Time for Business

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Chapter 179

Time for Business

                      **Click-Clack-Click-Clack** The sound of boots woke you up this morning. You sat up and saw Daniel standing at the bathroom sink. The running water indicated that he was brushing his teeth. After a few minutes, you watched him walk to the closet. He stood at the centered island where his jewelry and cologne were, then he sprayed some cologne on. "He's so sexy..." Your eyes met as he walked over to you. "Look whose up..." "Hey babe." "Hey... how you feelin mama?" You blushed, just from staring at him. His skin was flawless. He smiled as you rubbed his face with your hand, "I feel great."  "I know you do... the way I put you to sleep last night..." "Whatever..." He smiled, "Told you bout that frontin [Yn]." "Mhm..." He leaned in and kissed you, "I gotta go. Long day ahead of me. It's time for business." "What's that?" ''My album. I'm gna be real busy for the next for months leading up to the release of it." "You have songs prepared?" "Yeah yeah," he scratched his chin hair, "I started a few but now I'm finalizing things." "Oh okay." He chuckled, "You going to see Uncle Russ today?" "Yeah. I just wanna meet with him and see what he's gna have me doing." This look on Daniels face made you a bit worried, "DANIEL..." " 'DANIEL' , stop whining, it'll be fine." You sighed deeply. "I love you [Yn]." "I love you too." "Can you now say it while looking at me?" He laughed when you turned around. Daniel stood up and laid on top of you, "Say it to my face!" "NOOOO!!!" You thought blowing some of your breathe in his face would get him off but he always said it wasn't so bad in the morning. "Nice try." You hesitated at first, "I love you." "Was that so hard? Huh?" "Mmmm..." He kissed you softly on the neck. "You'll be fine, I promise baby. Just follow his direction in whatever he's doing, okay?" "Okay." He got off of you, then pointed at Champ. He slept so peacefully. "He's adorable Daniel." "Isn't he? Let him sleep though, hahaha. Come walk me to the door please." The two of you walked through out the quiet house. Spin and Darnell come through last night, it was so fun just hangin out with the squad. They both left around 1 ish. The girls were sleeping together in the guest bedroom. "Text me when you make it there okay?" "I will." He kissed you slowly. "You smell so good." "I know." "Ummm, a 'thank you' would have been more appropriate." You rolled your eyes, then turned around. His slap on your ass hurt so much. "I'll try and meet you and the girlies up for lunch." "Alright." He was gone. You headed for the guest bedroom and found your two besties asleep. "AAAAAAH!" You jumped when you felt something by your foot, "Oh, hey Champ!" His fur scared you. Champ was so cute, standing there wagging his tail. You picked him up and checked on the girls. You laid in between them, "Nah uh, get that dog and your ass outta this bed!" "Good morning to you too Monique." She laughed and turned over, "Whats going on today?" "I gotta meet Uncle Russ for a few, then I wanna spend time with my girls." "Girl he's so rude." "I know it comes off that way," you looked down, "But he has my best interest at heart. He knows I wanna pursue fashion so he's gna let me intern for a bit." "Paid internship?" "I'll find out today..." "Cool, when you leaving?" "Next half hour." She nodded, then leaned across you to smack Chelsea's ass, "WAKE UP!!!" She mummbled something. "Yeah, I'm not gna work until you guys leave though, I think..." "Do whatever you gotta do, we understand." You smiled, "Okay."

                     You pulled up the Uncle Russel's building. Butterflies filled your stomach as you parked your car. Today was simply an overview of what you'd be doing for him this summer. It was Mid-June so this would be an interesting summer. The attire for today was business casual. You had on a button down shirt, slacks, flats, and a low bun. All you brought besides your purse was a sketch pad of your designs and a homemade portfolio. "Let me text his boy..." You let Daniel know you made it. Once you walked inside, you felt less worried. For security purposes, you had to be buzzed in. "Hi, its [Yn] for Mr. Simmons." Seconds later, the same girl from the first time spoke over the speaker, "Hi!!! I remember you pretty girl.  It's Christina. I'll let you in. Come up to the 10th floor." "Thank you," you exhaled. The gate opened, then another door slid open. It all looked familiar now. You got on elevator and patiently walked. Daniel texted you back, "Glad you made it. Be patient ;-*." See it was shit like that that made you wonder what the hell you were walking into. *Ding*  You stepped off and made your way down the hall. There stood Christina waiting for you. "Hi!!!" She gave you a hug, "How are you?" "Great and you?" She looked to the side, "I'm okay... Just tryna get through this morning. Follow me." You followed into Russels office. He was on the phone cussin someone out. Once he saw you, he smiled, "I'll call you back, make sure my shit is done," he hung the phone up, "Come on in you." You cracked a smile and walked in. "Whats that shit in your hand?" "My portfolio and a few sketches." He nodded and rubbed his chin, "Hand it to me." It was silent was while scanned your work. You started sketching designs when you were in junior high. Over the years they improved. The latest was the same night you and Daniel got into an arguement. Sketching took you away from it all. "I like these, a lot. You mind if they stay here with me just for today?" "Not at all!" "Good..." He sat your work down on his desk. "So why are you dating my nephew..." "I... "You 'love' him?" You giggled, "Yes." "How cute. Don't let me find out you're only around for his money... Or else you'll have a problem with me." "Hahaha." "What the hell is so funny?" You shook you head, "That you'd think something like that." He sat up, "So I've been told. I don't trust you, at all... But there's something inside of me that wants to... So I'm gna give you a chance." You smiled. He stared at you, "Get up. I wanna show you something." You both walked throughout his huge office. He led you to a shelve, "Here. Hold all these." He placed five books in your hand. You both sat in some nearby chairs, "Two of those are personally written books. The others are books about fashion and the evolution of it. Read them. I'll give you a week." "Yes Sir. So what should I expect while working here?" "You will be my slave. We all gotta start somewhere. I'll show you the ropes of fashion and what to expect in the business. I'll take you to fashion shows, stores, showings, events, you name it. I will help you get to where you need to be." You almost teared up, this was a dream come true. "Wow, sounds exciting." "Yes, but it won't be easy." You nodded. "Come back to my office, lets talk more young lady." You followed him back to his desk.

End of Chapter 179.

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