Welcome to Atlantic Records II

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Chapter 147

Welcome to Atlantic Records II

                              You spent about 30 minutes on the phone with Monique, then you walked around the halls, reading plaques and awards. Suddenly, you heard a door open. Excitement filled you as you watched Daniel walk out the door. Following him were about ten other people, a mixture of men and women. He stood and spoke with a few Atlantic Reps before they went on there way. Now, it was just him, Perry, Georgie and another woman with dreadlocks. Daniel looked around the hall, then stopped when he saw you. He waved, then blew a kiss. "Haha," you chuckled, catching his kiss with your hands. Then you sent one back. The others noticed and all waved and blew kisses at you too. You smiled. Daniel motioned with his finger for you to come here. "Nope." He shook his head, then walked towards you. "Why you being a naughty girl," he said pulling you into his chest. He had a tight grip on your booty, "Mmm? Don't make me punish you later." You bit your lip and laughed. He kissed you all over your neck. "Did someone miss me already?" He side smiled, "Damn right." "How'd your meeting go?" "Not so bad," he looked to the side, "I'll explain more. Come, I want you to meet Ms. Laurie. She's my manager." (Idk if I brought her into the story or not...) "Okay." The two of you walked down the hallway to meet up with Daniels Team. "This is her Laurie." "Oh my gosh, she's beautiful Diggy. Hi Sweetie. I'm Ms. Laurie. Diggy's manager." "Hi. Nice to meet you, I'm [Yn]." She greeted you with a very warm and loving hug. "Hey Shawts," Perry said reaching for a hug. You hugged Ms. Georgie as well. "How you been girl?" "I been alright Ms. Georgie." She shook her head, "I know that crazy bitch for an Ex is giving you the blues." You nodded. "What did the Reps say?" Daniel looked at you, "They said the stories sold by the paparazzi weren't too bad.. But it also could have been handled better. Long story short," he said holding your hand, "We gotta leave town, now." Your jaw dropped, "Are you serious," you covered your mouth with both hands. "Yeah. They said its best to leave the city, give the stories a week or two to die out." Ms. Laurie spoke up, "I mean, with Tatianna roaming the streets of NYC, you never know where she may pop up again, you know." "Wait, isn't she signed to this records label too?" "Was," Daniel said smirking, "Then she switched over to RCA." "Yeah, but its not like another label won't pick her up, she's talented no doubt," Georgie said shrugging, "I mean, we gotta just keep a watch for her." "Shit, only reason she's still signed is for the income she's bringing in." "Mhm..." "Yeah, I was scheduled to perform this week, along with other major meetings but that got cancelled... The Reps said they don't wanna take a chance with us running into her again. So soon as Marcus get back, we packing and heading to my parents house in Jersey. After that, your parents house and from there, the Bahamas." Your legs felt weak, suddenly. "Someone catch me," you nearly fainted. It was too much excitement for your brain to handle. "Oh my gosh, YEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!" Everyone laughed and clapped. Daniel held you, trying to keep you from falling. He smiled in your face, he loved making you happy. "You two are the cutest. I'm so glad the meeting went well. They see Diggy that you're the good guy here. Just keep staying outta drama, well, as best as you can," Ms. Laurie hugged everyone. "I will see you all soon. Be safe, it was nice meeting you Pretty Lady," she said waving at you. "Thank you." "Me and Perry will head out as well. It was good seeing you both. Hopefully after things die down, we'll get back to the studio." "Hell yeah, take it easy Georgie and P Waters." Perry scratched his head, "I'll be over at Rev's crib sometime this week." "Alright." You watched them both walk down the hall. Daniel looked at you, then brought your lips to his lips using his finger. You stood in the hallway, kissing passionately. This getaway was JUST what you needed. He stopped kissing you, then stared into your glowing eyes, "You ready?" "Mhm." "Let's go."

                        "Babe..." "Mmmm?" "I don't think my suitcase is big enough..." He left the closet and came back seconds later, "Here. I have so many different suitcases." It was a black and gold-studded suitcase. "Louis Vuitton. Mhm." "That's one of my favs, you better be good with that." You squinted your eyes, "Boy hush." He winked, "I think I'm gna go ahead and order you a set of suitcases for yourself." "Thats fine with me," you said walking past him back to your side of the closet. You spent the last 30 minutes packing clothes, well that and picking up a little food. You grabbed takeout for later. "Damn, this shit is tiring me." "I'm use to it. I fly so much," he said folding some Calvin Klein underwear, "You'll get use to it to ma." He stopped folding to answer his phone. "Hey Spin, what's up BOOOOY.............Yeah...........Mhm, we packing right now.............Haha, we not leaving to [Yn]'s parents yet. We going to Jersey with my people.....Yeah......Haha, okay. Whatever....." You ignored their conversation and focussed on packing. "Okay, now I gotta pack underwear and bikinis." Lol, Daniel must have heard you, he quickly turned around and focussed on you. You held up one of your new thongs. Daniel, still on the phone, was completely ignoring Spin. He was licking his lips like the freak he was lol. He got off the phone, "I can't wait to see you in those." "Too bad you can't do much about it." He looked up, "Wait, why not....oh yeah, the bet.... Ha.. Not even tripping. I'm gna get you to crack for sure in the Bahamas." "Whatever Daniel," you got in this face. You felt like teasing him. You took your hand was rubbed him near his belt. "Wait wait, what you doing?" You ignored him. You planted soft kisses on his chest... He LOVED when you did that lolll.. You even used a little tongue lol. He was getting so turned on, you knew becus he was breathing in and out, deeply. You pulled his neck to your lips and sucked on it. "Oh my gosh, you know thats my spot," he said backing up. "You not about to try me right now," he said shaking his head. You winked, then walked slowly back to your half full suitcase. He watched you, shaking his head, "What did I get myself into..."

End of Chapter 147.

Excited about the future of this book. Been thinking about making a sequel... ;-)

Do any of you have a product that works for your curly hair? *pic above*

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