Is You Or Is You Ain't?

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Chapter 104

Is You Or Is You Ain't?

                          You anxiously awaited for the doctor to return. Hearing that your vitals were normal along with Daniel being so supportive gave you some kind of ease. Now, if you were pregnant on the other hand, well, that was a different story. "Hi sweetheart, I'm back," the doctor came in with a little cup and a zip lock bag with a tube looking thing. She sat down on the rolling chair stool, "Okay so I'm going to go ahead and check you out because you are sexually active. I want to take a look up there and see how things are looking. Afterwards, I want you to urine in this cup so we can conduct a test to rule out whether the nausea is from you being pregnant, okay?" You innocently nodded. "Okay, lets begin. Go ahead and lay back for me," you did so, "Now, open up sweetie." You almost chuckled because Daniel would say that when he was about to go down on you. He was something else. You wondered what he was doing right now lol. Shid somewhere being sexy, possibly your baby daddy ;-)... "Okay, I'm going to go ahead and perform the pap smear test okay." "Yes ma'am." "What's your name again sweetie?" "[Yn]." "So pretty, it fits you. So that's your boy friend?" "Yes, his name is Daniel." "Okay okay... He's handsome, very," she said about to stick the tools inside of you. "Alright, he we go, this may hurt." You waited for her to put it inside.... Wait, did she already????.... "Okay, I'm ready Doctor Green." "Hahaha, oh sweetie. It's already inside." Oh shid lmao... You didn't even feel it. TDD had you so stretched out lmao. (Im crying right now lol....hold on....) "Wow, I didn't even feel it." "Mmmmmm," the doctor said laughing. HHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAA! "Alright all done," she smiled, placing the materials in the bag again. "Everything looks pretty good, no unsual color or appearance. I'll have the formal results in a few days. Great... Now about the test. I need you to go ahead to put this robe on," she said reaching from a cabinet, "There's a restroom down the hall. I'll have Nurse Tonya collect the sample and we'll go from there." "Okay," you said getting up. She handed you the robe and said she'll be back to discuss a few things. "Oh, Daniel can come in after your urine test okay." "Okay, thank you..... Uuuuugh," you got up slowly and slipped your robe on. You grabbed the cup off the counter and stepped outside. Daniel was on his phone, head down and completely distracted. You stood in front of him until he noticed you were there. "Hahaaaa," he said looking up, "What you doin goofy.." "Seeing what you up to.. Haa. I gotta go pee in this cup." You held it up, "Cool.. what'd she say so far?" "Well she looked up my vagina and said everything looks good." He laughed, "You couldn't find a more appropriate word [yn]?" "Naaah," you said shaking your head. He just laughed, looking you up and down, then he licked his lips, "You look cute in your robe babe." "Thank you," you said turning around, showing off your booty on the slick. He mouthed real low, "Don't...tease me right now..." You laughed and walked off. He watched you enter the restroom down the hall. "Okay, lets figure out how to do this..." It took you so time but you finally were able to squat and get something in the cup. "This is sooo nasty, shit..." You looked aroud the restroom and saw your name with a cut holder next to it. *Knock Knock* "Hey [yn], It's nurse Tanya. I'm here to retrieve your sample." You rushed to the door and opened it, "Oh great, they left the tray here. I'll go ahead and take that, don't want anything to get mixed up with another person's results okay?" "Right." The thought of that scared you lol. "Thank you, go ahead and wait with Daniel in your room. The results will be in soon." You thanked her, got up to wash your hands and then walked down the hall. Approaching Daniel, he had his face in his hands, slouched over. You took your hand and ran your nails through his hair, he loved when you'd do that. He looked up, smiling. His lip bite was so sexy, "What now?" "We go in there and wait for the doctor." He stood up and followed you into the room. Once he shut the door, he sat in the visitor's chair. You stood in front of him, "How you feelin about all this Dan?" He scratched his head, "I don't really know babe. Its a lot. I just hope you're okay." You smiled, then stood right in his face. You rubbed his cheek with you hand, smiling at him. "Haha, what [yn]?" "Oh, nothing." "You ready to be a mom?" "Daniel don't say that," you said getting nervous again. You walked away but he grabbed your hand, pulling your back. "Haha, I'm sorry. Didn't mean to scare you..." He could see the worry in your eyes, so he got serious. "Everything is going to work out. Stop worrying." You just looked him up and down. He smiled, then puckered his lips for you to kiss him. "No, fuck you Daniel." You tried to run away but he pulled you back again. "Stop I'm not playing Daniel.. STOP!!" You were now on his lap, "Calm down." You started laughing from his silly faces. "Okay okay I am." "Kiss me." "No, later..." 'Why do I have to wait?" "Because..." He anxiously waited for the answer. "Well," you began... *Knock Knock* You both looked at the door, then you got off his lap and sat on the bed. "Come in." She stepped inside smiling. "Okay okay, so now that the test is done... I can now release you to leave. Everything looks good so just keep taking care of yourself. You say you both are sexually active?" You looked at each other and nodded. "Haha, thanks okay. Its normal. You're both young adults. Just make sure you guys are using a condom a long with the birth control." "Do we absolutely have to," Daniel asked curiously. You looked at him like, really? "Well, its a recommendation but the pill is effective." He nodded. "Yes, I mean honestly, I don't think you're pregnant. I'm not sure exactly though what else it could be." "Maybe my diet, I don't know it's been crazy since I've been here." "Oh, where are you from?" "I'm from [your state name]." "Oh, so you moved in with him recently?" "Yes ma'am." She nodded, "I see... Thats a huge step. And you mentioned feeling a bit more emotionally too... " You nodded. "Sweetie maybe its just the fact that you've moved here. NYC is a huge world of its own. Moving in with your boy friend is a decision that could bring on emotional feelings. Being 18, a young adult... You are facing a lot change. A long with the fast food you're eating as well... It's a lot on you right now. Maybe more than you think. Try to stay busy with hobbies... Do things that make you happy. Also incoporate a healthier diet. You need a nice home cooked meal here and there. You know, fruit and veggies too. Even now more so because you may by pregnant." You nodded, "Not to mention the sex you're having. You are experiencing new hormones and chemicals in your brain." "Wow..." "Yes... So just try your best and stay calm during this transitional time for you. You're going to be fine." "Thank you Dr. Green." "Of course," she said hugging you. "I'll call you in a couple of days. It was nice meeting you too Daniel." "Likewise, thank you for everything." "Alright, well we're all done... You can dress yourself and check out at the front. Take care." "Thank you!" She nodded and stepped out. You dropped your robe and got dressed. It was silent until now, "You hungry?" "Mhm." "Let's go to ma's and get you something okay. We'll go back to the crib later. She wants to see us anyway." You nodded as you strapped your sandals. "Okay, I'm all set." You both stepped out and headed for the car.

                         The drive to Jersey wasn't long at all because you fell asleep on the way. Daniel mentioned his parents wanting to talk to y'all about something, then you started dozing off. He laughed, then kissed your forehead right when you knocked out. You felt someone shaking you. "Mmmmmmm." "Babe.....[Yn].....," he shook you, "[YN]"....." shuts off the car and leans back in his seat, staring right at you, "[Yn].'' You regained consciousness, slowly batting your eyes open, "What?" "We here." "Mmmmmmm." You licked your lips and smacked. Daniel noticed and smiled, "You hungry mama?" "Yeah," you said rubbing your hair. "Let me get that door and we'll take care of that." He got out and did so. "Better get my door." He paused and stopped in front of you. "MOVE DANIEL!" "Or else what..." "I'll tell your mom," you said pointing at her. They were at the front door, waving. "You got lucky, I got you later though," he said pinching your butt. You laughed and ran away to her. "Hi Mom," you said holding her. She seemed so happy to see you. "Hey my baby. How are you?" "Feelin better," you said pulling away. "Great. Hey Dig!" "Hey ma." He walked over and hugged her, then kissed her. "Y'all come on inside. It's hot." The three of you stepped inside. "HEEEY MILEY!" You spotted her on the staircase, she rushed down the stairs to you. "Hey [yn]." She was so cute. Russy came outta no where, "whad up y'all?" Dig looked up from hugging Miley, "Hey Russ." Justine smiled, then yelled for Rev. "Joey, they're here!!!!!" He came down the stairs and pointed to the living room. "Miley, Russ we wanna talk to them privately before lunch okay?" They nodded and went off on their way. You were kinda nervous, was it serious? After Rev greeted y'all, he lead you, Diggy and Justine to the living room. You and Daniel sat side by side, perpendicular to them. The mood was a bit strange, Rev wasn't as playful as he normally was.... What was about to happen?

End of Chapter 104.

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