Dawn's Party VI

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Dawn's Party VI

Chapter 113

                            You anxiously and nervously ran after Daniel. He was storming back outside to the VIP section. The last words he heard set him off completely. It was quite obvious that Darnell and Daniel had some kind of history but why did that matter? What was the big deal about them knowing each other. These words that Daniel said pierced you, replaying in your head over and over again, "He told you....didn't he?"  The truth was, Darnell ain't say shit but that was something that he wasn't suppose to have told you. Mmmm.. After running down the hall just to catch up with him, you finally grabbed a hold of his arm, "DANIEL STOP!" He turned around and once again pulled his arm from you. "DON'T TOUCH ME [YN]!" He proceeded outside to the VIP section. You followed, hoping no one would end up dead lol. Darnell was sitting on the couch, chatting with some random. Daniel angrily approached D, flicking his straw on the floor and knocking his drink outta his hand. He stood up and got in Daniels face, you watched from behind. Since the room was so loud and everyone was busy having a good time, no one had noticed this fight that just started. "THE FUCK IS YO PROBLEM DIGGY?" "MEET ME IN THE HALLWAY!" "WHY?!" Daniel said nothing more, he just walked back out, looking back to see if Darnell was gona listen. D looked at you, sighed, then followed Daniel outside. You followed behind D as well. The three of you stood in the hallway, it was about to go down... "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU TELL HER?" "TELL HER WHAT DIG, THE FUCK YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" "SHE KNOWS THAT WE," he said pointing at himself then Darnell, " KNOW EACH OTHER." "LOOK, BRUH...I AIN'T TELL HER!" Daniel started to turn red, you had never seen this side of him before, "I SWEAR IF YOU DON'T ANSWER MY QUESTION, IM GONE KNOCK YOU UPSIDE YO GOT DAMN HEAD...." "BITCH, I WISH YOU WOULD," D said getting up closer to his face, "DIGGY YOU AIN'T NOTHING BUT A BITCH YO SELF!" You knew this wouldn't end too pretty, you jumped in the middle and tried to separate them, "STOP!!!! PLEASE DON'T FIGHT!" You couldn't take seeing the one you loved fighting someone you cared about. This was hard. You felt someone push you; you turned your head and saw that it was Diggy that pushed you. You turned your head and stared right into his eyes, he had never been so aggressive with you (well, besides in the bed room when he was beatin it up lol). You backed up slowly and stood against the wall. "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU PUSH HER?" Daniel didn't say anything, he just let his head fall back and sighed. You leaned against the wall and let yourself fall to the ground, sitting down now, "Tell me what, what is it that you don't want me to know?" They both looked at each other, then you. Darnell backed up, then put his hands out, "I think you should be the one to explain this." Daniel nodded his head, "YOU JUST TRYNA GET BACK AT ME FOR WHAT HAPPENED WITH TATIANNA HUH? HUH YOU LIL BITCH?" Darnell got mad again charged right into Daniels face. Suddenly, Spin and Trevor came running from outside. They quickly separated  the two of them. "MAN GET OFF OF ME," D yelled, "I'M OVER THIS PETTY SHIT!" You stood to your feet and stood in the middle of all the chaos, "TELL ME WHAT? WHAT AM I NOT SUPPOSE TO KNOW?" Darnell looked at Diggy, then pushed through the crowd by standers and walked out. D punched the wall and continued walking. Chelsea, who had gone to get help to break the fight up, followed behind her cousin. Daniel looked at you with these eyes; I can't describe the look he gave you. He did look sorry though. "[Yn]...Babe.." "WHY'D YOU PUSH ME!" You wiped the tears from your eyes and stormed outside to VIP section. "[YN]!" You heard him calling you in the distance but you ignored him. Now you were back outside in the VIP section, grabbing your things. You looked up and saw Tatianna, still staring. How did some bitch you didn't even know cause all this drama. You still had unanswered questions. You felt someone's  arms grab you. Quickly you turned around and saw that it was Daniel. You forcefully pushed him, causing him to fall to the couch, "SEE HOW IT FEELS, HUH DIGGY?" You left him there and headed outside. Monique followed you. "I can't take this shit no more," you said walking quickly to the front entrance. "[Yn], what happened?" "I don't want to talk abt it Monique, lets just leave." The two of you headed outside and found D and Chelsea standing outside the club. Darnell looked at you with concern. "You alright [yn]?" You let out a sarcastic laugh, "For now." Monique stood and held you. "That shit was bound to happen," D said shaking his head. Suddenly a cab pulled up, "Y'all wanna roll wit us?" "Yeah, ill pay for the hotel," you offered. The four of you got in the cab and left this party and Daniel behind.

End of Chapter 113.

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