Not the Person I Met

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Chapter ???

Not the Person I Met

                        "You agreed to meet her." "I changed my mind." "I already drove us here [Yn]." "And..." Daniel laughed as he slouched in his car seat, "Can you please give her some of your time, please... So we can put this bullshit to rest." You looked over at him, "You look so handsome babe," you rubbed the chest he exposed in his botton down. He giggled when you flicked your tongue at him, "Stop tryna seduce me and change the subject... Yo ass thought..." "I tried," you shrugged. "Hahaha... You are a mess," his smile was so beautiful, "C'mon, let's go," he pointed at the door. After you nodded no, he mean mugged you. "Stop looking at me like that Daniel.... UGH!! OKAY OKAY OKAY!" "Thats what I thought," he shut the car off and went to open your door. "Thank you." "Mhm, c'mon." The two of you walked into RCA Recording Studios. For the past two weeks, you wondered what you'd do when you saw her. The coward bitch couldn't even give you a phone call to explain herself. Things were fine between you and Daniel, especially after you had a long talk one night sometime last week. He poured his heart out and that meant a lot to you. Talking things out is usually the best way to squash shit but instead, she didn't say anything to you. "You good mama?" You shook your head, "I'm already pissed and we only on the elevator." "We gotta put this behind us..." "Daniel, that bitch disrespected me... Like I still can't believe that shit she pulled..." "I know... that was pretty intense night," he scratched his chin, "But something I've learned is you gotta treat those who fucked you over like nothing is wrong. Its like, ppl wanna see a reaction outta you... but when you act cool its blows them away. I know her intentions weren't necessarily the same but ma, same difference is you gotta kill her with kindness. If you step off this elevator," he pointed to the door, "And show that you're still upset, it'll give her a deep satisfaction in knowing she hurt you." "Fuck," you punched the wall, "I hate when you're right." "I'm just saying... Show her you've moved past it. We have, haven't we?" He pulled you into his chest, "MMMMM!" "Hahaha, what? Take deep breathes." After a few seconds, the elevator doors slide open. "C'mon." He tugged your hand, gently, as he lead you to Jacob's studio. The last time you seen the both of them was that night so... Yeah it was a little anxiety. "Can we get ice cream after this shit?" "Hahaha, sure." You stopped at the door eventually. Daniel looked at you, "Ready?" "Yup." *Knock-Knock-Knock* The music inside stopped, "Dig?" "Yeah its me and [Yn]." "Aaayyye!" The door opened and there stood Jacob. "Hey hey, how are you guys?" He was so handsome; his smile was contagious. He gave Daniel a dap, then hugged you. "C'mon in!" You dreaded this moment, so much... Your stomach started hurting. In the distance, you saw Samantha over in the corner. She didn't even greet you guys. You and Daniel stood together, watching to see what she'd do. "Sam, they're here!" She looked up, again, from her phone... She said nothing to you guys. Your hands started to tingle. "Samantha," Jacob got serious, 0-100 lol, "Stop being rude and come acknowledge them! Didn't you say you wanted to talk to her? "Nah, I'm good off that shit," she stood up. She walked past you guys, then stood at the door, "I'm going outside to smoke. I'll be back Daniel," she winked at him before shutting the door. Your breathing started to pick up. Jacob was embarassed and pissed, "I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOTTEN INTO THAT GIRL, HONESTLY... I SWEAR I'M ABOUT TO DROP HER FROM MANAGING ME!" You never seen him yell like that before. Daniel looked at you, he could see your face turning red by the second, "Baby.. Lets sit down..." He lead you to the couch. The both of you sat down. Jacob couldn't sit though; he paced the floor back and forth, "I swear... Ever since that night, she hasn't been the same..." "She's picked up a new habit, I see." "Yeah, she smokes," Jacob sighed, "I don't know who she's been hangin out with but they're brainwashing her obviously. You sat there, silently, rocking back and forth. You kept everything Daniel said to you inside the elevator replaying in your mind. The last thing you wanted to do was to show her you were upset but it was hard bruh. Jacob noticed your rocking back and forth, "Is she okay?" Daniel wrapped his arm around you and kissed you. He placed your head against his chest, "She'll be fine... Just tryna remain calm." He nodded, "[Yn], I sincerely, apologize for my cousins actions. I don't have an explaination for her acting out... I really don't. I also apologize for that night as well. I could see the look on your face, I'll never forget that..." "Don't worry Jacob... Sam obviously had some unresolved feelings for me... And I swear... I completely forgot about that hook-up..." "For sure Dig, I understand where you coming from... I just... I'm so glad to see the two of you still together." "Oh, she wasn't going no where," he looked at you, "I wasn't gonna allow it... We been through too much!" "Right right..." The door busted open.... In came Samantha... She smelled like smoke. The boys stared at her but you didn't. If you woulda honestly took a look at her... You'd jump out your seat. Daniels grip around you tightened. He stroked your hand, slowly. His lips against your face kept you calm, "What flavor ice cream do you want when we leave?" You smiled, "Cookie dough." The both of you laughed. "Whats so funny," Samantha looked at Daniel. He rubbed his chin, "You," he pointed at her. "Whatever... I don't even you know why I told you I wanted to see her." Daniel laughed, "You know why you wanetd to see her, don't play dumb." Samantha noticed how you wouldn't look at her, made her wonder... "SAMANTHA, SERIOUSLY! WHATS YOUR FUCKIN DEAL!" "JACOB, DON'T YELL AT ME!!" He stood up and got in her face, "WHO HAVE YOU BEEN HANGIN AROUND! HUH!!!" He stood back, "You stink..." "Whatever. And who I hang around is not your business." "I'm done," he rubbed his forehead, "I will be finding myself a new manager." She turned to him, "MAN FUCK YOU AND THIS!!!" He grabbed her by the arm, "WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME... HUH!!! SAMANTHA DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO I AM.... You've been nothing but disrespectful these past few weeks... what's gotten into you?" Daniel watched in disgust... He stood up and got in her face too, "What drugs have you been doing?" She looked worried, "Huh Sam... Which... because this can't be you right now. Not the Samantha I know. You disrespected my girlfriend.. but clearly it didn't end there... Whats going on with you lately..." She looked at you, which you were still looking down. Not once did you look at her. When they saw her look at you, they knew this was about you. "HE WAS MINE FIRST [YN]!!! AND DON'T WORRY... ME AND TATIANNA WILL BE DEALING WITH YOU SOON!" She rushed out the door and left. The two of them looked at you, "Haha, was that shit supposed to scare me? And why in the hell is she tag-teaming with your ex Dan? Revenge of the ex's??" They both laughed at you. "Funny thing is, she wasn't my ex..." "It makes sense though... Tatianna's been brainwashing her." The three of you stood in a circle, "I love my cousin but she's been making it real hard to deal with her." "Yeah." He walked in a circle, "I'm a head out... gonna go holla at some family. I'm sorry about this.. I thought her intentions were settle things..." "It's okay Jacob." You hugged him. "Thanks [Yn]." The three of you gathered whatever things you had before leaving the studio, "[Yn], hit the lights please." "Sure." 

End of Chapter

Gotta warn you, this book will be ending very soon. I know I been said that... but I want to give you guys a new book... fast forward time a bit.. I'll keep you updated.. and no this is not the last chapter lol.. I'll announce that when it is... Later loves!

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