Those Lips

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Chapter 10

Those Lips

        You were standing at the door, moments away from being face to face with Diggy again. He was returning your wallet. Last time was a complete disaster and hella awkward, so you hoped for a complete turn around. You had such an amazing personality. You were cool, calm and collective and not to mention hilarious. That nervous freak at the airport wasn't you. All you wanted was for Diggy to see that. You took a deep breathe and unlocked the door. You took another deep breathe and turned the nob. You slowly opened the door. There he was. Diggy stood before you. It felt like an honor to be in the presence of someone this beautiful. He really was. You both smiled at each other. ''Hi [Yn].'' ''Hi Diggy.'' You stepped aside and let him and the rest of his people in. As each person passed by you smiled at them. ''Please, have a seat gentlemen. There's my dad.'' Your dad got up from the kitchen table and walked over to greet the fellas. This wasn't so bad after all. ''How y'all doing, I'm Mr. [YLN].'' They shook hands and got acquainted. ''How you doing Sir,'' said Perry, ''We're just here to return this beautiful young ladies wallet,'' he said looking and smiling at you. ''Thank you.'' Diggy came over and handed it to you. ''Thank you so much.'' ''You're welcome sweetie,'' he said as he looked you in your eyes. Those lips. Oh, my, lawd. His was literally, flawless. Those lips. They were perfect. ''I'm so glad you had my wallet, I mean I seriously forgot about it.'' Those lips. ''I tried calling you but you ran off way too fast,'' he chuckled. As you and Diggy started talking, the rest of the guys started talking amongst themselves. ''Yeah, I know I made myself look like a complete freak, haha, I was so nervous.'' ''It's no reason to be, I'm just like anyone else.'' He said that with a smile.

        After you explained to Diggy that you were just visiting your dad and other random small talk, you began to really loosen up. He was right, he was jus like anyone else. Diggy was so down to earth. Whenever you talked he would look you into your eyes as though he cared. Sadly after connecting, it was time for him to go. You didn't want this moment to end. ''Alright Dig, we gotta get ready for tonights show,'' Perry said standing up. Everyone stood up after that. ''Aye [yn], how about you take a look inside your wallet,'' Roger suggested. You made a confused face. Everyone laughed and stared at you. You were the center of attention now. You opened your wallet, wondering why they said to. You looked inside and found 4 tickets for Diggy's concert tonight! ''OH MY GOSH, NO WAY!!!!!'' They all laughed again. ''We wanted to surprise you [Yn],'' said Perry. ''Diggy felt bad about having your wallet, he felt like you were worried,'' Roger added. You looked up and saw Diggy smiling at you. ''Thank you so much!!!'' You hugged each of them. You looked at your dad. His expression was happy but you saw through that. ''So I guess I'll see you and 3 friends tonight [yn],'' Diggy asked with a look of excitement. You felt torn. You wanted to go and see Diggy's amazing performance, but you knew that you only had a few short hours left with your dad. It was now Sunday and you had a flight Monday evening. Not that much time... You took a look at the tickets, and then your dad. ''Diggy, I'm extremely flattered, but I think I'm gna pass this one up.'' Everyones expression changed. ''I'm only in town for a few short days and I  think It'd be best if I spent time with my dad.'' ''Oh sweetie,'' your dad said walking up next to you, ''You can go and enjoy yourself. I'll be okay.'' He said it with a smile, but you knew he really didn't want you to go. He just wanted you to be happy. He always did. ''It's okay, I've already seen the concert. I went yesterday.'' ''You did,'' they all asked. ''Yeah, I was nearly front row.'' ''How was your experience?'' ''Incredible,'' you said with a smile. You handed the tickets back to Diggy. ''I appreciate the offer though.'' ''It's okay [Yn], I respect your decision.'' Your dad had a huge smile on your face. ''Well, I hope you and your father have an amazing time together, you both take care, you have a lovely daughter,'' Perry said as they all walked out.

        You followed them out to lock the door. You said goodbye to everyone. Diggy told Perry he'd meet them in the van. He stood in front of you and said, ''At the concert, I actually pointed at you. The body guard pulled the wrong girl up on stage.'' He hugged you and walked off. He looked back and winked at you. You walked back to into the house and ran upstairs. You shut the door of the guest bedroom and screamed. You couldn't believe he said that to you, "OH MY GOSH... THIS IS UNELIEVEABLE!" It was hard trying to gather yourself. Were you seriously? You wondered how he remembered you. Wow. After you came off cloud nine, you decided to take this dress off and change into something comfy. You walked downstairs and found your dad tying his shows. He looked up and smiled, ''Ready to go sweetie?'' ''Yes Daddy.'' You both headed out the door to spend some time together. After all, you made the right decision.

End of Chapter 10!

A Dream Come True (Diggy Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora