First Flight

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Chapter 5

First Flight

        ''Thanks Mrs. [YLN],'' said Chels and Mo as your mom dropped them off. They lived a few houses away from each other. You were silent the entire ride home. ''How was it baby,'' asked your mom. ''It was alright.'' You pulled up in your drive way moments later. ''I'm glad you had a good time baby.'' You don't see how she thought that when you didnt speak at all . Mo and Chelsea were the only ones talking on the ride home. The two of you safely made it inside. ''Oh look baby, you forgot to open your dads card.'' You took it and opened it. It was a beautiful card. You smiled for the first time in hours. It had a plane ticket it in, a flight the next morning to New York. You got a little excited. ''Hey ma, look its a plane ticket.'' ''Oh, how awesome. Gotta get up early for this flight I seee,'' she said as she looked at the departure time. ''Oh great,'' you said thinking about how tired you'd be, oh well it was worth it. Since your mom and dad seperated, you really didnt see your dad that much. He moved to New York to continue his career. ''It would only be temporary,'' you replayed him saying in your mind. Yeah, ''temporary.'' Whatever. ''I'm so tired ma, I'm gna head to bed and get ready for this flight tomorrow.'' ''Okay baby, 'I'll see ya in a few hours.'' You dragged yourself up stairs and flopped on the bed. It was going on 10:00. Your flight for New York was at 5:00 in the morning. The trip wouldnt be that long, since you had school back on Tuesday. You'd only be in New York for a couple days. You laid in your bed and reflected over the concert. It was all so much to take in. You got to see so many talented and young artists doin their thing. When you thought about Digs performance, you imagined when he had first stepped out on stage. He glowed. He was perfect. His presence on stage was amazing. You frowned whenever you thought of Roxanne though. ''That should have been me on stage,'' you thought to yourself. You never really knew why Roxanne hated you so much. Anyone else on stage but her would have been okay, or was it the fact that Diggy over looked you. You thought he was staring and pointing at you. Maybe thats what hurt the most. You got out of bed and decided you would start packing for the trip. You yawned and started taking clothes from your closet. What a ''great'' birthday.

        ''Good morning beautiful,'' your mom said with a smile. She was laying next to you in bed. You opened your eyes and turned over. ''Huh, what did you say.'' ''I said 'Good Morning' baby,'' she repeated a bit puzzled. ''Oh hey ma, sorry my ears hurt.'' Your hearing was muffled. The concert had your ears all jacked up. ''Oh, thats why they call it a Scream Tour, I see,'' she laughed. ''Right.... ahhhh. What time is it?'' ''It's 3:30, I wanted to make sure you wouldnt miss your flight. You know that drive to the airport is nearly 45 mins.'' On that note, you got up and headed to the bathroom. After about 15 minutes in the restroom, you put on some comfy clothes and gathered your suitcase and carry-on bag. You headed down stairs with your belongings and decided to just have some cereal and milk. ''Make sure you have everything okay baby.'' You dropped your spoon in the bowl, ''What?'' Your mom got closer, ''Make sure you have everything, okay.'' ''Oh, yes ma'am, sorry ma.'' You giggled and finished your last bite. You dumped out the milk and placed the bowl and spoon into the sink. ''Alright, Im going to make sure I got everything and i'll be ready.'' ''Okay, I'll start the car.'' You jogged upstairs. You took a glance at your poster of Diggy on your wall. After a quick double-check, you went down again. Outside after placing your suitcase in the back seat, you then sat in the passenger seat next to your mom. ''Ready?'' ''Yes ma'am.'' She put the car and reverse and off you were. You dozed off on the way there, besides it was too damn early for this.

        [Yn], [Yn], wake up, we're here.'' You opened your eyes slowly, wiping off some crusty eye boogers. You and your mom got out the car. You stretched a bit, with a nice big yawn. ''Alright baby, I'll walk you to security.'' You grabbed your suitcase out the back seat. The airport was so empty, literally. No one was there but a few people. You entered through the doors and felt that cold gush of wind. You stood in line at the check-in. ''Get your boarding pass and I'D's out please.'' You did so. After the person before you was done, you were next. You handed security you papers. After a few glances at your face, he asked you to place your suitcase on the scale. Moments later he labeled your suitcase and told you you were good. You and your mom walked inside. Security inspection was next. ''Alright baby, here's where we end. I love you sweetie. Have fun and please enjoy yourself.'' ''I love you too ma, thanks for everything. I'll see you Monday evening.'' You kissed each other and she was off. She turned around and walked away, blowing you a kiss and waving. You smiled and continued on. You stood in line. After you waited patiently, you were asked to place your carry-on in the bin, and went through security. ''You're good ma'am.'' You put your shoes back on and grabbed your bag. You went over to the store near by and bought a few snacks for the flight. Some funyuns, a bottle of lemonade and a kittkatt. You stuffed your snacks in your bag and pulled out your boarding pass to see your gate number. Gate 5. You slowly walked over there. You saw a few people sitting there. There was still time so you made yourself nice and comfy.

        Suddenly, you see a group of about 4 walk in. You see 3 light skins guys and one brown skinned. You sat up in your seat. Wiping your eyes,  you made sure you weren't dreaming. You kept staring. You heard some laughter coming from them. You looked around and saw if anyone saw what you're seeing. You see a few older caucasians in one corner, a woman with a baby a few seats over, and family of 4 a bit further over. Obviously they wouldn't be able to confirm who you were seeing and if it was really, Him. The four gentleman took a seat a couple of rows before you. You started shaking and your heart began to race. You stood up a bit to get a better view. Could it be? You were so scared. You stood up out your seat and began walking towards their direction, you didn't know what to do. "Should I say 'Hi' or nah? Well maybe its not even him." You took a seat a bit closer. You stared again. It was Him.

End of Chapter 5.

A Dream Come True (Diggy Love Story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя