Chapter 75: I knew it was too easy

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I woke up to someone cuddled tightly into me shaking. Opening my eyes I saw Sally crying in her sleep. I sat up and rubbed her hair, trying to calm her.

Her bedroom door opened and I looked up, a black figure was stood. I couldn't make it out from the darkness. Then came the noise I once dreaded.


My eyes went fuzzy, there was voices shouting.

"Y/N! BABE! WAKE UP!" Sally shook me.

"SHE'S MINE NOW!" I was dragged by someone.

Everythimg went blank. I knew getting Sally that quickly had concequences. The fact I could get out with her was way too easy. I knew it was way too easy for me.

I woke up from what felt like days later, my chest was in pain. I knew I had been shot there, I tried moving my hands but they were tied.

What have I gotten into?

Adopted By Stally: (Stally/You)Where stories live. Discover now