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Chapter 6


        It was Him. Diggy. You sat only several feet from him. Thats the only thing that stood between the both of you, between a conversation, between several possibilities; only a few feet. You kept staring, deeply at him. You'd think that all the staring would made you kind of a creep and extremely obvious, but thankfully, the four of them were having some kind of interesting conversation. Between the groups shared laughed and the fact that the airport was nearly empty, they really didnt notice you creeping. It was so hard to believe that you and Diggy were about to be on the same airplane flying to New York City. Wow. What are the chances? You thought about getting up and introducing yourself, but everytime you told yourself to get up, you froze and couldn't move. ''Hahahahaaaaaa!'' You kept hearing Diggy laugh. Seriously, what was so damn funny? Good lawd. You were a bit far so you couldn't exactly hear or see his face that well, but you knew it was him for sure. ''Flight A25 for New York City is now boarding. Please make your way to the boarding line for your flight, thank you!'' You started shaking. You stood up slowly while grabbing your bag and began walking to the line. Diggy and the crew were further up in line. You felt like if you got too close that you'd freak out. As you watched each of them get their boarding pass scanned, it really set in that he was on the same plane as you. ''Boarding pass please.'' You handed your pass over and made your way down the walkway into the plane. Your stomach was in knots. As you stepped on the plane, you realized that in order to get to the back of the plane, you had to pass him up on the way. Oh lawd! As you got further and further on the plane, you saw him and his people sitting down. They were still having an intense conversation. ''Hahahahahaaaa!'' You got closer and closer.... You looked and saw that he was in the window seat and to his left was Dj Spinking from the concert. Perry and Roger had their own rows across from them. Your heart began beating fast as you passed them. Diggy was lookin down on his phone as Spin was talking to him. Roger was looking out the window and Perry was sleep, nearly. They didnt see you. At all. You wanted to be able to see Diggy. You sat behind Perry's row. You had to whole row to yourself. You couldn't take in the fact that this was happening. You were on the plane with Diggy Simmons.

        The entire flight, you stared at Diggy. You were so paranoid and anxious. Everytime his head or Spins head turned, you would freak out and pretend to be staring at someone else, even though you were behind and across from them. You started imagining things to say like, how'd you greet him and how to avoid awkwardness. Truth was you really wanted to have the guts to get up and walk up to him. Maybe say 'Hi', take a seat and talk about his music and whatever else came next. Instead, you were in the back staring, losing precious time, overthinking the situation. You stopped daydreaming from the interruption of Perry's snoring. Suddenly, Diggy and Spin turned around and looked at Perry, ''He's still snoring, hahaaaaaa,'' Spin said, They both laughed. Terrified you sat lower in your seat afraid they saw you staring. ''Alright ladies and gentleman, we are now preparing for landing, please power down your electronic devices and fasten your seatbelts.'' You did so. After the plane finally landed, you decided it was now or never. It was now time to exit the plane, you had a decision to make. Introduce yourself or let him walk away, forever.

        You were now standing up and grabbing your bag. Diggy and his people were now standing up and walking off the plane. You let two people in between you and Perry. You overheard Roger ask Perry, ''snored enough.'' He replied, ''yes, now say cheese.'' You chuckled a bit. The line was now moving and before you knew it you were passing up the flight attendants near the cockpit door. Off the plane you were. You powered up your cell phone and kept walking. The airport was just as dry as the other. It was still early. Dig and the guys were headed off on their way. It was crazy to think how fast paced their lives were. They were just on the plane with you and now were on their way to do another concert later on today. It was time, time to stop overthinking and just do it. You saw that they were walking kind of fast, so you hurried. Perry, Spin and Roger headed towards a food place to get food. Diggy headed to the restroom alone right across from there. You stood a good distance away so that it wouldn't seem like you were following him. He came out moments later. It was now time. You ran really fast over to him. Your open bag was shaking and so were you. Something fell to the floor but you didnt notice it. You tapped his back. He stopped and slowly turned around. He then...

End of Chapter 6.

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