I Messed Up (Rogers/Banner x reader)

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"Oh, god," you sighed, running your hands frantically over her body, desperate to stop any source of bleeding that you could find. "Nat, please, you can't do this. Please. I messed up. I'm so sorry, just please wake up."

Steve had heard you through his comm, bursting into the room with a loud crash of the door from its hinges. "What the hell happened...Jesus..." he gasped, reaching down to scoop Natasha's limp body from the floor. "Stark, we need to be off the ground in two minutes!" He glanced back at you briefly, the fire in his eyes igniting a fear in you that you had never felt before. "We'll discuss this once I know that she's stable. Follow fast or I'm leaving you here."


"I told you that this was a bad idea," you mumbled, resting your head on the lab table. "But you didn't listen and now Nat's hurt and it's my fault."

"It's not your fault, (Y/N)," Bruce replied softly, removing his glasses and taking a seat next to you. "And I wasn't wrong. You're just being hard on yourself."

"Wouldn't you be, Bruce? If you were in my position, having to watch your best friend bleeding out in front of you because you lost control?" Pushing your chair back with a firm scrape along the floor, you stepped away, pacing back and forth next to him. "Steve warned you too, if you remember. I'm too young...hell, I'm not even technically an adult yet, and I'm untested with this power, Bruce. He's gonna vote to kick me out, I just know it."

"He would never...wait, what do you mean vote you out?" Bruce stood now, looking at you with a confused expression.

"The inquiry is about to start. Didn't you know that?"

"Inquiry? No, no one told me anything about that," he replied urgently, putting his glasses on and rushing around the workstation to his computer, searching for information on the mission you were to be questioned on.

With a small nod of acceptance, you dropped back onto the chair and returning to rest your head on the table over your folded arms. "Well then I'm out for sure."


Bruce stood outside the small room that held you, Nick and the rest of the team. Because of his close relationship with you, it was suggested that he sit out of the meeting, believing that he would be unable to make a fair recommendation about your future. Being a friend of your parents, he took you in when your powers of negation developed, and had cared for you for years. He was why you joined SHIELD at such a young age. When the handle of the door finally began to move, he jumped to attention and held his breath as he waited for you to appear.

The door flew open and you stepped out, meeting his eyes for just a moment as you paused, Steve moving to stand behind you with his arms crossed over his chest while he waited. "I wish I had never met you," you spat at him, storming past the doctor without another word.

Bruce wanted to chase after you but held back, deciding that if the roles were reversed, he would want to be left alone too. Steve waited and let you go, leaning against the wall next to the doctor, his hands deep in his pockets and his posture just a little defeated.


"I'm not gonna bend on this, doctor. The decision is made."

"So she's out? Just like that?" Bruce pushed, feeling himself growing angry, wringing his hands together and beginning to pace in front of the Captain. "One mistake, and she's out? If her power got out of control, that's on me. I'm responsible for her training."

Steve pushed himself up and away from the wall, now crossing his arms again at the insinuation that he had made the wrong decision. "Okay, if that's the case, do we need to bring you in there too? Ask you a few questions? Find out why you think you've screwed this up so badly?"

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