Distant, Rather II

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Chapter 188

Distant, Rather II

                        Two Weeks Later...

                  Daniel walked into the kitchen and checked the fridge. He stood back and scratched his chin, "What you want for dinner babe?" You looked up from your book, "Ummmm... I think fish would be cool." "Fried or..." "Baked!" He nodded, "Alright. I'll go pick that up after I stop by the studio. I left some music there." "Okay." He walked over to see what you were up to. "Uncle Russ been putting you to work huh?" You sighed before shutting your book, "Yes." He smiled, "Don't worry, it'll all pay off. Take a break, please?" "Haha, sounds like a deal to me." He yawned, "I'll be right back, okay?" "Mhm." You watched him lean over to kiss your lips before heading out the door. After you heard the door shut, you got up and laid across the couch. You flopped down and clutched a pillow in between your legs. Champ was resting on Daniels recliner. "Come to mommy baby." He sat up and walked over you. "You're so cute Champ," you picked him up and held him in your arms. He was the second best cuddler to Daniel, of course, for obvious reasons lol... The past few weeks have been okay... A little hectic. Once the girls flew back, you and Daniel were both in your own zones. He had been going hard in the studio with his album. On the other hand, you were working damn near everyday with Uncle Russ. Sometimes, you felt like his personal slave... It was like a fashion boot camp. If you weren't assisting him at the office, you were at home reading books, traveling with him to fashion shows, meeting other designers, running his errands or trying to get sleep lol. It was crazy at times but you knew it would pay off. There was still a lot of time before the fall at Parson's but you wanted to take a full advantage of this internship. You were learning a lot about the fashion industry. Oh, and did I mention it was a paid internship??? Yes indeed. Daniel had no issue in spoiling his wifey but it felt good to have your own change. He insisted on buying all your necessities because he felt like it was his duty as your man to provide. The extra money you got from Russ, if you weren't out shopping, you were saving it in the bank. As for the whole Samantha situation, even though it occured weeks ago, it would sometimes pop into your head, randomly. One day at the office, Uncle Russ gave you advice about it. He noticed how quiet you were and demanded an explaination. "Daniel slept with someone and I didn't know." "Okay and?" After that, he told you to let it go, especially since it was before your time with him. Why did it bother you so much? For obvious reasons but he was right.. The tension between you and Daniel settled. Only thing was, you were both so caught up in your own projects that you barely made time for each other. You guys ain't fuck in bout damn near two weeks... I mean you'd be up reading and he'd be sleeping, if not that he'd be on his laptop and you'd be sleep lol... You guys were like night and day since your focus... And as for that bitch Samantha, you ain't get a call, let alone hear from her since the whole blow up. You wondered what you'd do whenever you'd see her again... Hmmm... Daniel mentioned her and Jacob being in Atlanta.Guess you wouldn't being seeing her for a while. You laid on the couch, eyes heavy as hell...

                        "Wake up [Yn]..." "Hmmmm?" "Hahahaha..." You sat up slowly, staring at  bags of food on the coffee table. Lol, you know how whenever you wake up from a nap, you be staring off and shit... well, thats what you were doing! Daniel was crackin up at you. "How was your cat nap?" He placed his laptop down on the coffee table, then reached for the food. You looked at his face, then just stared. "You have the biggest bags under your eyes." "Really?" "Yeah." He snapped his fingers, then reached for his laptop, "I gotta do something real quick." You leaned your head on his shoudler. Truth be told, you missed your boyfriend. If I confused you, let me explain... Even though you guys were living together, it ain't mean shit! The two of you were really distant, rather. "Whats wrong baby?" "I miss you." He knew EXACTLY what you meant. He raised his arm up and pulled you into his chest. He smelled so good. "You wanna hear some of my unreleased music?" "Mhm." He played a couple of songs he'd been working on. These were some A1 tracks... "These are crazy." He blushed, "Thank you," he looked at your face, "I appreciate that." He busted out laughing whenever he saw your eyes closed. "You need a good nights rest [YN]." "I know Daniel." "Are you gonna eat your food," he kissed your lips, "I'm sleepy. I don't even have the energy to eat." "Yeah, nor make love to your man." You both laughed. He sat his laptop down, then grabbed your food. "I'm gonna feed you, okay?" Daniel could be so sweet sometimes. "You ready, here?" He raised the fork to your face, "Mmmm.. this is good.." "You like? I been tryna get you here for a while." "Thank you, so much." "Of course... I know things been a lil...." "Yeah." You both knew that the two of you were neglecting your relationship. It wasn't that things weren't good... Just distant, rather .... ;-) He continued to feed you, making sure you had food in your tummy. After that, he spent remainder of his time catering to you. "Let's go take a bath together." "That'll really put me to sleep." He stood up, "I'm tryna get you to relax... Shid I need to take my own advice. C'mon girl." "Carry me." "Damn, I got that ass spoiled huh?" He picked you up and held you by your booty lol. "We need to make more time for each other," he started kissing your neck, "And it starts tonight." Champ followed the both of you to the bedroom. 

End of Chapter 188.

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