Chapter 45: Day 5 of 14

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"It's the circle of life!" Sally sang as she held her phone up.

"Okay fine. I'll stop talking about the Lion King." I put my hands up.

"Just because we saw it yesterday doesn't mean you can constantly talk about it. It gets annoying." I rolled my eyes.


"Wait really!? Lion King?" I asked.

"Yeah, it looked cool so we got tickets." Ally said.

"OMG! Lion King on stage!"*

Thats what we did all day yesterday. Thankfully we didn't bump into Xanthe again. I find it so creepy how some how bump into eachother when London is huge.

"Babe?" Sally waved her hand in my face.

"Sorry what?" She giggled

"I asked if you wanted to go and have lunch with your parents?"

"Sure. We gotta change tho."

"I know after last night." She smirked then winked getting up.

I blushed then got up changing into some comfortable clothes. So basically, black jeans and a shirt. Once I got changed Sally was having trouble folding her sleeves on her shirt. I shook my head and went to fix it. After 5 minutes I sorted it.

"Thank you." She pecked my lips.

"Its fine."

We both walked out and met our parents in the reception. I relised it was sunday. I wonder if we can have a sunday dinner?

"Where do you wanna go?" Stevie asked openly.

"Anywhere." Ally and Sally replied.

"How about Toby Carvery?" I offered.

"Who in the what now?" Sally asked.

"Toby Carvery is a nice family restraunt that has a sunday dinner buffet. Its really nice." They all shrugged.

"That sounds cool." Chrissy said.

"Where is it tho?" Bria asked.

"I think there's one on Hollybush Hill."

Stevie pulled out her phone to go on google. After a few minutes she found it and agreed.

"Yeah there is. Is that were we going?"

Everyone else agreed. I amiled thinking of the times I went with my mom. All the memories came back and I just stood in my own world.

I thought of how she use to scold me for eating with my hands then make funny faces at me. I remember going with my sister and having a foot fight under the table as mom didn't notice. I then remember how this was the last restraunt she took me too in England.

I came out of my own world and all eyes were on me. Sally stood infront of me wiping my tears away. I guess I thought too much.

"Are you okay?" Stevie asked.

"Yeah, just memories." They all nodded.

No one else asked anymore questions about it. They most likely knew why I was crying so it wasn't nesseccery. We all got into the taxi and started our way there.

When we eventually got there, I just stood outside thinking of memories. Smiling as we walked in I smelt the familar smell of fresh meat and vegtables. I looked around taking it all in.

We walked up to the waiting sign for a woman to come over. She came over and showed us our seats. Sally pulled a chair out for me and I sat on it.

Adopted By Stally: (Stally/You)Where stories live. Discover now