks permission." Stevie said.

"Are you okay tho baby girl?" Ally asked.

"Me? Yeah fine, I'm laughing and having fun why won't I be?"

I tried to avoid what they wanted to ask.

"I mean with Sal-" Stevie hit her arm before she could speak.

"We just wanted to see if you and Natasha are okay."

I nodded then left their room saying thanks. I walked back in and found Natasha asleep on my bed. I laughed and shook my head at her attempt on staying awake.

I crawled into bed next to her and turned the light off. Once I got in I felt arms wrap around me and lips touch my shoulder. I turned to Natasha and shook her awake.

"What?" She asked in a husky voice.

"You kissed my shoulder."


"Meh, watch season 2?"

"Yeah. Oh and your parents are cool with me staying over right?"


Her phone pinged and her eyes instantly went wide. Her face went pale and she excused herself out of my room. I shoved it off and expected it to be her brother or parent. She started to talk louder.

"Sorry.... I'm busy.... with a friend.... you're not my mom I don't need to tell you.... ring Trevor I'm busy....a friends.... no I'm not at hers....I'll try her phone later.... Can I go now?....I know you love her but I do have a life.... fine....I'm going, bye"

She walked in pinching the bridge of her nose releasing a long sigh as she sat down. She looked at me and I laid back down waiting for season 2 to start.

Halfway through the 3rd episode Natasha cuddled into me and I didn't care. I just smiled and she pulled her phone out. She checked her social media before asking me something.

"Take a Snapchat with me."

I agreed and we took a few. I smiled and giggled as she told me to do a cute one. I decided that kissing her cheek would be cute. So, I went to turn my head and I guess she had the same idea as we both kissed each other. I didn't pull back and neither did she, we kept kissing till she pulled back.

"Wanted to do that for a while." I was confused.

"What? Kiss me?"

"Not kiss a girl on the lips. Also, damn your lips are soft."

"Thanks but I er"

"I know what you mean and its fine. She ers you too."

"How do you know?"

"She told me she hasn't slept since because she believes she did something wrong. Oh and what did she do?"

"She did nothing wrong. Her parents told mine that she had no friends and no life outside me. Clearly they were wrong but I took them as being right. I can't talk to her about it because she will flip at me for taking their side."

"Damn. Guess tomorrows a new day."





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