''I Love You Too."

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Chapter 180

"I love you too."

                        **Attached interview! He looks so good. Enoy :)**

                        You hauled 5 books back to the car. "That wasn't so bad," you sighed in relief. Spending time with Uncle Russ wasn't so bad after all. Yeah, he spoke in an interesting tone half the time but he made some great points today. He was going to give you that push up the ladder on your way to the top. *Buuuzzz-Buuuzzzz-Buuuuzzz* Hearing your phone buzz made you jump! You read the screen: 1 missed call from Daniel♥. "Oh crap..." Uncle Russell kept you super busy and demanded that you not be on your phone during your meeting. Patiently, you awaited for Daniel to pick up his phone. "Hello?" "Hey Dan... I'm sorry I missed your call. I was with Uncle Russ." "No no, its no big deal at all. I was just letting you know I wouldn't be able to make it to lunch with you." You sighed. "What is it [Yn]?" "I just wanted to see you, but it's okay. I'll see you tonight then." He knew you were upset and just trying to hide it. "I"m gonna be busy like this for a while... Just tryna get this album out for my fans." "I know Daniel." There was silence, then you heard mummbling in the background. "Love you, I gotta go."  He hung up before you could say it back. You held the phone in your hand, slowly lowering it from your face, "I love you too Daniel." 

                     After a busy first half of the day, you and the girls decided to hang out. You met up with Darnell later on and then headed back home after a long day of exploring the Y! It was about 10:30 at night. The four of you laid around on the couch, trying to figure out what to do next! "Hahaha, I don't think he likes you." Champ did not, I mean absolutely did not trust Darnell ever since he tackled you at the door. He was super protective of his mommy♥. He was on his guard, staring Darnell down. Whenever he would get up, he'd get up to and stay close to you. It was cute though. "Hahaha, he's brave huh?" "Whatever Chelsea." Monique sat up and stretched, "I had so much fun today. I love this city. I do not wanna leave." "Me either." The girls had their flight back in 2 days. It was bittersweet because you loved them here but you needed your focus for the internship with Uncle Russell. Plus Daniel being back in the studio, you knew he needed his condo back. "Did you have lunch with your hubby after the internship?" "Nah uh. He was busy." Monique nodded, "I can't wait to hear some of his new music." You all heard the door knob twist, then the door shut as he walked in. Darnell sat up, "Whats up Diggy!" "Hi Everyone." He seemed tired. "You tired Dig," Monique asked as he walked by. He sat on the couch next to her, "Yes... its been a long long day." Champ ran over to him. You smiled as he picked him up and held him. "How was everyone's day?" The four of you looked at each other and laughed, Daniel was clueless. "Haha, what happened?" Darnell could hardly speak from laughing, "We pretended that I was Princeton from MB. So they would walk behind me, haha, then run up to me asking for autographs and pictures. Then outta nowhere, all these girls starting running up to me. Shit was crazy!" He smiled, "You guys are too much!  Did y'all eat?" Everyone nodded, "We straight Dig!" "Good good. I spent my whole day in the studio. Finished one track and started another." "Thats wassup." He smiled, "Yeah... Jacob and Trevor are coming in town. I asked them to come lay down a few verses and hooks for my album." Monique's eye's lid up. "I can't wait to see Trevor." Everyone looked at Chelsea, "I have no words for y'all, shid that hotel scene was scandalous." She blushed, "Yeah, we didn't forget that." You watched him yawn, "I'm gna let y'all hold down the fort, going to the bed." "Alright Dig." It was silent. "What y'all wanna do?" You looked around, then remembered you had five books to read, "I gotta start reading so I think I'll do that." "Boring," Monique threw a pillow at you. "Forget y'all...Hmmm!" "How about the three of us go to Aunt Tish's house? You can ride Mo..." She sat up, "Deal.. anything but reading," she knocked your books over. "HEY!" *bark!!* "Come on y'all. Let's go." The three of them headed out. "Whatever, I need to study these books." 

                     It was 1:11 a.m. The crew was gone and you decided to fall back and study. You took a shower, ate and got to work. After hours of reading... well.... Daniel crept in the living, spotting you on the couch. He approached you, then realized you were asleep. He also noticed the mountain of books on the coffee table. He reached for one, "What is this... Oh... Uncle Russ is a trip!" Gently, he placed the book down and gazed at you. Champ was resting on you and on Champ a book was laying on him. Daniel looked around, "I guess everyone left," he came back from the guest bedroom to retrieve you. First he woke up Champ, placing him on the floor. "Go," he pointed to the bedroom. Off he was. After he cut the lamp off, you were next. He took the book from off your chest, then picked you up holding your legs and back. "Mmmmm?" "Hey hey, its only me. Go back to sleep." You half smiled. "You fell asleep on the couch..." "Really?" "Mhm..." He shut the bedroom door, then laid you on the bed. "Where's my baby?" Daniel pointed to his bed in the corner, "Oh." "Yeah, I fell asleep myself. I woke up and found you both passed out." "Haha." Daniel pulled the sheets over you both. "I barely seen you today [Yn]..." "You don't say..." He pinched your nose, "Hush!" "Hahaha." "How was Uncle Russ?" You swallowed, "He's everything he was when I first met him, but I like him." "Yeah, he means well." "Exactly. I gotta read 5 books by next week..." "Oh okay." Daniel was closing his eyes, "I'm sorry ma, I'm beat..." He looked at you, "Wanna know something?" "What?" "I couldn't sleep without you by my side." You dusted your shoulder off, "Thats why I don't give you compliments no more," he shoved a pillow in your face. "Not my fault  you ended up with all of this," you did a body roll. He shook his head, "You're too much [Yn]... Come here baby." He pulled you into his chest, then he put your leg across him. "I love you too." "Huh?" "When you called earlier, you didn't let me say it to you... so I'm saying it now." He chuckled, then kissed your forehead. He held you in bed, rubbing your body. Daniel was in deep thought, but about what? Maybe you... "[Yn]?" You didn't answer, you fell alseep in his arms.

End of Chapter 187.

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