Back to Reality

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Chapter 11

Back to reality

        ''Hahaha, Yes! Strike!'' Your dad was amazing at bowling. ''Oh, Whatever daddy.'' You guys just finished your last and final round of bowling. ''Lets eat, I'm hungry.'' ''Me, too.'' After taking your bowling shoes off and packing up, you went to the cafe inside the gaming place you were at. You and your dad were very competitive. He won of course, but you usually did. You were having an amazing time. You, at times, felt like you should have taken Diggy's offer, but the time you and your dad was spending together was so much better. You rarely saw each other, so he was your priority. ''How about chicken wings?'' ''Sounds good Dad.'' You stood in line. ''Yes, I'd like a 2-10 piece meals, one spicy honey bbq & the other lemon peppered please.'' Those wings were well needed. You were so hungry. You spent all that time getting ready for Diggy, shoot, eating was the last thing on your mind. Your dad handed you your cup and you went over to the drink dispenser. Your dad did a suicide; he went down the line and mixed all his drinks. You looked at him like, 'Really?' He laughed. You just got a sprite, as always. You guys took a seat in the booth and began talking. He looked at you and smiled. ''You're turning into such a beautiful young woman.'' ''Thank you.'' ''You look so much like your mom.'' You wanted to talk to him about mom but you didn't wanna kill the nice vibe of the day. You couldn't help it though. After all, it was your parents. Besides, who wants to be in the dark? Not you. ''Daddy?'' He knew just from the way you said that that it would be a serious question. He looked up with worried eyes, ''What happened b/w you and ma?'' ''He took a deep breathe. ''Order 225 is ready!'' He sighed with relief and offered to get the food alone. When he got back, he placed your basket in front of you and sat down. You guys said grace and continued the conversation. ''I guess now is the time to explain,'' he picked up a his spicy wing and took a bite, ''Me and your mom started getting into little arguements here and there, which soon escalated. I got a bit fed up and searched for love in all the wrong places.'' You took a deep breathe, ''Did you cheat?'' You didn't know if it was the spicy chicken wing, or his emotions, but a tear formed in his eye. ''Yes,'' he choked out, ''I did. But baby what I did has nothing to do with you. This is only b/w your mom & I.'' You put your french fry down and stared off. You were so shocked. You looked at your dad, he was wiping away tears. ''I love you and your mother, but I made a terrible mistake. I hope you both can forgive me.'' You were pissed for a second, but you couldn't hold a grudge. Your dad was right, it was b/w you and your mom. Nothing to do with you. He just felt terrible from the influence and wrong example he set. ''Listen to me, you're older now. A lot of shit is gonna start happening. I want you to think before you act. Make sure you don't get caught up in situations that you don't need. You understand,'' you nodded, ''I want to see you do better. You are special and don't let anyone tell you different.'' You wiped a tear and stared off. ''Do better than me, [yn].''

        Dinner was awkward, but at least you knew. You were now headed home. After a great day of fun, it ended with such emotion. It was now Sunday night and your flight was tomorrow evening. Hopefully the rest of the trip could be better. Most of the car ride home, you were silent. You gazed out at the beautiful NYC. You thought on the entire ride home. Your parents, school, Diggy, everything. After the awkward silence, it was time to break the ice. ''I love you dad, I know you did wrong but I know that we all make mistakes.'' ''Yes, its a cliche, but its true.'' You pulled up in the driveway. He turned the car off. ''I love you too sweetie.'' You took your shoes off after you made it inside. You sat on the couch and for once was able to relax. What a crazy past 48 hours. Your dad headed to the kitchen and decided to make you your favorite. Your dad made you a chocolate shake and took a seat next to you. ''Thanks Da.'' ''He sipped his, ''You like that Diddy boy huh?'' ''It's Diggy.'' ''Who?'' ''DIGGY!'' You both laughed. ''Yeah, he's amazing.'' ''I wanted to say that you not going showed a lot.'' He smiled. ''I couldn't pass up this time dad. But hopefully, you'll be back home soon.'' ''Yeah, hopefully.'' He took his last sip and declared that he would be heading to the shower for the night. ''Goodnight sweetie,'' he said kissing your forehead. After his bedroom door shut, you were now alone.

        You went upstairs and decided to go shower as well. After you got out, you laid on the bed and relaxed. It felt so good. You started thinking about Diggy. He was so perfect. You felt this connection and knew it was real. You wondered if he felt the same way. Did he like you? Did he wanna see you again? All of that went thru your head. You wish you could see him again. You went to your purse and picked up the wallet. You replayed how you saw those four (not to mention free) tickets inside your wallet. You looked inside and saw a paper folded up. You sat up and looked closer. There was a paper folded inside, you took it out. Did u forget to take a ticket out? You unfolded it. There was a number written inside.

End of Chapter 11.

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