Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!

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Chapter 27

Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!

            You looked out the blinds and saw your mom approaching the front door. You and Diggy looked at each other in fear. ''Okay okay, ummm go hide in the coat closet!!!!!'' Diggy hopped around the coffee table and ran inside. You looked at the door, hearing the keys rattle. ''Wait wait wait!'' He stuck his head out in confusion, ''She might go inside there! Run upstairs!'' The knob began to turn. Diggy ran out the closet. He almost tripped and fell as he ran up the stairs. You did a few last second cleaning before your mom finally managed to open the door. ''Hey ma,'' you said awkwardly standing there. Your heart was beating sooooo fast. ''Hey [yn],'' she said making her way to the coat closet. Thank God he wasn't in there. Phew. She looked around the living room. ''Aaah, I see,'' she said walking over to the bowl of popcorn, ''You had a little movie night huh?'' ''Mhm, hahaha. Yes I did.'' She grabbed a handful of popcorn and made a weird face at you. ''You okay baby,'' she asked smackin on popcorn. ''Yes ma'am.'' ''Ooo, okay. Are you going to finish your movie?'' ''Ummmmm, on second thought I feel a bit tired,'' you forced a yawn out, ''I think I'll head to bed now.'' Your mom make this weird face and looked at the clock on the wall, and then back at you, ''[Yn], its only 8:35.'' ''Yeah, I had a long week.'' ''Oh, I'm sure you did,'' she said with satisfaction, knowing you were punished. ''Okay, well clean up this mess before you proceed to bed Madame,'' she said while heading to her bedroom. ''Yes ma'am.'' You quickly dumped the popcorn in the trashcan, placed your sprite in the fridge, and put the candy back in the pantry. After turning the DVD player off, you ran quickly upstairs. ''Where is he,'' you whispered. There were four rooms upstairs, the guest bedroom, the media room, the bathroom and of course your bedroom. You knew he wasnt in the media room, too much open space. You checked behind the curtain in the bathroom, no show. Next you looked in the guest bedroom. After hearing a thump from your room, you knew exactly was he was. You shut the door and headed to your bedroom. You opened your closet and behold was Diggy. Diggy Simmons in your closet. You pushed back your clothes that were hung up to reveal his face. Haha, this was hilarious. He was sitting all squished up inside. You looked at each other, then laughed. He was under a pile of clothes. ''Hahahaha, good job Dig.'' ''Whatever,'' he said putting his phone back in his pocket. ''I told my driver I was ready, but we gotta figure out how ima get out of here w/o getting caught.'' You laughed. ''Whats funny [yn]?'' ''Hahahaha, oh nothing. You just look really cute when your scared.'' He smirked. He looked you up and down. ''I'm liking this view,'' he said with this flirty face. ''Oh, whatever.'' Suddenly, you heard foot steps coming your way. ''Oh shit, here she comes. Stay quiet!'' You threw some clothes on him and shut the door. You quickly ran to your bed and got into character. You jumped after hearing a knock at the door. After quickly hopping in bed, you finally okayed your mom to come in. She walked in with nothing but bra and panties on. Oh gawd.... ''Hey mama,'' you said while she sat on the bed, she had her back to the closet. She smiled, ''Look ummmmm, I know things have been pretty tough lately,'' your nervousness settled down, ''I know all the drama between your dad and I has been a bit much on you. Seeing us fight and seperate,'' she wiped a tear, ''Then him bussin in on me gettin down,'' you both chuckled for a second, ''But I want you to know that all things happen for a reason. Sometimes people have to seperate in order to truly know what they have, you know,'' you nodded in agreement. ''And then that fight with Roxanne, I expect better from you [yn], you dont stoop down to her level baby. I know shes been a pain in your ass these past few years, but you gotta always be the bigger person.'' You looked down and thought about how right she was. ''Karma is a bitch baby, dont worry. She'll get hers.'' You looked up and say your closet door opened a bit. You wondered if Diggy could see and most importantly breathe. Your mom kept noticing you looking past her and turned around to look, ''What are you looking at [yn]?'' ''Oh nothing ma,'' you lied, ''Anyway, I've decided to let you off punishment. You did all that I asked you to do. You respected my rules and did your time. She pulled your phone from behind her back. Your eyes lit up when you saw your phone. ''Thanks ma,'' you said. You felt a bit guilty about Diggy being in your closet. ''Well, I'll let you get back to bed baby.'' She kissed your cheek and walked passed the closet. After you heard the door shut, you stood up and checked on Diggy. ''You okay?'' 'Yeah,'' he said pulling off a shirt from his head. You laughed and then sat next to him. ''I gotta go ma,'' you ignored him and jus kept staring at his face. He stood up and stretched. He helped you up and pulled you in close, ''I had fun tonight.'' ''Me too,'' you said before he pecked your lips.'' You both let go of the hug. ''You need to do something about this closet tho.'' ''Boy shut up,'' you said stepping out. You had a plan, ''Ima go downstairs to see if shes in her room, okay?'' He nodded and watched you walk out. You walked downstairs and peeked down the staircase for your mom, there was no show. You ran back upstairs and motioned for Diggy to follow you. He slowly followed you. When you got to the middle of the steps, you saw your mom in the kitchen. Diggy quickly ran back upstairs and almost tripped again. You both laughed a lil. This was hilarious. Your mom was just probably getting a drink, because she went back into her room. After she shut her door, you guys tried again. You crept slowly down the stairs and headed for the door. You both looked back at a sudden noise you heard. It was nothing. You slowly opened the door and let Diggy out. After a few kisses, you let him go. He waved and he disappeared down your driveway. You slowly shut the door. After Diggy left, you were now able to breathe. You looked over and saw something on the floor. You walked over and picked it up. ''He left his chain... '' You clutched it in your hand and then walked upstairs to your bedroom. Damn, what a crazy friday night you had. This beat going to Donte's party. Ha, it wasnt even like he was there at his own party. Donte brought the party to you! You shut your door and laid in bed; you just laid there and rubbed it. *sniff sniff* Your shirt now smelled like him. It was as though he never left. You just laid there for an entire hour thinking about him. You fell asleep with his chain in your hand.

End of Chapter 27

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