Summer Break (Clint Barton x reader)

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This was going to be the best summer ever. Ever. Your dad was going to let you spend the next few months with him and the Avengers during break. At the tower. In freaking New York. Life was good.

You had grown up not knowing much about your dad's line of work, just that he was away a lot, working for something to with the government but never really sure what. Sure, he would attend career days at your school, but you still never came away with a good understanding. Your barn was full of targets and spent arrows, and he insisted that you practiced with him as much as you could. It wasn't until the whole Ultron fiasco that he let you in on who he and your 'Aunt Nat' really were.

"Dude, you're lying."

"Hey, I'm your Dad, not Dude, and I'm not lying."

You shot up out of your bed, ripping your headphones off. "The Avengers are in our living room?! Right now?" He laughed as you tripped over your own feet trying to see over the railing of the stairs. "Is Thor here?" you whispered.


You were resting in the guest room at the tower after a long day of sight seeing with the one and only Captain America. It was a great day, but now you were exhausted. He never seemed to get tired and ended up carrying you on his back over the last mile of city streets. Just as you were about to finally fall asleep, there was a knock at the door.

"Hey kiddo, it's your old man, open up."

Yawning, you let him in and crawled back under your warm blankets. "Hey dad, what's going on? It's pretty late."

He sat on the edge of your bed, his hands folded and his head down. "We're gonna have to cut this trip short. I'm sorry. I've got a jet ready to take you back to the farm. We just got a call and the team needs to head out in the morning. We could be gone for a couple of weeks."

"Ok," you paused. "Does that mean I get to come back after you're done?"

Your dad let out a long sigh and looked up at you. "I don't think so, I'm sorry. By that time you'll need to be getting ready for the new school year. But I'll be coming home then too."


"What does that mean?"

You stood up, throwing on a pair of sweatpants and a jacket over your pajamas. "I knew this was too good to be true. I just knew it."

He stood to match your posture, straightening to look down at you. "Hey, we have a mission. That's beyond my control, and you know that."

Hastily tying your shoes, you huffed at him. "That's not the point! You're never around and you have no idea what's going on in our lives! Mom has to do everything while you're off playing with your super friends! When you are there all you do is keep secrets from us! Now that I finally feel like you and I can maybe come to an understanding about each other, you bail!" You stomp to the door, looking back at your shocked and hurt father. "I'm going for a walk. Don't follow me."

"Listen here, young lady-"

Breaking into a run, you were out the front door before he could stop you.


"She is only 16 years old, Clint!"

He had to hold the phone away from his ear as your mother yelled at him. You hadn't brought your phone; you were in too big of a hurry to get away from your dad.

"Laura, I know that! I have the entire team out looking for her! What else do you want me to do?" Clint sat on the edge of your bed, his other hand covering his eyes and crying, where no one else would see him.

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