Chapter 32: Trees

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After the whole fiasco with Sally wanting to now keep me safe I had to take her mind of it and take her to Waffle House. I gave her a blindfold and told her not to peek. We ate there and I bought her a rose. It was cute until a random guy came over to Sally. The worst part is that she knows him.

"Y/N." Sally waved her hand in my face.

"Yeah? What?" She giggled.

"You kinda zoned out." Excuse quick.

"Just thinking about my new badass bruise." She groaned.

"It wasn't cool. Anyway, this is Benjamin. People call him Ben tho. He's a old friend from kindergarten." I nod and shake his hand.

"So, you're Y/N right? I mean Sally never Stops texting about you to me." I saw Sally blush as he slides into the booth with her.

"Yeah Y/N." He nods then looks at Sally.

"So tonight there's  a party at mine. Coming?" He put his arm over her shoulder.

"I don't  know. Maybe" She shrugged.

"Sally I thought I was taking you on a surprise?"

"You can do that any day babe. I hardly get to see him."

"Hey Sally?" I asked.

"Yeah babe?"

"I think I'm gonna go home. My back hurts and I'm getting a headache."

"Okay babe. Text me when you get home."

She went to kiss me but I moved my face and she caught my cheek. I glanced at her and she furrowed her eyebrows. I walked out of there hearing my girlfriend laughing with some boy I don't  even know.

I couldn't go home. I wanted to give Sally some space. So instead I went to Brissy's, with the spare key. I walked in and Bria sent me a text.

Bria: Staying out tonight. You girls get the house.

I put my phone down and walked around the house. I put Netflix on. I binged watched Once Upon A Time then by the time that finished it was 2am.


I went upstairs into Sally's room and I jumped onto her bed. I love the fact her tiger teddy sits at the top of the bed. I got into it and cuddled it falling asleep. I woke up to a loud crash and the words 'shit' being said. Guess she's home.

I make no effort with her. She completely blew me off to go to a party. I hear footsteps running up and I pretend to be a asleep.

"Benjamin. Stop." I heard Sally whisper.

"What's wrong boo?" I swear the nerve.

"I think Y/N crashed here."

"Aww so no fun."

"I know I haven't done it in a while." Done what!?

Sally walked in and she kissed my forehead saying.

"Night princess, love you."

"Guess its me and you in the guest room." He suggested.

"Naw Ben, you take it. I got a double bed with a tired girl in." She pushed him out the door.

She climbed in next to me and wrapped her arms around me. Her cheek rested on my shoulder but I felt something wet touch me. I then heard quiet sobs. I turned over still 'asleep' and registered the fact they came from Sally. I wanna ask but she won't most likely tell me. I stay quiet and she talks.

"I don't know what I did to deserve you. I mean you're my perfection with your flaws and all. I'm an asshole who got screamed at by your mum for making you mess up your plans. I'm an ass who picked Ben over you. The worst part is that his older twin brother kissed me. I shoved him off and I punched him. Ben wanted to come back to mine and grab some eggs and toilet roll to wreck his brothers house. I fucking hated every minute. I need to tell you when you're awake. I'm more surprised I can do it now. I love you always." I had tears.

"I love you too" I whispered and she jumped.

"How much of that did you hear?" She was panicking.

I shifted becoming more comfortable and I opened my eyes. Her eyes eyes were watery and the moonlight portaited them as emeralds of the night. I kissed her gently.

"I heard it all." She nodded getting up.

"I'm sorry." I grabbed her arm.

"Stay its cold in this bed and I love you even more for telling the truth. Oh and when we wake up I'm kicking douchebag Benjamin out." She giggled and got back into bed.

"Fine. Oh and how's your back?" I shrugged.

"Hurts like hell and resting helps. I'm gonna get Stevie to take me to the DR just to check it." I kissed her head.

"I'm sorry I wrecked your surprise I guess our Valentine Day didn't go very well." I giggled.

"Mine was fun wish. I binged OUAT and stared at Lana Parilla's boobs in her old Regina outfit." She giggled.

My onesie felt tight on my so I started to unzip it. I took it off because I was so warm. I had underwear on and I know for a fact Sally was burning holes in my back.

"I'm warm."

"You can't be warm. You're never gonna be warm because you're so hot." I blushed.

"Thank you but I'm tired." I pecked her lips.

"Go to sleep. Night Princess."

"Night baby girl."

I woke up to the sun light and someone cuddling me. I turned over. Big mistake.

"OW!" My back was so sore.

I rubbed it gently but it hurt worse than before. I slowly and when I say slowly I mean I turtle crawled out and went to see Ben. It was 10:30 according to Sally's clock. Guess its time to kick him out. I put my onesie back on and went into the room.

"Wake up asshole" I was met with groans.

"Better move before I call the cops." He got up to quickly unfamiliar to surroundings. "The exit is this way bitch..."

He ran out and I went back into Sally's room

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He ran out and I went back into Sally's room.

"Oh and don't think you're getting let off you're on no kissed for 2 weeks. You ignored me and passed about with Ben, so no kisses." I giggled

"Nooo" She groaned into the pillow.

"Oh but yes."





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