Champ Isn't the Only Champ

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Chapter 163

Champ Isn't the Only Champ


                You stared into his eyes, "I'm gonna name him Champ." Daniel smiled, "I like that, I like that a lot." "That's cute [Yn]." Monique let out a scream as you approached her while holding him. "Don't be afraid. He's adorable Monique." This buffoon was walking on a ten thousand dollar couch all because she was afraid of a dog. "Monique, please. Pet him." The puppy enjoyed your soft strokes, which made him gently lick your face. "Awwwwh," Chelsea squealed. "I'm getting jealous," Daniel folded his arms. You looked at him, "Babe? Seriously? Hahaha." He winked. You didn't notice but Monique slowly extended her hand to pet Champ. "See... He won't bite you ma." His lick on her hand made her jump but she relaxed. "Stop doing the most and get off this expensive couch." She leaned over, "Shut up Chelsea, shit." Everyone laughed. His bark made her jump and fall, almost off the damn couch. This was hilarious. Daniel walked over to you and Champ, "I'm glad you like him." "I love him." "Good, good... We gotta get going baby. It's almost 10 and we gotta early flight tomorrow at 7." "Right. I'm gonna miss him though." He pet him, "Me too." Daniel could tell you didn't wanna leave Champ, you were already attached. "Don't worry about him [Yn], you know I'm gna take real good care of him," Chelsea said smiling, "I got a good history with pets." Daniel looked at her, "You had a dog?" "Mhm. It died though," she said looking down. He put his hand on her shoulder, "Sorry to hear that." "Its all good!" Daniel snapped his fingers, "Almost forgot [Yn]. Follow me." The three of you followed Daniel to the bedroom. He led you to the corner of the room, almost near the bed. It was Champ's bed. Near that, a few toys. Cute little decorations were above his bed. "Awh, Dan," you covered your mouth. "The food and supplies are in this door," he opened it up, "I wanna train him to use to restroom outside on the patio on these disposable mats. We'll work on that when we get back but for now, its all you ladies," he said smiling. "I got this," Chelsea said patting her chest. "Thank you," you said kissing Dan on his lips. "Of course," he looked into your eyes. Champ barked  when Monique tried to pet him. "See.. Nah uh. I can't do this," she backed up. Daniel looked her up and down, "C'mon ma...." "Nope," she left the room. You looked into Champ's eyes, "He's so cute, I can't even take this all in," you held him close. Daniel scratched his head, "Hey Chelsea, you mind if I speak to [Yn], for a moment. Just wanna holla at her." "This is your house, you aint gotta say it twice," she said politely leaving. "Thank you." Once the door shut, he looked at you, "You still been feeling sick?" You nodded, "Not at all." "Good good. Look ummm, I thought maybe having this puppy would be good practice for us until we have our own child one day." You smiled, "Yeah. I think you're right," you stroked champ gently. "Do you really like him baby?" "Yes, I promise I do..." "You sure? You can be honest. Alright. Just making sure," he pet the dog too, "I just felt bad about the fight we had that day about getting a dog. I wanna apologize for being selfish on that." "It's fine. Really. You've definitely helped me move on from that from all that you've done lately. I appreciate it." Daniel was really big on pleasing you; not just in the bedroom but in other ways. He wanted to make sure you stayed mostly happy since so much has happened. "I love Champ Daniel... I couldn't have asked for a cuter dog," you said kissing his lips. "Incredible," he checked his phone, "You ready to head out?" "Yeah, I'm ready to unwind before our long flight." "Me too." You put champ down and watched him wattle over to this bed. He curled into a little ball and relaxed. "Awh... thats so cute," you said walking over to him, "Mommy will be back soon okay." He barked, then licked your hand. "You need to grab anything else," Daniel said checking his closet. You headed to the bathroom to wash your hands, "Nah. I think I'm good." After you finished up, you headed into the living room to meet up with the girls. They were on the couch laughing about something. "Y'all heading out?" "Mhm." They both got up and exchanged hugs and kisses with you both. "Hey, remember you are welcome to anything in this condo. Don't be shy." "Alright. Thanks Diggy. Darnell said he's on the way here soon." "That's fine," he said grabbing his keys. "C'mon baby." You followed him out the door. "BYEEEEEE!" "BYE LADIES!" 

        "Thank you for waiting Michael," Daniel said approaching him. "Of course. I've placed your bags next to your car. You need help getting them inside." "No thank you. But I appreciate it." He smiled, "Enjoy your trip. I'll be seeing your around," he said getting inside his car. You watched him drive off as Daniel placed the suitcases in the car. Once he got done, he looked at you, "You ready?" "Mhm," you said without looking at him. His kiss took your focus from your thoughts. He wrapped his arms around your waist and continued to kiss you. His soft neck kisses gave you chills. "Okay okay, that's enough," you stopped before the waterworks lol. "Come on, I can't kiss you...." "We all know what that leads to," you walked over to your door. He opened it for you. Once he got in, you continued talking. "Just give in already," he scooted his seat back, "C'mon... I'll make it feel real good." You shook your head, "You are so evil..." He laughed, "Suite yourself. Just know that you're gna have have to give in sometime," he said smirking. "Whatever." After he fixed his seat and started his car, he took off and headed to your hotel.

End of Chapter 163.

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