Escaping the Drama

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Chapter 153

Escaping the Drama

                           Upon returning to the table with the rest of the Simmons, you finished up breakfast. Being with his family took your mind off of all the chaos. Daniel held your hand as you all exit the room and head back to the limo. "Wait just one moment, young lady," someone tapped your back, it was Uncle Russ, "Here's my card sweetie, hopefully I'll be seeing you throughout the summer for some internship." His warm smile glowed, "Of course, Uncle Russ." You kissed his cheek and hugged him. "Thank you." "No problem, See you later Diggy," he hugged and kissed him as well. Once everyone said their goodbyes to JoJo as well, you all headed back to New Jersey.

                              "Mommy look, I'm doing [Yn]'s hair again!!!!" Miley sat on the couch with you, snacking and watching TV. Luckily at the restaurant, you quickly undid the previous braids but show nuff, she was back at it lol... Your hair was definitely her entertainment! The rest of the family was doing their own thing. You heard footsteps from the kitchen coming into the livingroom. Daniel took a seat next to you and Miley. "Back at it again huh Miley?" She looked up and smiled at her brother, "Yes Diggy!" You smiled at him. He just got done shooting some hoops, a little cardio. He looked so sexy in his workout clothes, "I'm gna run to the shoe store real quick ma, I'll be back in a bit." You nodded, "Gimme kiss Miley." She kissed and hugged her big brother. "See you later baby," he pecked your lips and went off. You sat in your spot for about 10 more minutes before Miley said she was done. "GO LOOK AT IT IN THE MIRROR!" "Okay, I'll be right back sweetie." You got up slowly and headed to the bathroom. "Oh shit, this is gna be so tangly later on in the shower, fuck....Why did I let her do th..." "DO YOU LIKE IT [YN]?" "YEEEES, I LOVE IT GIRL," she stood next to you in the restroom. "Yay!!! Let's go show Mommy," she tugged on you and brought you upstairs. After a long walk upstairs, you stood outside the door of Mrs. Justine's bedroom. "Hi ladies, wanna come in?" She let you and Miley into her Palace for a bedroom. "Look Mommy, I did [Yn]'s hair!" "I love it Miley," she said sarcastically, laughing with you. You all sat on the bed and talked about girl stuff, whatever the fuck that is lol..."Can I paint your nails now [Yn]?" You smiled, "I'm sorry Miley, my nails are aleady done. I got them done at the nail shop." She frowned, "I can do your nails though." She smiled, "OKAY!" She raced to her moms drawer for some polish. "I'm sorry, she's just really excited with you being here." "No need to apologize Ma. It's fun actually spending time with her. I'm the only child so its nice seeing with its like." She smiled at you, Mrs. Justine really liked you, a lot. "Hows your family doing sweetie?" "They are much better, my mom and dad got back together, so its much more peaceful." "That wasn't nothing but God," she said rubbing your hand. "Right." Miley came back to the bed with glittery, pink nail polish. She postioned herself on the bed, "I'm ready [Yn]." You smiled and started painting her nails. "When are you and Dig flying out to see them [Yn]?" "I'm not for sure certain but I know sometime this week. We had to leave the city because of Tatianna." She nodded, "Mhm, Dig already talked to us about what happened. She sure has given you a lot of trouble huh?" "Yeah, it's really frustrating." "I could only imagine, you just keep to yourself. In the end, she'll get hers." Suddenly, Rev and Tyrese busted into the room. "HEEEEY LADIES," he said rushing over the bed. You all smiled, "Oh, y'all having girl talk," Tyrese said kissing the three of you. "Yes!!! Go away," Miley said shoo-ing her with her freshly painted hand. He backed up and smiled, "Fine, we will be outta your way Miley." They headed for the closet, then left the room. Your cell phone vibrated, it was a text from Daniel: "What size show do you wear, 7 right?" You smiled, then replied: "Yes :)" "Mrs. Justine noticed how hard you were smiling, "is that Dig?" "Mhm..." "You and him have something Special," she said looking into your eyes. You finished up Miley's mani/pedi. You raised your eyebrow, "You think so?" "Mhm...He's never been so happy..." You blushed and looked away, "He's perfect Ma." "You're perfect for each other. I mean, being in a relationship isn't the easiest task but, its worth it." You both smiled at each other. But she was right though, you do have something special.

                               After painting nails and spending time with the girls, so much time had gone by. It was already 7 o'clock in the evening. You decided to take a warm shower and afterwards you went to Daniel's room and laid in the bed. It smelled like his cologne so each inhale reminded you of him. You spent some time on the phone with Monique and Chelsea, then you called your parents. You missed everyone so much and couldn't wait to see them. Now you lie in bed, waiting for him. You looked around his peaceful room, couldn't help but think about how much you loved it out here in Jersey. With no sign of your ex's, this was the perfect escape from the drama back in the city. Suddenly, your heard the front door slam, followed by some footsteps on the stairs. You anxiously sat up in his bed. In the room he came, hauling in a lot of bags. He was on the phone. Once he noticed you in the bed, he smooched a kiss at you with his lips. "I'll call you later Spin, alright, bye." You got out the bed and ran into his arms. "I missed you." He kissed your forehead, "Likewise beautiful. Look what pappa bought you." You laughed and sat on the bed with him, he headed you three bags. You looked at your bags, then saw all his on the floor, at least 10 different bags lol. You opened a shoe box first, it was a pair of versace heels. White and gold. "Damn....." He laughed from your speechlessness. You spotted the tag on the shoes, $789. "I love it Daniel." You looked in the next bag, a white and gold purse to match it. "Oh my gosh, this is beautiful Daniel." He smiled, "Least I could do. Look in the last one." You opened the bag, inside was a blue armani dress. It was a body-con. This was beautiful. It was sexy. You looked at him, "I don't know to how say thank you." "You just did, come here." He pulled your lips in for a soft kiss. These were the beginning to your new wardrobe. He hugged you and began unpacking his shoes. You watched him, awaiting him to lay beside you.

End of Chapter 153.


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