Whats Really Going On?

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Chapter 55

Whats really going on?

                      You hit the end key of your phone. ''Why can't things every stay good,'' you sighed and laid back on your bed. ''Prom is suppose to be special...and my boyfriend can't even go!'' Tears started to form in your eyes, again. ''Nope, no more tears over this shit,'' you said wiping one away that crept down to your lips. ''I don't know what I'm gna do... I just hope he can go.'' You got up from your bed and decided to shower. In the shower, you just sat in the tub and let the water flow down your hair and then your body. You thought about Donte. He looked so good at the gas station. Did he really change? His apology seemed genuine but you didn't trust him. You thought about what he said... then remembered that he was gna dump Chelsea. ''Hahaaaaaaa.'' You laughed out loud, literally at that. ''I need to hurry and get out this shower.'' On that note, you stood up and washed your body. As you covered yourself with soap all over, you couldn't help but think about Diggy and how he touched you. Just thinking about that made you moist. You wondered about the day when IT would happen. But that wasn't your main focus, prom was. You only had six weeks of school left, so four until prom. There was so much going on, you didn't know what to think. ''Na uh, I need to seriously get out.'' You finished your shower and was soon fully dressed and back in bed. *Knock knock knock* You looked at your door, ''Yes?'' Your mom came inside. ''Hey baby, I made dinner. Come eat with me and your dad.'' ''Yes ma'am, I'll be down in a sec.'' She nodded, smiled and shut the door. You sat on your bed and found yourself staring at Diggy's poster. *Buuuzzz Buuuzzzz Buzzzzz* You grabbed your cell phone, it was from Diggy. You opened the message: ''Hey babe, look im real sorry okay? Prom just slipped my mind. If I can't make it, I'll do my best to make it up to you. I promise. Hearing you upset like that really hurt.'' You sighed and put your phone back on the bed. You didn't know what to say to that. Your stomach growled, ''I'll text him back later.'' You got up and went down stairs.

                ''Hey sexy mama,'' you yelled as you watched Monique walk towards your dads car. She did her signature strut. ''Hey gorgeous,'' she said getting in and shutting the door. She buckled her seat belt, then looked at you, ''Girl, guess what?!'' You smiled, then started driving off to school. ''Hold on, let me turn the radio off Mo.'' It was silent, ''Okay, so last night after you dropped me off, I found this letter on my door step,'' you made a strange face, ''and I read it, it said for me to take 50 steps down the street. Girl, I was like, wtf? So I then did so. I took 50 down the street, or at least I think I did. I lost count honestly, hahaha. But yeah, so once I did it, I found another note attached to a street pole. I opened it and it told me to take 60 steps right, so I did. Then I found another note, and it said take 30 forward. Girl, at this point, I was like what the hell... So then, I found this big, gigantic ass box at the neighborhood park. I opened it and girl.... Kory from anatomy & physiology class popped out the box with a banquet of flowers and chocolate. His shirt read "Prom?'' She looked at you and awaited your reaction. You forced a ''Oh my gosh, really? That's so sweet,'' out, but she saw through that fake bull. She looked at you crazy, ''Are you not happy for me or something [yn]?'' You sighed. ''Moo-moonique it's not that,'' she heard you choking out the words, so she rubbed your back, ''I, look you know I'm happy for you. Its just that I got a lot going through my head right now.'' She nodded, ''Whats wrong now mama?'' ''Its Diggy, he's not going to make it to prom. He's doing some to...,'' she cut you off, ''WHAT, ARE YOU FUCKIN KIDDING ME! THIS IS BIG [YN]!'' ''I-I know girl, thats why I didn't seem happy for you, cuz I been thinkin about that since last night.'' ''He better try and make it, but why the hell would be book something knowing you got prom?'' You shrugged, ''I don't know Monique, he said he forgot.'' She looked at you and laughed sarcastically, ''bullshit.'' You sighed. Then there was silence, ''What you goin to do then?'' ''I don't know, shit. But ummmm, guess who I ran into yesterday?'' ''Who!'' ''Donte, he approached me at the gas station after I dropped you off.'' ''What the hell did he have to say?'' ''He was like saying how sorry he was, you know... but girl, guess what though?'' She looked at you and awaited your response, ''He suppose to dump Chelsea. Turns out he never liked her and only used her to make me jealous, which he failed at cuz I never was.'' Or were you.... ;) Monique bust out laughing, ''HAHAHAAAAAAAA, THATS WHAT THAT FAKE BITCH GET!!!'' You chuckled as you pulled up to your parking spot in school, ''When he gone do it?'' ''Beats me,'' you said slaming the door shut, ''But I don't wanna miss it.'' She nodded and the two of you walked into school. 

                    It was lunch time, you and Mo sat with Roxanne and a few other girls from class. ''Hey Rox?'' She looked at you, ''Yeah?'' ''How did your scholarship interview go?'' ''OOOOOOOh yeah,'' Monique joined in all late. She laughed, ''It was, it was great actually. I'll get a call soon and know if I got it or not.'' You smiled, ''I hope you get it.'' ''Thanks [yn], me too.'' After you all talked about school and what happened, the convo switched to prom. Everyone went aroud the table and talked about their date, dress and what plans they had that night. The floor was on you, ''What you got planned [yn]?'' You sighed, ''Ummmm, you know. Still figuring it out.'' Everyone nodded, ''Got a date,'' Roxanne asked. You nodded, ''No.'' ''It's okay, I'm sure you'll find someone.'' You forced a fake smile and nodded. ''Okay Monique, your turn.'' She started her story, the same one she told you this morning in the car ride on the way to school. She looked around at everyone as she told her story. When she looked at you, she could see a bit of hurt in your eyes. After she got done telling her story, everyone was like ''Aaaaawwwwwh...'' A random girl said, ''I knew you and Kory had something going on.'' She chuckled, ''I guess.'' Suddenly, you looked up and saw Donte. He was staring at you. You smiled and waved at him. He winked at you. He then looked a bit frustrated. You looked to see what he looked upset by: Chelsea. She was approaching him and soon stood in front of him. You watched them talk, you could tell from the body language that he wasn't feeling her. They looked at though they were having a normal conversation, then you saw Donte's face turn extremely pissed. Soon, they were yelling at each other. Was he about to break up with her?

End of Chapter 55.

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