Trust is the Key

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Chapter 77

Trust is the Key

                    ''I'm so full,'' you said leaning back in the booth against the wall. Daniel was laying on you, rubbing his tummy as well. ''Gimme one,'' he said reaching his hand out towards Spin; he needed a toothpick from the feast you guys just had. To put it in perspective, you guys had pancakes, waffles, biscuits, bacon, sausage, eggs, potatoes and even tortilla wraps to make tacos. Not to mention the fruit that came with it. Yes LAAAWD! ''Mmmmmm,'' you moaned from feeling so stuffed. Even though you were so full, you were having a really good time with Spin & Dig. They kept you laughing, constantly. You smiled, then looked at Daniels head, which was resting on your chest. You starting playing in his little curls. ''He need a haircut huh,'' Spin asked looking at Daniel to see his reaction. ''Shut up,'' Daniel said throwing a grape at him. ''I'm good though B,'' Spin said taking off his hat and showing off his fresh cut. ''It doesn't even look that bad,'' you said kissing his head. Spin made this crazy face, ''You just saying that cuz he's yo man and all! Shoot I stay fly,'' he said licking his lips. You and Daniel both looked at each other and laughed. Spin made this whatever face, then picked up his vibrating phone. You watched him read the screen, then he said, ''Oh shit..'' ''What?'' ''Dig, they want me to DJ at Dawn's party.'' Daniel rolled his eyes. ''What, you got a problem with that,'' Spin asked sarcastically. ''Whose Dawn,'' you asked in confusion. Spin and Daniel looked at each other, then spoke at the same time. ''She....,'' then Spin finished, ''She's Tatianna's cousin.'' Hearing that name made you feel sooooooo uncomfortable... Spin could see the discomfort in your face. ''Aye [yn],'' he said looking at you, ''I know she's probably not someone you wanna hear about but that truth is, she's hot in NYC. Her music career is taking off and she's a great person to promote. Besides, the last time I threw a party for Dawn, I made sooooo many racks that night!'' ''Mhm,'' Daniel said agreeing with him. ''Yeah, I may have to hop on this opportunity,'' he said rubbing his chin. Suddenly, his phone started ringing. ''I'ma go take this,'' he said getting up. You and Dan both nodded. Once he was gone, it was silent until Daniel spoke. He picked up your hand and kissed it, ''Are you enjoying yourself baby?'' ''Yes, I am,'' you said blushing. ''I wonder if he's gna do that party,'' Daniel said to himself. You didn't say anything. Then Daniel spoke again, ''You alright [yn]?'' He noticed you were a bit quieter than usual. ''Oh, no no... I'm fine Dan.'' ''You sure?'' ''Mhm, I am,'' you lied. Your ass was lying. To be honest, you were thinking about Tatianna. What was she like? What happened to her and Daniels relationship? Thats exactly what ran across your mind. And lastly, who was this Dawn bitch? Shoot ;-/ I got a feeling that you will find out, probably sooner than expected ;) but anyway, the two of you sat there in silence, awaiting for Spin. Suddenly, the waiter came by. ''Hello, is there anything I can get you?'' ''The check please,'' Daniel said sitting up. ''Oh okay, I'll be right back.'' He searched his wallet until he pulled out a card. It was a black card. You just stared in amazement. He looked at your face, ''Haha, what?'' ''You have one of those?'' He laughed and winked at you. Rich son of a.... ''HEEEY, DID Y'ALL MISS ME,'' Spin said sitting down. You looked him up and down, rolling your eyes. ''I see how it is,'' he said laughing at you. Daniel looked up from his phone at Spin, ''The waiters coming back.'' ''Oh alright,'' he said getting his wallet out. ''Okay Lady and Gentlemen, whose with who?'' Daniel looked at you, ''I got her and myself. He's seperate.'' Alrighty then. You watched them both hand her their cards. ''What going on with Dawn,'' Daniel asked looking at Spin. ''She's having this big party to kick off the summer, wants ya boy to DJ.'' ''You gone take it?'' ''Hell yeah Dig. She's having artists perform there as well.'' ''Like?'' ''She's tryna book Mindless B, Jacob, Trevor Jackson, ummmm...who else did she say..Oh yea! OMG Girlz, Justin Skye and then locals in NYC. She also wanted to know if you wanted to perform as well.'' Your heart starting racing fast. Daniel didn't look directly at you, but he side-eyed you. He knew that Tatianna would be there. ''Oh, I'll see Spin.'' He nodded, knowing that Daniel didn't wanna talk about this right now, or at least in front of you. You just kinda stared off. Once the waiter came back with their cards, the three of you left the restaurant and headed for Spins car. ''Drop us at the hotel Spin,'' Daniel said snapping his seat belt. ''Will do young god.'' The ride back was a bit awkward. Spin and Dan had small talk, but you were silent. It wasn't that you were in a bad mood, you just couldn't take your mind off of this chick. But why?

                  ''Alright, It was a pleasure,'' Spin said as the both of you got out in front the hotel. ''Bye,'' you said smiling. 'I'll hit you up later,'' Daniel said as well. Soon, his car was in the distance. The two of you stood out there for a minute. Daniel knew something wasn't right but wasn't exactly sure. ''Let's go sit by the pool,'' you suggested. The both of you walked through the hotel and made your way there. ''Wow, no one's here,'' you said to yourself. Once you both sat down, it was silent. ''Please tell me what's on your mind,'' Daniel said looking in to your eyes. ''Nothing important,'' you lied. WE ALL KNOW what happened last time you brought up his ex. He ignored your butt for an ENTIRE day. You didn't want that to happen again. Shoot, you learned your lesson. ''Don't do that.'' ''Daniel, I don't want you to get mad at me.'' He swallowed, then said, ''I won't, just tell me.'' Once you took a deep breathe, you went on, ''I don't know. I guess hearing Tatianna's name brings back horrible memories, you know?'' He nodded, then got up from sitting across from you to sitting right by your side. ''I know that last time you brought her up, I was a complete jerk for ignoring you. I respect how you tried to not bring her up but look, I can see that something is bothering you, so I wanna know.'' You nodded, then said, ''It's okay. I'm fine though,'' you lied. Daniel just kept staring into your eyes, ''I'm sorry about the whole situation with her. Truth of the reality is that she lives and breathes NYC. She does campaigns and shows all the time. I've even run into her a couple of times myself. But I want you to understand that she's my past. You're my future. I closed that chapter and I'm not tryna open that book, okay?'' ''Okay.'' There was a little silence, then Daniel was like, ''Are you okay with me performing at Dawn's party?'' ''I'm your girlfriend, not your mother,'' you laughed, ''I don't want to stop you from progressing in your music career.'' He smiled, then looked down, ''Wow,'' then he looked at you, ''You're so incredible.'' You blushed, ''I trust you Daniel. I just don't trust her."  ''I know babe, you have nothing to worry about. But I mean, I'd want you to go.'' Your face was a bit uneasy, ''I don't know Daniel, I don't want anything to happen again.'' He looked at you and said really serious, ''I promise nothing will happen to you.'' You nodded. He licked his pink lips, ''I promise. You can trust me. Besides,'' he said chuckling, ''You showed me last night that you did.'' You licked your lips, ''Mhm.'' ''What, you tryna be nasty now?'' You laughed and ignored his question. He leaned in to kiss you, but you leaned backwards. ''Gimme kiss [yn].'' ''Nope,'' you said leaning back. He kept pushing up on you, causing you to almost fall out your chair. ''STOP IT,'' you yelled trying to hold him off. He kept trying to kiss you. He tried to pin you to the ground, but you managed to escape. He chased you all around the pool. At one point, you almost fell in. Daniel laughed even harder. You ran away from the pool and towards the doors inside. He chased you all the way through halls. Elevator rides and all. ''Oh shit,'' you said watching him get closer. You jumped on an elevator and hit the top floor. ''I'm so tired,'' you said slouching over, breathing hard. He was determined to kiss you. *Ding* Once the door opened, you stepped off the elevator. You ran around like a mad man trying to not get kissed. Out of no where, he tackled you to the floor. ''Hahahahaha,'' you laughed as he laid on you. He tickled you and kissed your face. How did he get up here so fast? ''You give up yet?'' ''No,'' you said covering your face with your hands. His kisses on your neck made you....*ahem*. You uncovered your face and stared into his eyes. He lowered himself to you, kissing your lips softly. He tried to pull away, but you didn't let him. ''Oh now you wanna kiss me,'' he said laughing. The two of you laid there and made out on the hotel floor. Thankfully, it was the top floor and no one was really around. He grabbed you and held you while he stood up carrying you. ''Where are you taking me?'' He ignored you and kept walking as he kissed your neck repeatedly. He stepped on an elevator. ''You ready for another ride ma?'' The door shut and......

End of Chapter 77.

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