Are You Stupid Or Stupid?

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Chapter 33

Are you stupid or stupid?

                 *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* You turned over in your bed and looked at your alarm clock, ''6:45? Ha..whatever,'' you said hitting the snooze button and pulling the blankets over your head. *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* ''UGGGGGHHH, SHIT!'' You got out the bed and stomped to the bathroom. You weren't quite a morning person. After you came out you sat on the bed and stared at your calendar on the wall, it was Friday. You smiled because you had a huge circle around Saturday & Sunday. This week was a bit strange. Chelsea was all up on Donte's triflin ass, Mr. Spelman from English wasn't as harsh because you and Roxanne were getting along, and you were gna be with your boyfriend this weekend. Wow. You came out of your gaze from staring at the calendar and went to the closet for an outfit. Since it was Friday and you were extremely happy, you wore something ''nice'' compared to the beginning of the week. ''I guess I'll do this with that,'' you said pulling it off your closet rack. Todays outfit was a black shirt with gold studded sleeves, leather fitted pants and gold and black high tops. ''Damn I look good,'' you said doing a pose in the mirror, ''I guess I'll just wear my hair down,'' you said playing with it. You looked at your clock and saw that it was 7:23, you had to leave by 7:40. You quickly slipped some earings on and grabbed your bagpack and phone. ''Good Morning Ma,'' you said walking downstairs, she was on the couch. She looked up from her magazine, ''Hey baby.'' She looked so beautiful. You took a seat next to her. ''You look cute [Yn].'' ''Thanks Ma, wheres Da?'' ''He's on a early flight to New York, he's tryin to lease his house up there to someone.'' ''Oh okay,'' you said reaching in her bowl of strawberries. ''Uh uh, get your own breakfast,'' she said when she saw you reach for more. ''Fine Mother.'' You went to the ktichen and looked in the fridge, ''Where are the rest of the strawberries at Ma?'' She had a guilty look on her face. ''Mhm.'' You walked away and headed for the door, ''I'll just stop somewhere before school.'' ''Don't be late [Yn].'' ''Yes ma'am,'' you stuck your hand out, ''Keys por favor.'' She handed you your dads car keys. They let you drive to school this week, thankfully. ''Be careful lil girl,'' she yelled before you shut the door. You got in the car and turned in out. ''I guess I'll let it warm up a bit,'' then you texted Monique and told her you'd be on the way. ''Lets get this over with so I can see my boo,'' you said backing out. Diggy called you Wednesday and told you to pack, ''The earlier the better Ma.'' He was probably gone try and surprise you. Who knows, but you did pack. You were gna pack early regardless, shoot. As you drove down the street, you thought about this weekend. You were kinda nervous but really wanted to meet Diggy's people. The plans were the only motivation for finishing the week. You placed your foot on the brakes and honked for Monique. You saw her open the front door and wave goodbye to her folks. ''Hey girl,'' she said shutting the door. She looked you up and down, ''you look real cute today [yn].'' You smiled and then licked your lips seductively, ''thanks.'' You both laughed and then you continued to drive. ''We made it girl, the weekend is so close.'' ''I know huh, I'm ready.'' ''Haha, I know you are cuz you gone see your man.'' ''Mhm,'' you said grinding on the seat. ''[yn], you better chill hahaha.'' You just smiled and kept driving. ''Wanna stop and get something, I'm hungry.'' ''Yeah,'' she said looking in her wallet, ''Lets hurry.'' 

                ''Damn that was good,'' you said balling up your McDonalds wrapper. You looked over at Monique, she was rubbing her tummy, ''Mhm girl.'' Since y'all were a bit late, you had to eat and drive. ''Ready?'' ''Yeah.'' You both got out your dads car and stretched. ''We got about 5 minutes to get to class Monique,'' you said looking at your phone. The two of you started walking towards the doors. ''Gimme your trash Monique,'' you said taking it, ''I'mma go run to this trashcan real quick,'' you ran off and found a trashcan on the side of school. You shot it in and looked up. You saw these two people making out... But who was it? You were nosey so you hid yourself a bit and stared. ''Damn,'' you whispered. They were really into it. Lip smaking and all. Suddenly the girl pulled away and looked up. ''Oh shit,'' you said ducking your head. You started walking away but felt someone pull your arm. You turned around and looked up, it was Donte and some random hoe of the moment. You pulled your arm away and covered your mouth. IT WASNT CHELSEA HE WAS KISSIN!!! He looked you in the eye, ''look [yn], you better not tell Chelsea.'' ''Or what?'' ''Or... or... I'll tell everyone you're dating Diggy Simmons....'' You started laughing, ''Who in the hell would believe you?'' He then laughed and pulled out his cell phone, ''look,'' he said showing a picture of you and Diggy making out. ''HOW IN THE HELL DID YOU GET THIS????'' He pulled his cell phone away and said, ''I drove by and snapped a shot, I knew I would be able to use this. You felt scared, if everyone found out, that would be crazy. Every girl in the school would be all up in your business, not to mention Diggy. He didn't say to keep y'all on the low but you assumed it would be best for press and out of consideration. ''Look, don't tell her, you understand.'' You looked down, but he pulled your face up with his chin, ''You know you can always ditch him for me though.'' You slapped his hand down and started walking off. ''REMEMBER WHAT I SAID [YN].'' You walked back over to Monique, who was standing by the door. ''What took you so long, we gone be late now...'' ''Sorry,'' you said following her to Mr. Spelmans class. How could someone be so evil, you thought. 


                 ''Make sure you add a lot of detail to the posters okay? Now get started.'' Mr. Spelman allowed you and your group to finish up a project in class. Your group was you, Monique, a sweet girl named Stacey, a boy named Trent and Roxanne. Mr. Spelman assigned groups so you were so glad Monique was in it. Not to mention you and Roxanne were getting along. ''Who wants to write,'' Trent asked. ''I will,'' Roxanne offered. The poster had to consist of important key facts about how high school has prepared you for college. Monique noticed you staring off. You couldn't focus because you couldn't stop thinking about earlier. ''You okay,'' Roxanne asked with concern. You looked up, ''yeah.'' ''Don't sound too convincing [yn],'' Monique added. You sighed. You looked over at Chelsea in her group. Even though she was a fake ass bitch for turning on you for a guy, not to mention Donte, you still cared about her. Why? Because 12 years of friendship meant more to you then these past few days. She was your best friend since elementary. Why couldn't she see that she was getting played? Was she stupid or stupid? ''May I use to the restroom,'' she asked Mr. Spelman. He nodded and Chelsea left the class. You went  back and forth all morning about telling her... Hmmmmm. ''Mr. Spelman, may I take something to the front office?'' He stared off for a split second, then agreed. You told the group you'd be right back. ''Alright,'' they all said in unison. You grabbed a blank paper off your desk and walked out class. You ran to the restroom and saw that no one was inside. ''Damn.'' Suddenly a stall opened and Chelsea came out. The restroom was long, so she didn't see you. You stood there and wondered, ''should I tell her?'' 

End of Chapter 33.

A Dream Come True (Diggy Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon