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Chapter 23


         You and Diggy sat on the couch for a while. The two of you were sooooo perfect. ''These are bomb,'' he said eating the last fruit snack. You snatched the paper out his hand and balled it up. He saw you eye-balling the trashcan near by. ''I bet you won't make that [yn].'' You chuckled, ''what do I get if I do make it?'' He sat back and thought, ''How about another date with me?'' Hearing that made you excited. You sat up a bit and got a little serious tho. He laughed at your serious facial expression. As you pulled your arm up preparing for the shot, you stared at the trashcan. You did a few measurements in your head and shot it. ''WHAT BABY WHAT,'' you yelled. ''Okay, okay I see you ma....,'' he turned and looked at you, ''I was gna take you out anyway.'' You were both now staring at each other. Diggy noticed you staring at his pink lips, ''you see something you want?'' The little things he'd say like that made you only want him more. Ugh, such a tease. ''Whatever,'' you said leaning back. Suddenly, Digs phone started ringing. He pulled his phone out his pocket and looked at the screen. You noticed his facial expression as he looked at it. He looked a bit pissed and irritated. ''Excuse me.'' He got up and went outside. As soon as he shut the front door, you stood up and looked out the window. Diggys body language said it all, somebody on the phone was giving him a hard time. He kept moving his hands as he talked and looked as though he was yelling. Every time he would turn around, you let the blinds go so he wouldn't see you being nosey. He hung the phone up and starting walking inside. You quickly sat still and tried looking ''normal.'' Diggy shut the door and sighed as he sat back down next to you. The vibe in the room changed. Diggy was upset and you could see it. ''You okay Daniel?'' When he heard you say that, he knew you were serious. ''Yeah,'' he said looking at you. You saw the sincerity in his eyes. He pulled on your curly hair, softly. ''I think I should go.'' Hearing him say that made you a bit sad. He called his driver and told him to be on his way. The rest of the time he sat beside you, it was complete silence. Whoever he spoke on the phone with fucked up his mood, ugh! This sucked! *Honk-Honk* You both stood up and walked to the door. He faced you. ''Thanks for coming by, I appreciate it.'' ''Of course,'' he said hugging you. He then turned around and walked out. No kiss this time. You shut the door and went back to the couch. You sat and wondered who that was on the phone with him. Who? ''He left [yn],'' you mom asked coming from her bedroom. She was in a robe. ''Yeah ma.'' She made a serious facial expression and said, ''great, I can be myself.'' Your mom took off the robe and flung it across the living room, revealing her bra & panties. You chuckled as she walked towards you like a Victoria Secret model. Your mom was gorgeous. ''Haha, ma you funny.'' She sat next to you and smiled, ''You really like him, don't you?'' ''Yeah,'' you said blushing. '''Mhm, so why do you think he was upset?'' You looked at her crazy, ''How'd you know he was though?'' ''Haha, I watched you two from my bedroom, haha.'' You felt a bit embarassed... ''Ma why?'' ''Because, I wanted to. And what?'' You sighed. ''Well, I dont know why he was mad.. it was someone he was on the phone with.'' ''Mhm... it was probably a girl...'' You looked up at her with a confused face. ''But..'' ''But what? Why else would he be upset?'' You denied it. ''Well, he does have a music career going so maybe it was that... or it could have been anything ma!'' She looked at you and smirked, ''Anything that would stop him from giving you a goodbye kiss? Right....'' You sat back and thought on that. Your mom got up and headed towards the bedroom, ''I got off the phone with the principle, you're suspended from school until Wednesday, so that means between today and tomorrow, you will abide by my rules and do as I say, haha, as if you already didn't. And you're grounded for the weekend.'' ''BUT MA!'' ''BUT MY ASS, now go start the car, we got groceries to make [yn].'' ''Yes ma'am,'' you said as she walked to her bedroom. The door shut. ''UUUUGGGH THIS BITCH.'' She stuck her head out her bedroom, ''What was that?'' ''Nothing ma.'' You grabbed her keys and did as she said to.

Later that week...

What a miserable fuckin week.Those two days you spent with your mom were so draining. She had you doing everything, literally. You cleaned everything by yourself and you had to prepare every meal. There was no TV, no phone, and of course no Diggy. After you went back to school Wednesday, it only consisted of you going to class and spending your lunch in detention eating alone, and coming right home to hell. You were so glad it was Friday. Somehow you managed to make it through the week. You were now on the bus, yeah your mom didn't let you ride with your girls. Random girl, ''Aye, that party at Donte's house gone be live than a bitch!!!!!'' You sat up in your bus seat and listened in. Random boy, ''hell yes, I'm so excited.'' All week whenever you did get a chance to be around other ppl besides your mom at home, you kept hearing about this stupid party. It was gna be tonight and b/c of that, it was literally spoken about all day. At this point you were so done hearing about it. At school when you sat in class with Chels & Mo, even they said that they were gna go. Ugh, great. You wouldn't be off punishement until Sunday, so the party wasn't even an option for you. The bus made its first stop and you hopped off. You checked your mailbox and headed inside. ''So glad this lame week was over.'' This was the worst week of senior year. You felt so caged in and imprisioned. After you grabbed a drink from the fridge, you went upstairs and laid across the bed. You really wanted to go to that party, even though you had no business being around your ex. ''You're invited, so its up to you,'' you replayed Donte telling you in government class today in your head. Since you were stuck inside all week, there was a lot built up. It would be nice to get out and do something. Your mom was working late so it wasn't like she'd find out right? The question was, did you wanna go?

End of Chapter 23.

Do you wanna go to the party, or stay at home. Either decision will be a big one. So please, leave a comment of either A or B. Once I get a good amount of answer choices, I'll type chapter 24. (:

A - Go to party

B - Stay home

As always you'll never know whats coming. Thanks again for the votes. Much love and I cant wait to see what you wanna do. Later

A Dream Come True (Diggy Love Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang