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Chapter 45


                        You held Diggys hand as you lead him downstairs from the abandoned room you were both in. He brought you upstairs not to get freaky but to simply prove a very valuable lesson. It wasn't that he didnt want you, because trust me, he did but he saw the innocence in you and didn't wanna unwrap the bow until he knew you were truly ready. After all, relationships aren't just about the physical. The two of you finally ended up at the bottom of the staircase. ''Finally.. dang,'' you said huffing and trying to catch your breathe. ''Hahahaaaa, you just need to get in shape.'' You looked at him and raised your eyebrow, ''boy puuuuhh-leeeez.'' He playfully hit your butt. *from the living room* ''HAHAHAHAAAAAA, JOSEPH HAHAHAAA! YAS YAS!'' You and Diggy looked at each other and thought the same thing, what was soo funny? You walked together toward the laughs in the living room. There you found your family sitting on the couch, still talking and unmoved from the last time you saw them. When you and Diggy stood together in front everyone, your family looked up and smiled at the two of you. ''Aaaaaaawwwwh, look how cute,'' Rev said with a high-pitch voice. You both looked at each other and laughed. ''I see you two have finally made up,'' your dad said. ''Come come children, sit among us and talk,'' your mom suggested. You and Diggy nodded and sat next to each other on a small section of the couch. He sat close to you. ''So kiddos, I must know... How do you feel about each other,'' Rev asked looking at each of you. You both looked at each other, ''Have y'all had y'alls first fight yet,'' your dad asked laughing. You guys didn't really speak, you just laughed. ''I really like your daughter,'' Diggy spoke first, ''She's funny, great sense of humor. I like the way she carries herself. Very confident and sure of herself.'' You blushed. ''AAAAAWWWW." Diggy looked at your face and added, ''Not to mention beautiful.'' Your dad spoke, ''She got those genes from me, as you can see,'' he said standing up and posing like a model. Everyone laughed and clapped. Your dad was sooooo goofy. ''Thank you Diggy.'' He wrapped his arm around you and kissed your forehead. You blushed so hard. ''Alright [yn], come on, YOUR TURN, brag on my baby,'' Mrs. Justine said. You licked your lips and began, ''Well, first and foremost, Daniel is very respectful. He's never made me feel anything less then valuable,'' everyone awwwwed again, ''He's a true gentleman and very wise. I see where he gets his goofiness from,'' you said pointing at his parents, ''and of course he's very handsome.'' Russy suddenly *coughed* to contradict what you said. Everyone laughed. ''Whatever Russ...'' Diggy said smiling. ''Well, I happen to think that the two of you are a really cute couple, you just seem so right,'' Ms. Justine said. ''Yes, complete upgrade from that last one,'' the Rev was shaking his head. ''I mean, she was nuts.'' ''Dad,'' Diggy said widening his eyes, ''Please.'' ''Hahaha, I mean she was a real creep though. Stalking my boy.'' Your dad added, ''Oh I see, I know what thats like,'' he smirked. You laughed but couldn't help but notice how upset that made Diggy. He really aint like her... better yet strongly despised her. You often wondered what happened. Diggy said leave it in the past but you couldn't help it. He sighed and shook his head. ''I'm tired ma,'' Miley yawned. ''Oh sweetie, lets get you to bed.'' Next Rev. stood up, ''Sounds like a plan, I'm pooped. It was a long evening with [yn]. Let's all get some rest. I'd let to invite you all to my church tomorrow morning and afterwards we can have a nice brunch in town.'' ''Sounds like a plan Sir,'' your dad said.'' ''Russy, get your sister tucked in bed while I show Daryl and Michelle to their bed.'' Everyone stood up and got situated. Diggy stood up and left. You followed him and wondered what was wrong. ''Babe....babe whats wrong?'' He stood at this bedroom door and turned to you, ''Nothing, I'm just ready to go to sleep.'' ''Why did you storm off like that?'' He looked away from your face, ''Look I'm fine. I'll see you in the morning for church.'' You leaned in for a kiss but he turned away too fast to notice. It wasn't until he shut his door that you opened your eyes and realized that you weren't getting a kiss. You sighed and then headed for bed. Once you got inside, you laid across the bed and thought, ''Why does he always get so sensitive about that? I gotta know what happened...'' 

End of Chapter 45.

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