Look At You Now!

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Chapter 56

Look at you now!

                     You and half the cafeteria watched Donte & Chelsea argue. He made big hand motions and even put his finger in her face. ''He better not lay a hand on her, ex-friend or not, I don't play that,'' Monique said adjusting herself in her seat. The whole arguement sounded like mumbles because you really couldn't make out what they were saying. ''I wonder what they fussin about now,'' Roxanne said before putting a white grape in her mouth. ''Girl...'' Donte put his finger in Chelsea's face again, but this time she took it and pushed it back at him, then she pushed him in the chest. ''Oh shit...'' After another shove, she yelled extremely loud, ''I HATE YOU DONTE,'' before storming off. You watched her run off in tears. ''Oh no,'' you said standing up and walking towards the restroom. ''Whoa whoa whooooaaa now,'' Mo said grabbing your wrist, ''where do you think you're going?'' ''To help her Monique, she's in trouble.'' Mo chuckled a bit, ''Girl, don't you smell that?'' ''Huh,'' you asked sniffing your armpits. ''Hahahaha,'' the other girls laughed. You shrugged, ''WHAT?'' ''Girl, KARMA.''  You stood there with your mouth open, ''Oh.'' ''Look, sit down [yn].'' You did so and listened to her, ''Chelsea fucked you over, fucked us over. She got herself into that mess. You and I were nothing but good friends trying to warn her, right,'' you nodded in agreement. Roxanne looked at you, ''Yeah, let that bitch get what she deserves.'' You looked away from Roxanne and stared off. They were right, weren't they? That day at lunch you tried to warn her but noooooo, she just couldn't resist Donte. ''You see, some people can look at fire and know its hot, but others have to touch it to know it burns,'' Monique said smacking on her gum. You made a confused face, ''In others words [yn],'' Roxanne joined in, ''some people can look at something from a distance and know its bad, while others have to go through first hand experience to know its bad.'' You nodded a yes. After that, it was silent for 5 minutes. ''Look y'all.'' Everyone looked up and saw Chelsea. She walked back into the cafeteria. ''HA! She brave, I woulda just stayed in the restroom.'' Everyone laughed but you. You watched her walk in slowly. She looked around as though looking for someone. After that, she walked to a table and sat by herself. You stared at her and couldn't believe that that was your best friend from 3rd grade. ''She looks pitiful.'' Well, she did. At one point, your eyes met. She smiled at you, but you didn't react. You just stared because you were in deep thought. Who was she anymore? *Ding, ding, ding* ''Thats the bell y'all, come on,'' Monique said. Everyone then stood up together and headed for the next class. 

                    ''HEY MA, DA. I'M HOME,'' you yelled as you shut the door. ''HEY BABY,'' they said in unison, smiling at you. You looked at how cute they were cuddled up together on the couch. ''Aren't you two just the cutest thing ever,'' you said making a funny face. They laughed and then your mom asked, ''Are you hungry [yn]?'' You looked up, ''Oh, no ma'am.'' She nodded. ''You had a good day baby,'' your dad asked looking up from his cell phone. ''Yeah, it was interesting,'' you said shaking your head. ''Oh okay, well we don't wanna keep you, go upstairs and relax baby,'' your mom smiled. ''Oh, alright ma.'' You then turned away and walked out and headed upstairs. You sighed as you made it up the last step. ''Damn, I need to get in shape.'' As you approached your room, you saw some shoes laying across your bed. ''The fu...'' You walked slowly towards your door and peeped inside. ''Who is tha.... aahh,'' you said smiling. Diggy was laying on your bed, his legs were stretched out. He had one hand behind his head and the other holding his phone. He had on a black glittery versace tank top, black jeans and black studded shoes. He looked like money. You stood at your doorway and just looked at him. He was sooo damn sexy. He must have sensed your presence because he looked up from his phone and saw you. He smiled and then said, ''Hey baby.'' You turned away and blushed. ''What chu actin funny for, come here mama.'' You walked towards him and stood over him. He motioned for you to lay on him. ''What if my mom sees us?'' He shrugged his shoulders. You sat your stuff down on the side of the bed and climbed on top of him, slowly lowering yourself on him. ''Gimme kiss,'' he said pulling your face to his. He pecked your lips a few times, then you rest your head behind his. ''Did you miss me?'' ''Mhm, a lot.'' ''Me too, I'm in town for the week, found out just yesterday. I gotta meet up with a few producers.'' You didn't say anything, you just took in this moment you had with Diggy. Since those arguements from the past weekend, you wanted to do your best to make the most of this time with Diggy. You never knew when you'd see him. The two of you lay there in silence while he rubbed your back. You listened to his heart beating against your chest. ''You always smell good Dan.'' ''Hahaaaa, thank you ma. I gotta lady to impress, don't I?'' You laughed. ''How was school [yn]?'' ''It was rather interesting,'' you said laughing. ''What happened, haha?'' ''Remember when  I told you about my friend that dated Donte?'' ''Yaaa.'' ''Well, today he broke up with her.'' He was silent, probably in deep thought. ''Hmmmmm,'' he finally said. You pulled away and sat up, looking at his face. ''Hmmmm.. what?'' He pulled one of your curls down, ''Thats probably why he tryna talk to you,'' he looked at your hair strand. You looked away and thought, he could be right. He pulled your body close to his and held you close. ''I'm not letting him take my woman from me,'' he said looking into your eyes. ''I wouldn't let that happen.'' You smiled. ''You better not,'' he held you extra tight.

End of Chapter 56.

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