Let's Be Real Here...

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Chapter 132

Let's Be Real Here...

                        It was around 4:00 in the afternoon and you were sitting in the same spot on the couch next to Daniel. Everyone sat around eating and laughing. It was a real good time, good vibes. You got hungry, eventually, so Daniel let you eat off his plate. "Here, take my last piece of chicken," he said putting it to your lips. You took a bite and looked into his eyes. "Hahaha what," you licked your lips. He shook his head, "Nothing, nothing." Spin was watching, "Nah uh...Georgie feed me like that!" She slapped him on his arm, "Boy please, I already got someone to feed. Haha. I'm gna head out now," she stood up, "Gotta get home to my child. Y'all playing around too much. [Yn], you mind walking me to my car, wanna holla at you for a second mama." "Not a problem," Daniel let him arm from around your neck. He puckered his lips for a kiss. "OH MY GOSH DIGGY, SHE'S JUST WALKING GEORGIE TO THE CAR, SHE'LL BE BACK, I PROMISE," Spin said hating. Everyone laughed, "Well, hopefully she'll be back." Spin got up as well. Georgie hugged Perry, Diggy and Roxanne. "Grab that bag for me love," she pointed to a gold bag with papers in it. After you got the bag, you walked along side of her. She put her arm around your neck and you both headed down to the garage. "Spin, nah uh.. Girl talk. Shooo somewhere." "Chill shawts, going to the restroom!" "Better," she said looking forward. You and Miss G walked to her car, wasn't nothing serious, she just wanted to talk to you. "I wanna just say that I've never seen Diggy so happy. He's been going harder than ever since you've been in his life." "Really," you smiled and giggled. "Yeah, he's really feeling you [Yn]. And if he's happy, I'm happy," she said holding you tighter. "He's always talking to me about you and how much he cares for you. He feels that you are the most loyal girl he's come across," she said pushing the exit door, you both approached her car, "Just make sure you do what you can to stay loyal to Dig. He's real big on honesty and trust so make sure you do give him that, alright Miss Lady," she said pinching your cheek softly. She popped her trunk open and asked you to place the gold bag in her trunk. "Thank you Sweetie. I'll see you when I see you," she hugged and kissed you. "See you later Miss Georgie." "Later, here's my number. Put that in your cell and call whenever you want." "Got it," you smiled watching her start the car. She waved and drove off. Miss G was real sweet but she wanted to make something clear to you. Dating Daniel was serious, a lot more than you think. He's around a lot of girls and it's hard to earn that trust he's given you. Hope you don't fuck it up lol.. You smiled, holding her number in her your hand. Quickly, you pulled your cell out and put it in your phone so you wouldn't forgot. After you were done, you approached the door and stood there like an idiot, "Fuck, the doors locked." Thankfully, you saw Spin's dumb ass playing around what some girl. "Mhm, wonder what happened to that popcorn hoe Valerie from the Hilton this past weekend....Oh shit, please see me," you said nervously waving at Spin through the glass door. You couldn't see that well through it. His voice got closer to the door. You sighed with relief. "THE FUCK YOU WANT!" "LET ME IN BITCH!" He laughed, then held the door open for you. "Damn, shit calm ya nerves." You laughed and thanked him. The two of you walked back towards the room. "So, you mind me asking you something?" "Nah, what's up Spin?" He gently pulled your arm towards another hallway, "Over here. Just wanna holla at you." Why the fuck did everyone wanna HOLLA at you for some reason??? "If you don't mind me asking, whats up with you and Darnell..." You got a lil shakey. "See," he said nodding, "When I mention him, you got a bit fidgety." You sighed, "Look...Ummmmm...I didn't cheat on Daniel. I could never see myself doing that," he nodded, "But idk... I mean me and Darnell have done nothing. We do have a very cordial relationship. To explain why I get the way I do, a lot of drama has happened between Darnell and Daniel....I guess it just makes me nervous thinking about what happened, you know?" He nodded, "Yeah, I feel you. I already knew about Darnell and Diggy beefin, just wanted to make sure Darnell didn't hurt you and nah thin...." "No no, he's never. In fact, one night he actually saved me from my ex. Donte...." "Haha, whats up with you and guys that have D-names." "Hahaha, idk," you said laughing. He put his arm around your neck and walked you back to the studio, "Look, I know I come off ass as a big goof ball, but I really do care about you. I'll do anything for you, well not entirely true cus i gotta stay loyal to my boy Diggy," you both laughed, "But, If Darnell gives you an issue, let me know and I'll handle it accordingly." "Thanks Spin, but I don't think it'll come to that." "You never know though [Yn]," he said shaking his hand, "But just be aware of your surroundings, alright. You dating someone real significant so you gotta watch out for ppl. Not everyone is ya friend, everyone's not around to help you. Some like to just be there for the ride but dont wanna help you fix the flat tire, you get me?" "Yeah, I get you." "Mhm, let's be real here..." He stopped in front the door and opened it with a key. Perry, Roxanne and Diggy were in the middle of laughing about something. Roxanne looked up at you and smiled. "We about to head out y'all," Perry said throwing away trash. You helped clean up and did whatever anyone asked. "Babe, shut my lap top down and put it inside my case please." You walked over to the desk and did just that. You put his lap top up, carefully. "Yeah be real careful with that alright," he said adjusting some knobs. "Okay Daniel." You straightened up some pillows annd fixed some chairs. "Looks good, think we done here." Everyone walked outside and waited as Diggy locked his studio up. "Alright, let's roll." Moments later, everyone was in the parking garage. Everyone said their goodbyes as you all parted ways. Perry road with Spin and Diggy road with you and Roxanne. "Where the keys at mama?" "I gave em to you already, remember?" He made a confused face, then felt around in his pockets, "Shit, I got em. Sorry ladies, as you can see I'm very tired!" You both laughed. Daniel smiled as he opened the door for you and Roxanne. "Thank you Diggy." "Not a problem Roxanne." "Thank you." He licked his lips at you. You laughed to yourself. "REAL SMOOTHE SHAWTS," Perry said yelling from the passanger side of Spins car. "You know how I do Mr. P Water," Daniel said getting inside your car. "WELL ALRIGHT! SAY CHEESE," was all you heard after they zoomed off. "I swear Spin is gna wreck that shit one day," Daniel said under his breathe, shutting the door and clicking his seatbelt. "Ready ladies?" "Yes," you said in unison. "Damn, its 6:00 already. We been here all day," Daniel said backing the car up. As he backed out, looking behind him, he laughed, "I see Roxanne was being truthfully about you earlier. I see all them bags back there," he laughed again. You smiled, "You said no budget." "Hahaha, she got more in the trunk too." You looked at Roxanne and rolled your eyes. She laughed. "Haha, thats pefectly fine with me Rox. She deserves it," he said smiling at you. "Where you stay Roxanne? Im a drop you off. Me and [Yn] got dinner plans." "WELL SHIT, FUCK ME RIGHT!" Everyone laughed in the car. "It's not like that, you're always welcomed to have dinner with us. Just not tonight," he looked back and winked at her. "Mhm, I see.. Well its all good. My mans coming in town this week so Ima stunt on y'all." "Oh, D's flying back out. Maybe we can double date or something like that." "Mhm," she nodded, "He'll be in later this week, he's seeing family too." "Oh, okay," Daniel said rubbing his chin. "Yeah. But anyway, I stay in The Kensington." "Oh, thats not too far from us," he said driving a bit more confidently, knowing exactly where he was headed. "Whats up baby," he said looking at you. You were zoned out in the car. You looked at him, "Oh, nothing." "You sleepy?" "Maybe, guess just being out all day, you know?" "Mhm," he said reaching for your hand. He kissed it and held it. Roxanne saw, and smiled. She loved the relationship you guys had. About 15 minutes later, you pulled in front of Roxannes Apartments. "Thank you so much for a good time today [Yn] and Diggy. See you soon." "Alright Sweetheart, take care." "Bye Rox," you waved. You waited for her to make it safely inside. "She seems cool," Diggy said looking at you, "Is she you new girl friend?" "I guess so," you said looking back at him, "She and I have settled our differences back in high school." "Thats good baby," he said putting the car in drive. Your place wasn't even 5 minutes away.

                        A few minutes later, you pulled into your parking garage for your condo. Daniel shut the car off and you sat in the car for a bit just talking. "How was your morning, really?" "Good Daniel. I had lots of fun." He let a yawn out, "Good. Just making sure we don't have any phonies flocking on, you feel me?" "Yes. I understand." "Yeah. I'm not busy tomorrow, so we can do whatever you want..." You were so excited, he saw your eyes light up, "I'm excited." "Me too," he said smiling, "Come on, lets get these bags inside and shower so we can get ready for dinner." You waited for him to open your door and then got all your bags. "How about we put the smaller bags inside the bigger ones to save a trip?" "I was thinking the same thing." You and Daniel spent about 5 minutes doing that, just to save another trip to the car. "I think this is it babe," you said checking for anything else. "Alright." He locked your car and you headed inside.

                     "Home sweet home," you said stepping inside your quiet and clean condo. You went straight to the bedroom and threw all your bags down on the closet floor. "Here's some more," he said from right behind you. "Thank you Dan." "Mhm," he pecked your lips. He flopped on the bed and laid there with his eyes closed. "You tired huh?" "A little bit," he said rubbing his head. "You still up for dinner, we can just chill tonight if you're tired." "NAH UH, we having dinner no matter what. I finalized the reservations already [Yn]. I'm okay," he said sitting up. "Mhm," you said doing a body roll. "Hahaha, I want you to do that for me tonight. Alright," he said laughing. "Oh, okay. Should I do it in this," you said holding up some lingerie. He licked his lips and stared in astonishment, "Wow...you putting that on for me?" "Mhm," you said walking over to him. "I really, really like that," he said wrapping his arms around your waist. "Mhm, I knew you would." "Don't tease me right now," he said kissing your stomach. "Okay, I won't then," you walked away and put it away. "Look, I bought a dress for tonight," you said walking over holding it up for him. It was a black dress with pops of gold sequins on it. "This is sexy," he said nodding, "Thats perfect with my black and gold suite." You both smiled at each other. He glanced at his alarm clock, "It's going on 7:00. Dinners at 8:30, we gotta get a move on." "Come on, let's shower real quick." "You know damn well this shower not about to be real quick," he said biting his lip. You put the dress on the bed and grabbed his hand, pulling him off the bed and into the bathroom.

End of Chapter 132.

A Dream Come True (Diggy Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora