I Can Still See You (Scott Lang x reader)

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You had been a world-renowned burglar for so long now that it had become nothing more than a hobby to you, knowing that your powers allowed you access to anywhere you wanted to get into. You could never be caught; your invisibility and teleportation would guarantee that; and you used your intangibility just to show off anymore. But now you hadn't done a job in a long time, so when you were approached to break into what was perhaps the most secured building in the world, you couldn't say no.

When the details came in on your phone, you considered saying no, but it really would be the pinnacle of your career, and an epic final job to cap it with. You finished your drink and set the glass down on the bar, sliding your phone into your pocket. "Alright, hun, I've gotta go. It's been real."

"I thought you were done with this kinda stuff, (Y/N)?"

"Last time, Scott. This one just sounds like too much fun to pass up," you said as you grabbed your jacket. "If I pull this off," you paused with a laugh and shaking your head, "I mean when I pull this off, you might actually admit that I'm better than you."

"I'll admit it now if you say no." Scott looked up at you from his own glass with a faint smile, but his eyes looked tired. "It's not worth it, whatever it is."

Your phone buzzed again and you hurried out the door, giving him a quick wave. "Dammit," he mumbled, "I was supposed to have the night off." He finished his own drink and quickly followed after you, pulling the suit from his pack.


Scott knew that the only way for him to know where you were going and to be able to see you if you used invisibility was to stay in contact with you; physical contact, that is. He would have to stay small and do a ride-along so that you didn't know he was there. You were too excited about this job and he knew it really was something big, likely big enough to put you away for a very long time.

He had followed you out of the bar and to the street corner, leaning against the wall to pull the suit over his clothes quickly before you had a chance to spot him. You stood there for too long; he knew you were about to teleport and that he had to hurry. He pulled down the mask, hit the button, and jumped into the pocket of your jacket just as you disappeared with him in tow.

When you arrived at your target and he realized where you were, Scott wanted to jump out and scream at you, to get you to change your mind and leave immediately. He had no idea that you were going to the Avengers facility, and he was beginning to panic. As you walked around unnoticed he watched carefully to figure out exactly where you were going and what your job was.

You made your way to the locker room and looked around for the cabinet you needed, but stopped at the one marked for Scott. It wouldn't hurt to just take a peek, right?

"Oh, god," Scott sighed as he watched helplessly, "oh, god, this isn't happening."

You opened the door and took a step back, shocked at the various pictures of you stuck to the door like some kid with a crush. You stood frozen in shock as you looked at each one, not sure of what to think or what to do. You wanted to rip them all down and throw them out, but decided it was just better to walk away and forget you ever saw them. Of course, you knew that you were lying to yourself; you wouldn't be able to forget and now things were going to be weird between you.

You shook the images from your mind and tried to focus. This was taking too long; your directions were to get in and get out. Quickening your pace, you scanned the names on each locker until you found the right one, but here was a lock on it that looked like it was fingerprint coded. It would be easy enough to just break it open, but there was likely an alarm trigger if you did. Fortunately, your power of intangibility transferred to anything touching you, so you really didn't even need to open it at all. You took a deep breath and held it as you pushed your hand through the heavy metal door and felt around until it was in your hands.

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