Sparks Will Fly (Clint Barton x reader)

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The city streets of New York were busier than you would have imagined, and trying to maneuver them without touching anything or anyone was nearly impossible. You did your best to side step each person as they passed, but more often than not a part of your body would connect with theirs, sending an electric shock through them. Thankfully it wasn't enough to hurt them, but enough to quickly get their attention turned on you.

"What the hell was that?"

"Ow! What do you think you're doing?"

"Are you some kind of freak?"

The insults came so frequently that you found it easier to tune them out as the hours passed. You didn't know where you were going, only that you escaped and you were finally free after years in a laboratory cage like a rejected animal from the city pound. Your steps came faster as your mind raced, trying to formulate a plan to survive the city with no money, no food, and no shelter. You were watching your feet as you walked, but fate was watching you; a man in a leather jacket and jeans was walking towards you, also paying no attention to where he was going.

When you crashed together, the force of electrical current threw him backwards onto the sidewalk. He shook his head and looked up at you, unsure of what just happened. "Hey, you okay?" he asked, pushing himself up from the ground and standing to face you. "That was quite the jolt." He turned towards a souvenir shop next to you to look at his hair in a small mirror, "is my hair curly now? I've always wanted to try that look!"

This was one of the guys that was a threat to Hydra's cause? Really?

"Hey, I'm Clint," he held out his hand but quickly retracted it when he remembered what contact with you could do from just moments ago. His hand shifted to a small wave instead, "and you are?"

You hesitated, unable to get a clear read on the guy. "I'm (Y/N)." You stood motionless for several minutes, regarding each other and trying to anticipate the next move.

"Okay," he sighed, "I've got the name committed to memory, and I think your face is totally burned into my memory. Since we have such a close relationship now, how's about you tell me a bit about the zapper there?" He looked back down the sidewalk towards where he came from, "I have some friends who would probably love to meet you."

You shook your head, not wanting to be a hassle, but also not wanting to put yourself in a strange situation. "Thank you, but no. I don't want to be any kind of imposition." You took a step to pass by him, but he raised a hand in front of you without any contact.

"Have you ever heard of the Avengers?"

"Sure, who hasn't?"

"Well, I'm Hawkeye, but call me Clint." He sat on the step of a small landing and tapped the concrete for you to join him. "I think we may be able to help you, if you like. I'm sure Doctor Banner could come up with something to help you with...that."

You sat next to him, careful to keep enough space between the two of you and enough space between you and the pedestrians as they passed by. "I'm not even sure what that would look like, finding something to help me. It's hard for me to understand what's happened, so I don't know if you'll have any better luck than I have."

He took a deep breath and began to wring his hands together, "were you born with those abilities or were they given to you? Or...forced on you, maybe?" He watched as your eyes grew wide and your mouth hung open, but no words came. "Can you tell me who did this to you? Do you have family?"

You turned your attention to your hands, resting your arms on your thighs so you could hold them out in front of you. You held your fingers only a few centimeters apart, creating electric sparks that danced between them. You smiled to yourself when you noticed Clint watching with fascination at your skill. With a little more effort, you were able to create color changes within the sparks, causing a few children to stop and watch with him.

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