Who are you?

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Chapter 32

Who are you?

                You found yourself in the restroom. ''I can't believe this is happening right now?'' You sat against the wall and started crying. This has been a tough few weeks. Lots of drama, too much drama. Why was all this happening? Senior year was suppose to be the best year right? Monique came running in the restroom, out of breathe from running after you, ''[Yn]! [Yn]! please get up. [Yn]!'' She pulled you up and hugged you. After a few moments you let go. You both looked each other in the eyes. Monique went into the restroom stall and got a tissue. ''Here,'' she said wiping your eyes, ''Everything will be okay, just relax.'' You starting thinking, thinking about everything. You thought about how Donte cheated on you. Yeah, it was four years ago but it was like a scar; it didn't hurt as much but it was still there. Sometimes thinking about it brought back old feelings, but not today.... today you felt angry. He came over to your house, twice, and made a fool out of himself. He was now using your bestfriend to get back at you. Oh...hell....naw. Monique noticed you breathing harder and harder. ''[Yn], you gotta calm down. Please. I don't want you to do something you'll regret.'' She tried hugging you, ''Monique... Monique let go,'' you said pulling away from her, but she wouldn't let go ''Monique....MO..... MONIQUE STOP IT, SHIT!!!'' She backed up and looked at you in fear. ''MONIQUE IM TIRED OF THIS SHIT, I'M TIRED OF HIM. IM NOT GNA LET HIM THINK THIS IS OKAY.'' You walked towards the door, then stopped and looked at Monique, ''IVE HAD IT.'' You suddenly ran out, heading back to the cafeteria. ''[YN], [YN], [YN]!!! STOP,'' is what you heard in the distance. You ignored Monique and walked back in. You looked around the crowded cafeteria and then stopped, ''found ya.'' Monique came behind you and grabbed you, ''[Yn], you gotta stop! You don't wanna get suspended don't you?'' You turned to Monique, ''Look I gotta handle this. Just shut up and have my back okay?'' She nodded and followed you to the table. You found the two of them sitting together with a group of people. As you approached, everyone began to look up at you. Donte and Chelsea looked up and your eyes met. Your face showed anger, but then you laughed, ''You know, its funny....its funny how you think you know a person, but you have no idea. Chelsea I feel sorry for you, I really do.'' She stood up and slowly walked over to you, ''Donte don't give A FUCK about you! You know he only using you just to get what back at me.'' Her face tensed up and she walked closer to you. Now she was in your face, ''NO HE'S NOT, WE HAVE SOMETHING SPECIAL!!!! YOU JUST JEALOUS HUH?'' You backed up a bit, knowing how someone in your face ticked you off, ''CHELSEA WHY IN THE HELL DO YOU THINK SOMEONE LIKE HIM WILL REMAIN FAITHFUL. HE HURT ME AND HE WILL HAVE NO PROBLEM HURTING YOU.'' She looked at Donte and then back at you, ''HE LOVES ME OKAY!'' You chuckled, ''Yeah, he said the same thing before he cheated  on me with her,'' you said pointing at Roxanne. ''Look, you need to reconsider some shit Chelsea.'' ''No I don't, because I've made my decision,'' she said walking away from you. She sat next to Donte, who was now smirking at you. You looked at Monique and then down. You started walking away, but then something inside just, you just couldn't control it. You ran over to Chelsea and tried to hit her, but thankfully, Monique held you back. ''IT'S NOT WORTH IT, she's not.'' She was right, you thought about how another suspension wouldn't look to good on you, plus Diggy had some plans for the two of you. Getting grounded again wud suck ass. You calmed down a bit and backed up. Chelsea got up and yelled, ''Better find abother way to school.'' You ignored her and pushed through the crowd of people the scene attracted. You and Monique walked away and didn't look back. At this point, she was all you needed. 

                The day was finally over and you were able to make it through the rest of the day without killin anyone. The final bell rang, so you and Monique headed to the student parking lot. Once y'all were outside, you headed for Chelseas car. Thats what y'all usually did, her class was all the way across the school so y'all would have to wait on her. ''Wait wait... Remember?'' ''Oh yeah,'' you said stopping in your tracks. The two of you stood there and looked around. ''How we gone get home now [Yn],'' Monique asked rhetorically. You sighed, ''the bus I guess?'' ''You know I can't stand that bus girl,'' she was now irritated. You looked up and in the distance saw Chelsea and Donte approaching. You stared in disgust. They walked pass you both, faking laughs to look cute. Force. Chelsea stopped and then turned around, ''Looks like you're out of ....'' she couldn't even finish her sentence before Monique ran at her. You held her back and told her to chill. ''She's not worth it, remember?'' ''Yeah, I'm not,'' she said standing behind Donte. You looked at her and said, ''You aint nothing but a scary bitch.'' Donte held Chelsea close and then kissed her lips. ''Don't worry, I'm always lookin out for my baby.'' They starting makin out. Monique turned away and made puke noises. They pulled their lips apart and looked at you.  Donte was trying so hard to get under your skin. It almost worked. Almost. ''See you around [Yn],'' Donte said holding Chelsea. They held hands and walked to her car. ''Never in a million freaking years would I ever picture this shit.'' ''Me too [Yn],'' Mo agreed. ''I thought she was our friend...'' ''Yeah, but she turned out to be as fake as the Jordan 11s she had on today.'' Y'all both laughed. It was much needed. You looked past Monique because you saw Roxanne approaching, which caused Mo to turn around too. ''I'm not in the mood for this shit, I've dealt with enough stupidity today,'' you told Monique. Roxanne now stood in front of the both of you. You and Monique stood there and folded your arms, awaiting her snobby comment. She just stood there though. ''Well.....,'' Monique said with a neck roll. Roxanne licked her lips and then spoke, ''Look [Yn], I didn't come over here to start any drama.'' You and Monique looked at each other in confusion. ''I saw what happened today at lunch... '' ''Yeah,'' you said exhaling. Roxanne looked down and then up at you, ''I just wanna apologize, you know for everything.'' Your jaw was now on the floor. An apology, for all thats shes done? Wow. You were in complete shock. ''I know saying sorry may not be enough, but I hope it helps.'' You had never seen this side of her before, ever. What in the hell? ''I don't trust this bitch,'' Monique said breaking the silence. ''Excuse us,'' you said pulling Monique aside. She fixed her shirt and focussed on your face, ''I know she may not be the most trustworthy person but she's doin a lot better than some people we know.'' Monique nodded in agreement. ''Look, I''m not saying to trust her, but lets at least hear her out,'' you said lookin at Roxanne who stood there patiently waiting. ''Fine.'' You both rejoined her now. ''I ummmm, I do wanna say I appreciate you going out your way to apologize. It shows a lot. You know.'' ''Thanks,'' she said smiling. ''Where is all this coming from!'' You looked at Monique and rolled your eyes.... ''I just want to make things right, you know. That fight was crazy.'' You both saw the sincerity in her apology. ''I forgive you,'' you said. She stuck her hand out for a shake but you puller her arms in for a hug. This was strange. You were hugging your bully since elementary school. *ahem* Monique coughed out. ''Well ummmm, do you guys need a ri..'' ''YES!'' Monique interrupted. You and Roxanne laughed and headed for her car. On the drive home you really just couldn't believe it. You were in awe. You made sure to thank her when she dropped you off. 

                 You saw both of your parents cars home. ''MA, DA, I'M HOME,'' you yelled shutting the door. They were on the couch chilling. They looked so happy together. ''Hey baby,'' they said together. You threw your bagpack down and sat next to them. ''How was your day [Yn],'' your dad asked. You sighed, there no was point in sugar coating it, ''My best friend is dating my ex and the girl I cant stand apologized to me today.'' They both sat up and looked at you. ''What,'' your mom asked. ''Yeah, crazy huh?'' They both laughed. ''We can talk about that later though but Ma, Da, so umm I don't have a ride to school no more...'' ''AND,'' your dad asked. ''How imma get to school now?'' ''That bus!'' ''DARYL,'' your mom said hitting him playfully. He sat up and looked at you. ''How come you aint tell me about that boy,'' you got a bit nervous. Your dad aint play when it came to boys. ''Y'all met remember daddy,'' you said and watched him think. ''Oh yeah, the wallet. When y'all started dating?'' ''He didnt really ask, he stated it. But it was Friday.'' He shook his head. ''When were you gna tell us?'' You laid back, ''I wanted to find the right time but something always seemed to come up.'' He gave you that 'bullshit' smirk and put a chip in his mouth. ''When am I gna really meet him?'' ''Soon daddy.'' Your mom stepped in, ''I think he's a pretty nice young man. He's cute.'' You all laughed but then your dad stopped to show it was sarcasm, which caused you and your mom to laugh even more. ''Whats for dinner,'' you asked changing the subject. ''We gone just order something. Oh you know what we got leftovers from yesterday.'' ''Oh yeah,'' you said remembering how awkward that was. Suddenly your phone started ringing, it was Diggy. You smiled and excused yourself. ''Its that boy huh,'' your dad asked as you ran upstairs. 

                 You shut the door and laid on the bed. ''Hi Diggy,'' you said with a huge grin. ''Hey beautiful, how are you ma?'' You  sighed, ''I'm okay.'' He asked with concern, ''You aight?'' ''Yeah, just a long day, you know?'' ''Yeah, I had a long one too. It just became great because of you.'' ''Thanks babe.'' That was the first babe of many to come. ''I'm really excited to see you this weekend.'' ''Me too, I need to escape all this drama.'' ''Who you tellin... That boy not givin my baby no trouble huh?'' ''Yeah, him and my ex best friend are running around together like idiots.'' He gasped, ''Wow, are you serious?'' ''Mhm, I had a crazy day.'' He chuckled, ''Its okay, I'll take real good care of you this weekend.'' You laughed and thought about what happened at dinner, he was a low-key freak. ''What did you do today?'' ''I did my online classes, then I went to the studio. After that a meeting and now I'm home.'' ''Sounds fun...'' ''It was alright,'' he said with a yawn. ''You tired Dan?'' ''Yes, very but I had to at least here from you.'' You turned over and you sat up in your bed. You stared at that poster on your wall. That was your boyfriend. ''I miss you Diggy, you said softly. ''I miss you too ma.'' The both of you talked for a bit more. 

End of Chapter 32. 

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