Complete Chaos

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Chapter 13

Complete Chaos

        After you peaked inside and saw your mom and some random guy fuckin, you turned your head while covering your mouth. You then saw your dad heading up the stairs. ''Oh no.'' You walked down the hall and went up to him, ''Daddy, waa-waaiit.'' Suddenly, your mom and her 'friend' came out the room. Nothing covered them but bed sheets. This was so freakin awkward. Your mom and her friend looked a bit embarrassed. You looked up to see your dads expression. He looked soooo sad. There was complete silence, and confused stares. Finally, your mom broke the ice, ''[Yn]....I thought the flight was for 4?'' No one said anything in response. Seeing your dad sad made you upset. You stormed down the stairs and ran outside. Your dads sadness turned into anger in the same breathe. After your dad gave your mom a disgusted look, he followed you. You were now outside, and in tears. Your dad came and sat beside you. ''It's okay sweetie,'' he said your wiping tears. Suddenly, your mom and her 'friend' came outside, barely clothed. As he walked passed you and your dad, you saw your dads fist clench up. Your dad got up and starting hiting him. ''DADDY, DADDY STOP!!!'' Your mom ran over to help stop the fight. ''DARYL, YOU GET OFF OF HIM NOW!'' Your dad got off of him, he looked up and saw your face, which sorta calmed him down but he was still in rage. ''NOW LOOK, YOU CHEATED ON ME TOO, SO YOU HAVE NO REASON TO GET UPSET!'' ''TWO WRONGS DON'T MAKE A RIGHT MICHELLE!'' Your dad went inside and got his suitcase. ''[Yn], take me to a hotel, NOW!'' You got up wiping away tears. You got up to go inside and get your purse. You didn't even look at your mom. You came out and started the car. Off you were.

        You drove off and were literally, speechless. You thought the entire ride about everything. The visual in your head with her and that guy grossed you out. Ugh. After a silent drive to the Marriott Hotel, your dad finally said something. ''Thanks a lot baby.'' His eyes were puffy from crying and he voice was kinda scratchy. He looked so hurt, which made you hurt even worse. ''How long are you gna stta-staaay daddy,'' you managed to choke out. ''I'm leaving tonight.'' You looked away, he pulled your face up with his finger, ''Don't cry baby, I'll be fine. I'll call you when I land.'' He hugged you, for a few seconds. Then he got out the car to get his suitcase. You hugged once more, then he disappeared into the swivel doors of the hotel. You got back in the car and headed home.

        Pulling up, you were kinda nervous. You didn't get a chance to talk to your mom. You slammed the door after making it inside. She came from her downstairs bedroom in tears. ''[Yn], baby I'm so sorry.'' She ran up to you and gave you a long hug. You stood there. You rubbed her long, curly hair while she sobbed. She pulled away and looked you in the eyes. You were both hurt. ''I don't really wanna talk about it right now Ma, just wanna go lay down.'' She nodded and watched as you went upstairs. You sat on your bed.

        After spending sometime alone, you decided you wanted someone to talk to. It was way too much to deal with on your own. You grabbed your cell out your purse, you decided to dial Chelsea first, since she was the more sensitive and nurturing one. No answer. You then tried Monique, no answer. ''Great!'' You threw your cell phone to the ground. Suddenly, you remembered the number in your wallet. You got up and dug in your purse. You picked up your cell and flopped on the bed. You dialed the number, hoping for an answer. After the third ring, there was a ''Hello?'' ''Hi, this is [Yn].'' ''How did you get this number?'' ''It was in my wallet.'' ''Hold on.'' You were confused and questioned hanging up. ''Hello? [Yn]?, Hi its Diggy.'' You dropped the phone and looked with your mouth open.'' ''Hello? Hello???'' ''Hi, I'm here.'' ''Hey ma, how are you?'' ''I'm okay.'' ''Just okay? You alright sweetie?'' ''No, not really, a lot has been going on.'' ''Hmm, I see. Hopefully my trip out there this weekend will make it better.'' ''ARE YOU SERIOUS?'' ''Yes, I wanna see that beautiful face again.'' You just sat there and smiled extra hard. You didn't say anything, so he did. ''Look, I gotta go. I''m in the studio working on a mixtape.'' ''Alright.'' ''I'll see you later [Yn].'' He then hung up. You could hardly breathe. You couldn't believe it. Was this a dream come true? Talking to him made ur probs fade into the background. Oh boy. You came back to reality realizing there was school tomorrow. You took a quick shower and got back to bed. As you lay in bed, you couldn't wait to tell your girls about your plans this weekend. 

End of Chapter 13

A Dream Come True (Diggy Love Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن