No Offense But...

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Chapter 158

No Offense But...


                           "Come on fat ass, give us an answer," Spin said raising his eyebrow at you. You placed your chicken down on the plate and thought for a moment. The clan in the kitchen wanted to know if they could join on the planned trip to the Bahamas with Daniel. Daniel asked if you wanted to do a solo trip or make it a group trip. There was silence in the room. Daniel spoke, "Do you need more time to think about it [Yn]?" Your eyes met, you thought to yourself, *Well, a group trip would be fun but...Well...Hmmmmmm. I'm so torn.* After going back and forth, you had it. You looked around the room, "No offense but... I want some alone time with my man." Everyone besides Dan started fake crying. "Awh, c'mon bruh.. I wanted to go." You shook your head, "Y'all were just in town. We haven't really had time to ourselves... I mean. We tried to get started but we all know what Tatianna and Sterling did the night we tried to have dinner. Our time just keeps getting put on the back burner." "Yeah, I feel you. Y'all deserve it." "Thanks Darnell, for understanding unlike some people," you rolled your eyes at Spin. He flicked his hand at you, "Whatever." Daniel came outta deep thought, "Yeah. I can start planning the group trip though... That shit would be fun," he rubbed his chin. "I guess I'm cool with that," Monique said walking over to Daniel, she play punched him and you in the face." "Wait, so where are you guys gna be while we are outta town," you asked, standing in between Daniel's legs while he sat on the kitchen counter. "They can stay at our place," he said nodding his head. "Sounds good, but I'll be back and forth with my family," Darnell said rubbing his head, "So it'll be Monique and Chelsea there." Monique mad a sad face, "We," she said pointing at her and then Chelsea, "Are gonna die of boredom. "No... No Ma.... You are gna have things to do. NYC is never a disappointment," Daniel said nodding, "You can always chill with Spin or my boy Roger... Roxanne and D. Not to mention... Jay is going to be in town with Samantha soon. Not sure when though. I'll give you a copy of the house key. It'll all work out." You noticed Monique blush when Daniel brought up Jacob, which made you smile. "I gotta text Trevor and see when he can come up." Spin looked at Chelsea, "Mhm," he said moving his pants around. Everyone busted out laughing. Daniel wrapped his arms around you. "Oh, and don't think you two freaks are outta the equation," Spin said batting his eyes, "We know what goes down in that condo." "Oooooooooo." You both were guilty, so you looked at each other and lauhged. Daniel started kissing your neck in front of everyone. "Oh shit, live porn." Everyone was crying, Spin said the craziest shit. "It's been a minute you know." Monique looked at the both of you, "Why? If I were y'all, I'd being handling business like everyday." Daniel laughed, "Well, we were but then we made a bet." "OH LAWD, WHY?" "To see who gives in first." Darnell watched with his hand on his chin, leaning over the counter, "I got a feeling you gonna give it up first." "Who me?" "Yes, you [Yn]." You shook your head. "Baby girl, dick can make you do some thangs," he said grinding on the counter. Chelsea laughed, saying, "Oh God." Monique stepped in, "And trust, this can make you do some," she did a sexy dip, "THHHHAAAGS!!!" All the fellas looked at each other and started adjusting their shirts. You high-fived the girls. "Y'all are too much," Daniel said biting his lip. He turned you around and looked into your eyes, "I'm glad you decided the solo trip. It's gna be real nice," he said looking at your lips. You blushed, "We need it Daniel." You felt his hands squeeze your butt. "Uuuuuummmm. Excuse y'all, FREAKS!" You both started laughing, before you kissed. "WHAT Y'ALL YOUNGINS TALKIN ABOUT," Perry said walking into the kitchen holding a beer. "Nothing you thinking already." He laughing, then he took a sip, "Mhm... Aye shawts... How are things out here are Jersey?" "Much better, it feels so good to be away from it all." "He nodded, "Good... Good.. I'm sorry you've been having to deal with all that shit... I told Dig to stop messing with that crazy thang a long time ago." Daniel sighed and rolled his eyes. "But don't worry. I'm sure we'll figure something out." You nodded, "Thank you Perry." "Of course. There's extra beer if y'all want some," he said walking out. "Ain't gotta tell me twice," D said following Perry. "Ahahahahaha, Say Cheeze." 

                       The house cleared of its company besides your family and your friends. Everyone had taken their showers and just laid around. You and the clan were in Daniels room, all laying on the bed. Spin and Darnell left. Daniel had his arms wrapped around you, holding you while you began drifting off to sleep. He did this almost everyone night. Even if you had just had a fight, he always did this. His soft kissing comforted you so much. He knew things were nothing but normal for you, so he did the best he could to level out the insanity that came with his lifestyle. His hands rubbed you as he cradled you to sleep. "Baby.." "Hmmm..." "How you feelin?" You looked at his face, "I'm great Dan." He knew you meant it too. "That makes me so happy," he smiled. "I couldn't be happier," you pecked his lips. "I got everything I want under one roof," you said looking at your two best friends, peacefully sleeping next to you. He was about to speak, but then their was a knock at the door, "Hey [Yn], its ma. I wanna talk baby." "Ok Ma. I'll be right there." You and Daniel stood up, "I'll see you in the morning okay? I'm gna go sleep with Russy, you and the girls can have my room. Give pappa his goodnight kiss." You leaned in and kissed his lips slowly, then holding his back with your arms. Chills traveled down your spine as his held you closely. "I love you." "I love you." He pecked your lips before walking you to the door. "Hey Mommy." "Hey, I'm sorry are y'all busy?" "Nah uh Ms. Michelle. I was just telling [Yn] goodnight," he looked at you, "She's all yours now." Your mom smiled, "Goodnight to you Ma," he said kissing your mom. He walked off with his pillow to Russie's room. "He's such a gentlemen," she said blushing, "And he called me mom... Hmmm... What's really going on here girl?" "Nothing mom... I miss you. Where you wanna talk at?" "How about the den." You both headed downstairs, walking slowly and taking a seat close to each other. "How's your new life baby?" "It's great mom but its hard too." She knew exactly what you were going through, "I know baby. I moved in with your dad young too.. I was a little bit older than you but yeah. Its tough huh?" You nodded innocently. "But he's doing a great job from what I see." You and your mom had a close bond. Every since you stopped thinking boys had cooties and began feeling different hormones, she wanted to instill that you could ask her anything. Why not? She had already been down the same road. "Mom." "Yes?" "I think I'm pregnant." She looked at you crazy, "Why do you think that [Yn]?" "I been feeling sick again." "I thought you said you went to the doctor..." "I did," you said rubbing your eyes, "But it's back again." "First of all, you're on birth control... secondly, you could be feeling sick from anything. Stop always assuming the worst baby." "But mom.." " 'But mom'... Nothing. Stop that [Yn]." "Yes ma'am." "Baby, you're simply adjusting to this new lifestyle. Not even a few months ago you were a normal 17 year old in high school. From that to an 18 year old dating a rapstar, c'mon now. Give yourself a break." "Thanks Ma... I needed that," you said holding her tight. She wiped your watery eyes, "It's okay... I'm here... I'm here."

End of Chapter 158.


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