Kill Phil (Phil Coulson x reader)

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"What the hell is this?" Coulson peered out of the front window of the plane, the cockpit alight with flashes of lightning and the sounds of a downpour made it hard for him to hear what May was saying. "We aren't expecting Thor, are we? Did I miss a memo again?"

May's body was shaking with the force of the weather hitting them, having a hard time holding the plane level. Even for the most talented pilot in SHIELD, this was a challenge. "No memo, no Thor. You might want to strap in, this could get rough."

"More than this? I probably shouldn't have eaten before we left."

May's skills were no match for the storm that was crashing down on them and decided that they needed to land before they hit the ground. The massive plane skidded to a halt in an open field, with grass and dirt flying into the air as the hull dug deep ruts into the earth. Phil held on until his knuckles were white and his face just a bit green.

"That was a close one."

"Coulson, I had it." May said, her expression only slightly one of annoyance.

"I wasn't worried about you," he whispered, "I was talking about my stomach."

They both began to remove their harnesses to check on the rest of the crew, but were stopped by a figure moving in the distance. "Coulson, do you see that? Who is that?"

Phil squinted a bit as he looked out the window, trying to make out the figure coming at them through the continuing heavy rains. He saw the figure, he saw you as you raised your arms in front of you with your palms up, commanding the storm to quiet. You held firm eye contact with him until you saw him become physically uncomfortable with the sight of you.

"May, who the hell is that? Did you see what I think I saw?"

"She's either inhuman or enhanced, but either way we aren't going out there until we suit up and get the others. She looks like trouble." She stood and ran from the cockpit, with Phil following close behind.


Skye was already pulling up any information that she could find in SHIELD files from the facial recognition scan she collected when the plane landed. The information was limited, with only a few pictures available and almost no hard data on who you were or what you might want. The exterior view of the plane showed you still standing in place, as if you were awaiting action from the team inside.

"Why is she just standing there? It's kinda creepy."

Phil moved forward to get a closer look, almost staring you down in the screen, trying to read your face for any clues. "Do we know if she's inhuman? Skye, do you get a read on her?"

"Yeah, cuz we all know each other. Like one big freak show club." Her tone was dripping with sarcasm, but her expression was confused as she studied your face.

A harsh, screeching noise filled the cabin, followed by the sound of an open communication channel. "I'm here for Coulson. Send him out or I will come in for him."

At that moment Hunter ran in to see your face lighting up the screen and fell back against the wall in shock. "What...what are you doing with...with (Y/N)'s picture? Why are you looking at this?" He slowly regained his composure and stepped closer to your image, putting his hand up to touch your face, but he only found empty air. "Did something happen? Do you know where she is?"

"Who is she? She's outside right now and wants Coulson," May said. "We aren't about to send him out until we know more, but it appears that she's either inhuman or enhanced. She created the storm that took the plane down. What do you know that can help?"

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