The First Time

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Chapter 72

The First Time

                     You and Daniel walked together downtown, holding hands and having light conversation. Out of all the times you and Daniel hung out, something felt different about this time in particular. Something big was gna happen tonight. There was a silence between the two of you. Besides the sound of cars passing by and random voices from pedestrians that walked by, your thoughts were all that you really heard. You thought abt everything that lead to this moment. You thought abt when you saw Daniel for the very first time in concert. You thought abt when you tapped his shoulder at the airport. The very first time your eyes met. You thought abt when he came to your house to return your wallet and how after he said it was you that he pointed to at the concert, not Roxanne. You thought abt the time you and Donte were arguing and how he came to your rescue. He said that YOU were his girlfriend. The first date you had at dinner. You thought abt the first time he kissed you. The time when he flew you to NYC to meet his family. The times he came down just to visit you. Those moments when he held you and kissed you softly. What about those freaky times where he would tease you? His sex appeal. His charming personality. He made you feel safe, always. Even though you guys had a few rough patches, he was imperfectly perfect. He interrupted your day dreaming, "Are you hungry [yn]?" ''Oh, no. Not really?'' He nodded. After walking for a bit longer, you guys stopped at this hotel. IT WAS NICE!!!! You continued to hold hands as you went inside together. ''Wow, this is so nice Dan.'' ''Yeah it is huh,'' he said before turning away and asking the receptionist something. You didn't pay attention, you just kept focussing on the hotel and how nice it was. After about 2 minutes, you felt a tug on your arm, ''Come on babe.'' You followed Daniel. You began heading for the elevator. ''Hit the 15 [yn].'' ''Okay.'' The door shut and the two of you stood together. You stood close to him and hugged him. ''I know you ain't tired girl.'' ''I am,'' you said with your face smushed into his chest. ''I need you to wake up, we still got some business to handle.'' You opened your eyes, there he was again with his references. You looked at his face, ''What are we about to do Daniel?'' He looked at your lips, ''You tell me.'' You looked away and blushed. *Ding* The door opened and the two of you headed down the hallway. After walking around for a few minutes, Daniel started getting frustrated. ''Where the hell is the room,'' he said under his breathe, ''Oh, I see it.'' He stopped in front of a room, the door read 1525. He looked down the hall to make sure no one saw, then lifted the mat in front of the door and retrieved the room card. How sneeky was this. ''OOOOH Daniel....,'' you said implying that what he was doing was wrong. ''You'll be saying that later,'' he said smirking at you. ''HAA, whatever.'' He laughed, then opened the door. Once the door opened, your heart starting racing. It just hit you that you and Daniel would be alone in a hotel room. Were you ready for this? You watched him walk inside, the he turned around and looked at you. He held his hand out to you. You looked him up and down, then walked towards him. Once you stepped inside, he walked around you to shut the door. He noticed how uneasy you looked, ''You okay ma?'' ''Yeah,'' you lied. He stood in front of you and crossed his arms, ''Tell me.'' ''Oh, I don't know. I guess I'm just a bit nervous.'' He nodded, then said to follow him. He lead you outside the balcony and the two of you sat down, side by side at a small table. He looked at you, ''I would never make you do something you don't want to, you understand me?'' You nodded, ''Yeah, I know Daniel.'' He smiled at you, ''Come here,'' he said patting his leg so that you'd sit on his lap. You got up and sat across his lap. He held you closely. After a few moments, you moaned. ''Whats wrong?'' ''My feet hurt from these heels.'' He reached over and pulled your heels off, then he started rubbing your feet. OH MY LAWD, HE'S PERF. ''Oh my gosh Daniel, you're being so sweet, hahaha,'' you said laughing. ''Well, I gotta make up for my wrongs, don't I?'' ''Yeah, you do, mmmmmm... that feels so good.'' He just laughed, then he kissed your neck. ''Don't start please, hahaha.'' He didn't listen, he just continued to kiss your neck, then he started sucking too. You closed your eyes and let him continue to kiss your neck. He noticed you starting to get a bit loosened up. ''Lets go inside so we can get comfortable.'' You got off his lap, grabbed your heels and went back inside. Once he shut the door, he pulled you close to him and kissed your lips. You dropped your heels and wrapped your arms around his back. You stood there and kissed, slowly and passionately. Every now and then, he would kiss your neck. It started to get a bit intense though. He tried touching you, but the damn prom dress was in the way. He pulled away from your lip, ''Go to the bathroom and freshen up. I'll be back okay?'' You nodded and watched him leave. Where the fuck was he going though lol. You went into the bathroom and covered your mouth. He had candles lit and water drawn in the bath tub for you. WOW. You undressed and then thought, ''Now, where am I suppose to put this dress at?'' You peaked outside the door, he was gone. You ran across the room in your bra and panties, throwing your prom dress in the closet. Once you ran back inside, you undressed and placed the rest of your clothes in a doufle bag on the floor. Next to it, he had placed some clothes for you to use after you got out the tub. ''He must really be tryna get some,'' you said laughing as you sat in the warm water. How did it manage to stay warm? Oh well who cares. You laid back and enjoyed your bath. This was so perfect, this whole night. You looked around the bathroom and couldn't believe this was real. It all seemed like a dream to you. But it wasn't.  And you deserved it too. After you spent about 15 minutes in the tub, you finally got out and put on the clothes he had for you in the doufle bag. You looked into the mirror and wiped off all your make-up. ''I feel so fresh,'' you said looking at yourself. You played with your hair, which at this point was just a big, curly mess. You took your bun down and let your hair hang down your back. Once you got done, you stepped outside and jumped when you said Daniel laying across the bed. ''Hahaha, did I scared you?'' ''HELL YEAH YOU DID!'' He laid back and laughed, then looked at you, ''you look so beautiful...'' You made this weird face, you stood there with messy hair, no make up, with some shorts and a tee shirt. What the hell was he looking at lol. ''Thank you,'' you said sarcastically. ''What, I mean it,'' he said smiling, ''Come here.'' You walked slowly over to him. He was laying on his back. You got on the bed and sat on top of him, then you dry humped him. ''Is that what you want,'' he asked. ''Haha, maybe,'' you said laying on top of him. He held you, ''Did you enjoy yourself tonight?'' ''Mhm. Thank you for the bath, it was refreshing. Where'd you take yours?'' ''I got the room next to this one too.'' ''Oh.'' ''Yeah, I wanted you to get nice and comfy.'' Then there was a silence, the both of you stared at each other. ''Thank you, for everything Daniel. You've shown me such a good time tonight. I really appreciate you making this special for me.'' He saw the seriousness in your eyes because he knew the past few weeks leading up to this moment were tough, ''Oh course. I'd do anything for you.'' ''Really?'' ''Yeah.'' ''Can you make me scream your name?'' He opened his eyes real wide when you said that, becus he didn't expect it, ''I want you Daniel.'' ''I want you too.'' He pulled you close, then rolled over so that you'd be on bottom. ''You know why we are here and what we came to do, so lets,'' he said before he kissed your lips. You kissed him back. You rubbed his body as he kissed you, then you wrapped your legs around him. He sat up and looked at you, ''You trust me?'' You looked into his eyes and nodded. He lifted your shirt and revealed your chest. He started sucking your boobs, making you really, really horny. Every now and then, you moaned softly. He then stopped and looked at your shorts. He slowly pulled them down and stared right at your body. ''You're so perfect,'' he said before kissing......

End of Chapter 72

I'm the Queen of Cliff Hangers!!!!

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