Full House

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Chapter 101

Full House

                      "Hahahaaaaa, Daniel stop!!! STOP STOP STOP!!!!" "Nope! Too late..." He was tickling the hell outta you.. "I think imma pee on myself." "Shit, you good, HAHA." He got off of you, setting you free. Once you reached the edge of the bed, you looked back and yelled, "SIKE!" He gasped and began chasing you. To brush you up on what was going on, you and Daniel just got done having some amazing sex. The two of you put your clothes back on and just sat around, talking. Talking soon became playing around. See, Daniel knew your tickle spots. He'd torture you until your stomach cramped from laughing. You guys also liked to wrestle too. Sometimes Daniel would come home from the studio late, a bit tired and sometimes frustrated. Never frustrated from his craft, he loved his music, but just whenever he couldn't get something right. He was a perfectionist; he was meticulous with his music and sometimes wouldn't stop until he was dead tired. So, whenever he'd come home the two of you would wrestle; it relieved stress for him and you as well. Daniel had you corned, right behind a chair, "Just give up... You lost [yn]." You looked at him, then looked around to see if you could find an escape route. He carefully watched your eyes, predicting your next move. "Hahaaaa, I already know what you gone do.." You laughed, then bit your bottom lip. Suddenly, you ran the opposite direction, nearly tripping over a couch. The two of you laughed as you ran aronud like two big ass kids lol. You thought you had it, but you were wrong. "Oh no," you said as you felt him grab a hold of you. He wrapped his arms tight around your stomach. "Gotcha," he said kissing your cheeks over and over again. "Okay okay, you win Daniel. Shit. Now put me down." "I always win...so don't play yourself right now. And I'll put you down when you ask nicely." "Sheesh, whatever." "Oh," he asked, "Thats how it is?" He squeezed you so hard that you could barely breathe. "Oooouch, babe stop...I..C-can't bre-eathe." "Oh, what was that you said now?" You whined, begging him to stop. "Ask politely." "Daniel. Ple-please!" He let go, allowing you to finally take in enough oxygen. "Oh my gosh, I swear you almost killed me Daniel! Haha!" "Oh," he said sarcastically, "I'd never do such a thing," he said slowly, squinting his eyes. Pointing your finger in his face, you said, "You're so evil Daniel." "Mhm," he said looking at ass. "Stop looking, you ain't ever getting some of this again," you said slapping your butt. He smirked, rolled his eyes, "Yeah? Whatever." He turned away and sat on the bench to put his shoes on. "We leaving Daniel?" He looked up at your innocent and clueless face,"Uhhhh, we have company at the house [yn].." "Oh, oh yeah." "Mhm, so get your stuff so we can go." "Yes master." He looked up and tying his shoe, "Hahaaa, I likes that." You laughed, walking over to the table. You started benting over, putting your sandals on. Daniel must have been watching you, because he was extra quiet. Once you turned you head, you saw him leaning his back against the bed, his arms propped up. You tried so hard to be sexy and he picked that up quite fast. "You tryna get fucked again [yn]?" "Maybe..." He threw his head back from laughing, "Girl.. You something else." Once you got down putting your sandals on, you grabbed your bag and stood in front of him. Daniel was on his phone, eyes glued to the screen. You took your hand and rubbed your fingers through his curls. He asked without looking up, "You want me to cut it babe?" "Nah uh." He put his phone away and looked up at you, "Ready?" "Mhm." He stood up and held you in his arms. You could tell from the way he looked you in your eyes that he was about to get serious, "We gotta talk about this, okay? Gotta figure some things out." You agreed, nodding your head. He kissed your forehead, "Let's go." 

                     Daniel pulled up to the condo garage, parking his car next to yours. On the way to the condo, you guys talked about everything. You both promised to have more trust for each other, and of course to always be honest about everything. He pushed your seat button, unsnapping it for you. No matter what, he was always a gentleman. Opening and closing doors for you. He walked around the car, opening your door for you. "Thank you Daniel." The two of you walked inside. He looked at you, smiling. Then he grabbed your hand. You guys took the elevator up, heading to the door. Right before he took the key out, he stopped and looked at you, "Remember what we talked about [yn]." "Okay," you said nodding. If you're wondering, you both agreed to not fight. Do your best to focus on the company. He shoved the key into the lock and turned the knob. You both stepped inside, peering inside the living room from the front foyer. "I wonder why they being so quiet?" "They watching a movie [yn]." "Oh." "Yeah, come on lets go join them." It didn't take long for someone to notice that you guys made it back. "WELL LOOK WHOSE BACK!" Everyone, well at least the ones who weren't sleep, sat up and watched you guys walk inside. "We missed y'all," Chelsea said letting out a big yarn. "It's okay ma, we're here to stay now." Spin put his phone down and looked at you, "You feelin better [yn]?" "Oh, yeah. I am!" He laughed, then did some grinding motion with his hips, "I'm sure Dig made you feel real nice." You rolled you eyes and looked around to see what everyone else was doing. Jacob had Monique on his lap, they both were knocked out. Princeton sat in between Sam and Chelsea. All three if them were asleep. Trevor and Darnell were talking with Roc and Ray Ray. (If I forgot anyone else, oh well. Too many people lol). Your eyes met Darnell's, he made a slight smile. "Aye [yn], come here." "Okay Ray, hold on." You and Daniel went your separate ways. He joined Spin and you went to the back to your bedroom. It felt good to be on good terms Daniel, but you wanted to continue to keep it that way. His performance was Saturday and you didn't want to distract his focus with your bullshitting. Why were you so emotionally lately? Hmmmm... ;) Idk, you tell me. Anyway, you got freshened up with a quick shower and changed into some comfy lounge-around clothes. "Hi Daniel." You just came out the bathroom and spotted him inside the closet. "Aye babe," just as you were leaving, he called you back. "Yes?" "Order some pizza," he said reaching for his wallet out his pocket. He handed you his black card. "How many?" "Uuuuummm, do 10 boxes. Yeah," he said rubbing his chin, "Just to be safe...Okay?" "Kay." You turned away and headed to the front. "Damn, its 1:00 already?" "Mhm," you heard a voice agree. Darnell came from the restroom and walked with you to the front. "Haha. Hey D. Whats up?" "Nothin really, Ha...This crib is amazing though." "Thanks." Spin stood with you and D. "Who you callin?" "Dan said to order pizza." "Where y'all ordering from?" "Ummmm, I'm lookin up some places on my phone." "Hurry, shit I'm starving," Spin said walking off. D laughed, "He's hilarious." "Yeah, he's something else huh," you scrolled on your phone, "Okay, I got something. Pizza Mezzeluna?" "Sounds good." You called and placed the order. Half way through the order, you got frustrated and almost hung up. "Shit." "What's wrong babe," Daniel overheard you, he was approaching you and D. "They don't deliver this late." "Alright, I'll just go pick them up. Text me the address." "Okay." "Yeah. Don't cancel the order. Spin, let's roll. Y'all wanna come?" "Nah, I'll stay," D said shaking his hand. "Same here." Daniel nodded, then walked away, asking if anyone else wanted to go. Roc and Ray joined them. "Wanna go sit D?" "Yeah." Both of y'all sat down together. You both started laughing, Monique was snoring all in Jacobs ear. "I wonder how they getting along," you said pointing on them. "Haha, they good. They seem perfect for each other. Haven't separated since earlier." Thats good lol.. "Haha, yeah...How you feelin, you feelin better?" You almost got lost in his green eyes, "Oh...Yeah. Much better," you smiled just thinking about how good that sex was. You darnell talked for the next half hour. Continuing to get to know each other. He was super sweet, but you knew that Daniel Dwayne Simmons was where it was at lol.

End of Chapter 101.

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