Can You Handle This?

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Chapter 79

Can you handle this?

                      You and Daniel stepped off the elevator covered in each others fluids. Y'all were some real FREAKS! ''That was a real nice quickie,'' Daniel said rubbing your hand as he held it. The two of you walked to your hotel rooms and decided to go freshen up. You both stopped in front of your room door. Turning to his face, you said, ''We should shower together.'' He looked you up and down, licked his lips and then laughed, ''You tryna have round two or what?'' Blushing, you nodded a yes. The sex between you guys was great but I think that's enough for now lol. ''Nah, lets save it for another time babe,'' he said kissing your cheek, ''I'll be back in a few alright.'' ''Kay,'' you said watching him walk off to his room down the hall. He had a really nice walk lol. Once you steppped inside, you shut the door and ran to bed. You flopped on the bed and screamed. ''Oh my gosh, that was sooooo good. That doggy style was fire.'' Now that you were hooked, you imagined if you were going to have sex every single time now. Hmmmm.........;-) *Buzzz**Buzzz**Buzzz* You looked down and saw your phone dancing on the nightstand. ''Uuuuugh,'' you reached over and looked at the screen. ''Ma,'' you said hitting the answer key. ''Hey ma.'' ''Hey baby, I got your text. Me and your father were in church. I'm glad you're safe. Where are you?'' ''YEAH,  YO ASS AT GUUUUH,'' you heard someone yell in the background. ''DADDY!" All three of you laughed because of the irony of how they JUST left church lol. Your mom then spoke, ''Well, go ahead and answer your dad.'' After a deep breathe, you said, ''I'm at a hotel with Daniel.'' The silence for the next few seconds was a bit alarming for you. Were they upset or what? Then your mom said, ''Ooooooooh, okay then. When you coming home?'' ''I'm not sure.'' ''Okay then, well call us if you need anything okay?'' ''Okay ma.'' ''LOVE YOU,'' your dad shouted from the background. ''Yes, we both love you [yn].'' ''Love y'all too.'' Then they were gone. That phone call was a bit hard to read. You were almost 99.99% sure that you felt a talk between your parents approaching. After the call, you headed into the restroom to quickly freshen up. After you stepped out the rest room, you laid back on the bed. And yes, you were still butt-ass naked lol. You looked around the room for a bag, the bag of clothes Dan gave you. Where were they? You looked around the room for the next 5 minutes with dripping wet hair and towel covering your body. *Knock**Knock* ''Who in the hell,'' you said walking over to the door in frustration. ''Daniel.'' You stepped back and opened the door for him. He was smiling, then started laughing while you made this confused face. He raised up your bag from behind his back, ''Missing these?'' ''DANIEL GIVE ME,'' you said reaching for it but he pulled it back. You stepped back inside the hotel room and walked away in frustration. He came inside laughing, shutting the door behind him. ''You mad me at [yn]?'' You didn't answer. ''What's wrong,'' he said stepping in front of your face. ''I'M COLD DANIEL AND YOU WONT GIVE ME MY CLOTHES!'' He liked making you mad like this. He smirked, then tried to kiss you. ''No, don't give kiss me,'' you said pushing his face away. He grabbed your body, the towel nearly coming off of you. You tried covering yourself. He looked you up and down, ''Like I don't already know how you look,'' he said kissing your neck. Once you eyes met, you said, ''I'm just cold.'' ''Okay, come to let me warm you up,'' he said holding you. He picked you up and laid you on the bed, then laid on top of you. The two of you just cuddled. Even though you were irritated, you couldn't stay mad at him. He was perfect. ''Owww.'' ''What's wrong?'' ''My a...'' ''I'm hurting them?'' He rolled over and let you be on top, that way the pressure from his body didn't hurt you. ''Better,'' he asked kissing your forehead. ''Mhm,'' you moaned with relief. The two of you just laid there and enjoyed one anothers presence. It was silent but then Diggy spoke, ''I gotta drop you off soon.'' ''Okay,'' you said a bit sad. He could tell you weren't looking forward to that either. He took this soft hands and rubbed your body, holding your tight. You never wanted him to let you go, ever. You sat up and looked at this face. ''What,'' he asked in anticipation. You didn't say anything though, but just stared into his brown eyes. *Buzzz**Buzzzz* You gasped, then reached for your phone, it was ma. ''Its ma, I gotta take this,'' you said getting up from Diggy. You reached into the bag and put on whatever you saw. Daniel watched you dress yourself. Once you were done, you then stepped outside on the balcony. ''Ma?'' ''Hey baby, yeah its me.'' ''Whats up ma?'' ''You tell me what's up.'' Uh oh..... There was a bit of silence. ''Did the condoms come in use this weekend?'' ''Yesss,'' you mummbled really low. ''I'm sorry, what was that, didn't hear?'' ''Yes ma'am,'' you said projecting your voice. Now it was really silent. You waited for her to speak again. Until them, you nervously paced the balcony, back n forth. She took a deep breathe and spoke, ''Okay then. So I guess we need to schedule a doctor's visit for birth control, am I right?'' You looked at Daniel through the glass, then answered, ''Yes ma'am.'' ''You know [yn], sex comes with a lot of responsibility. I just hope you're ready for whatever your decisions may bring. I got you those condoms as a back up, but since you're sexually active, then I guess I'll have to start treating my daughter like the young lady she is huh?'' The fuck was that suppose to mean lol. Out of respect, you simply said, ''Yes ma'am.'' ''Look baby, I just don't want you to end up pregnant early like I did. The birth control can prevent that, but I don't want you to take advantage of being sexually active. It comes with a huge responsibility... and yes... missing a few pills,  even just one, can increase your chances.'' ''Yes ma'am, I know.'' ''We can have this talk when you come home though... I just want you to be careful baby.'' You looked at Daniel through the glass windows, ''Yes ma'am, I will be. I promise.'' After she asked you a few questions about prom and what you ate, she said her goodbyes. ''Love you too ma, see you later.'' You stepped inside in shut the door. Daniel sat up and smiled, he motioned for you to lay back on him. Once you were on top of him, you looked him in his eyes, ''Don't want you to leave.'' ''Me either,'' he said kissing your lips, gently. 

End of Chapter!

I know these short chapters are killing y'all but dont worry, more drama then you can handle is on the way. Last week of school for me, so that means I gotta study for finals. After finals, its on... have a good Saturday night! =^)

 Hey if you're bored go reread some old chapters!!!! 

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