Typical School Day

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Chapter 2

Typical School Day

        After gazing at Diggys poster for a few more seconds, you make your way to the bathroom. You hit on the light and stare at yourself in the mirror. You stare closely at yourself, examining your skin. ''Ugh, another pimple, GREAT!'' As soon as you attempt to pop it, your mom busts through the door again. '[YN]!!!! Are you up now!?'' ''Yes ma,'' you yell as loud as you can so she goes away. You weren't really a morning person, and it didn't help that she was yelling at you. Only reason why you were excited was because it was friday and tomorrow was your bday. That was the only thing that kept you sane at this point. ''Alright [yn], well look I gotta go. I left breakfast on the table, I love u. I'll see you later!'' She kisses you on your cheek and leaves your room. You hear the front door slam. ''Oh man, my morning breathe is deadly!'' You brush your teeth and wash your face. Heading to your closet, you check your phone to check the time. It was 7:00, you had to leave the house by 7:40 to get picked up by your friends. You open your closet and decide to go with a quick and simple outfit. A school hoodie, straight jeans and some white chucks. Since it was friday, no fucks were given. You go with natural make-up and your hair sat on top your head in the cute and full bun. After grabbing your bagpack and cell phone, you head down stairs. On the table, you find some waffles, couple slices of bacon, fruit & your lunch money. ''Hmmm. This looks on point.'' Finishing off the last piece of bacon, you wipe your hands on a napkin. You get a text on ur phone saying to come outside. It was time to go. You put the dishes in the sink and flung your bag pack across your back. You get one last glance of yourself on the way out before locking the door.

        You start making your way to the car. You see your two best friends Chelsea and Monique. As you got closer they started pointing at you and making silly faces. ''Haha, y'all need to chill. I'm so glad its friday!'' ''Yeah,'' adds Chelsea, ''Not to mention your bday is this weekend!'' Chelsea was ur bf since 3rd grade. She was thoughtful & real trust worthy. ''Yes! We gone turn all the way up,'' Monique yelled. She was crazy. No, literally she was. Loud and straightforward as well. You met her in 6th grade. ''Well we will see about that,'' u said as you hopped in the back seat. Monique turns the radio up. Radio Announcer: Hey ladies! Don't forget to purchase your Scream Tour Tickets! Performers will include Jacob Latimore, OMG Girlz, Mindless Behavior & Head lining is Diggy Simmons!'' Your eyes lit up when you heard his name. Chelsea began talking over the radio, ''Aye y'all we should go to that concert!'' Monique looked over at Chels, ''True, that would be perfect if we did." ''Yeah but its probably too late anyway, the concert is tomorrow and I'm sure all the good seats are gone. We waited way too long!'' ''Well, lets hope not,'' says Chelsea with a smirk on her face, looking at Monique. You guys then make your way to school.

        You guys pull up and head inside toward your lockers. The first bell rang so you start walking to your first period. It was English. Mr. Spelman was a pretty legit teacher. He was cool for the most part but knew how to get serious. You and the girls take your seats and prepare for the lesson. ''Alright class, I know its Friday but I need your focus!'' He meant busines. ''Read the board and get started.'' You look up and read quietly to yourself. ''Turn your books to page 245 and start taking notes on the short story. Silence!'' About 10 Mins into class, the door opens which makes everyone look up. In comes the school whore, Roxanne. She was super annoying and rude. She walked over to his desk, swaying her wide hips way too much. What a force. ''Sorry Mr. Spelman, there was a wreck,'' she said loud enough for all to hear. ''Just have a seat Roxanne.'' She then walked down your aisle, purposely bumping your desk. What a bitch. She took a seat right behind you and in between her friends. They began whispering, real loud. ''I SAID SILENCE,'' Mr. Spelman yelled as he stared at you. ''Bu-Buut it wasn't m..'' ''NOT ANOTHER WORD, [YN]!'' You looked down in anger, then back at Roxanne. She was grinning at you. You rolled your eyes and turned around. This would be a long friday, you thought to yourself.

End of Chapter 2.

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