Chapter 54: Day 13 of 14.

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"Hey guys! I'm back and on a lovely train ride with a with a whole squad!" I stood up holding my camara.

"Sit your ass down." Sally groaned pulling me down.

"Rude." I pointed the camara to her.

"Not my fault you decided to vlog me on a train." She shrugged.

"Not a morning person clearly?" She shook her head.

"I am it's just with what happened I wanna make sure you're okay." She leaned her head on my shoulder.

"I am fine now baby. I'm not at harms length." I kissed her cheek.

"Sorry for being protective of the fact my girlfriend just been in hospital." She stood up.

Moving past me she walked to some seats a little away and sat there. She put her earphones in and I had no idea what to do. I guess Ally saw my situation.

"Scoot over." I moved to Sally's old seat.

Ally sat next to me and I rested my head on her shoulder. I let out a sigh and Ally wrapped an arm around my waist. We sat there for about 10 minutes until, the only child on our carriage decided to ruin the moment.


"Shut the fuck up." Stevie laughed.

"Why is everyone mean to me?" Bria laughed.

"You are weird tho." Rosie said.

"Touché." Rose shut up.

Ally sat with me just mindlessly singing a song I have never heard. She sighed then decided to speak.

"What happened Princess?" She spoke calmly.

"I stood up and Sally got protective." I shrugged.

"I guess she wants to make sure you're okay. I mean you did come out of hospital yesterday." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm 15. Not 5. I don't need her prying over me."

"I know you don't but you seem to be her light in the dark. You never once gave her a chance to explain why she was."

"I guess you're right but I don't care that she is 17 but she does know there is a world out there." Ally nodded.

"Just take a nap then we will be at the train station to go to Rose and Rosie's."

"Okay." I muttered.

I cuddled closer to Ally and heard her talk to Stevie. She then put her earphones in, playing some sort audioble book thing. I started falling asleep yawning before I did.

I woke up hearing a dog bark. Where am I?

I sat up opening my eyes, adjusting my eyes to the light. I was in a different bed. I heard laughter from downstairs, me being me, I went down. Walking down, I then registered where I was.


"Finally awake?" Stevie asked seeing me.

"I didn't think someone would carry me here." I shrugged.

"Sally did."

I went to walk in but someone pulled me back into the corrider. I was about to argue but then noticed it was Sally.

"I'm sorry for earlier. With the stress of you being in hospital and the fact I started my period it all came down." I giggled.

"It's fine baby." I pecked her lips then walked into the living room.

She followed after me, making Ally laugh. I sat on the floor and Wilma came over.

"Hey buddy." I scratched behind her ear.

"Hey Flynn? Don't vanish." Rose said trying to get her cat.

I giggled as Wilma started jumping on me. Sally had my camara and vlogged it. Wilma then licked my nose.

"Ewww Wilma! That's my noseee." I whined.

Everyone was laughing as I sat and pouted. I though Sally would kiss it but no. Wilma did. People kept laughing as I whined.

"Come on Wilma. Come outside." Rose said from their door.

Wilma jumped off me and ran instantly to the door.

"Easily get her out but it's hell when she wants to get in." Rosie added.

"We only got cats so we okay." Stevie laughed.

"We have Flynn but he doesn't wanna come out from under the table." Rosie giggled.

Sally sat next to me on the floor, I leaned against her. We spent a good few hours there when we all decided to order pizza. While we waited Sally decided to play with my hair. She pulled my hair a few times causing me to groan. She told me to stop complaining.


My phone started to play my amazing ringtone. I excused myself and went into the corrider and up the stairs. I sat in the guest room and answered the call.

"Hello?" I questioned.

"Hi am I speaking to Y/N?" It was a male.


"Well hello daughter." I dropped the phone.


Uh oh we're in trouble. Someone's come along and it's burst your bubble. Sorry wanted to sing. I love you ficking all.


Adopted By Stally: (Stally/You)Where stories live. Discover now