"I Miss You Ma!"

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Chapter 125

"I Miss You Ma!"


                        "Good morning baby," you heard a voice whisper to you. His hand rubbed against your soft cheek. Your eyes begin to blink open, soon you were gazing at his face. His lips smiled, which made you smile. "Hi Daniel...." He reached for your hand and kissed it. Your blush made him laugh. "It's good to see that I still got that effect on you [Yn]." "Yeah," you said leaning in to kiss him. Suddenly, the bed shook and someone leaned on top of you. " 'Good Morning baby...' gimme kiss ma....," Spin said puckering his lips at you. Daniel busted out laughing at your facial expression. Spin laughed in your face. He was laying right beside you. Last night, you fell asleep in between them while they talked. "Boy, get yo ass off of me," you said laughing, hiding under the covers. He made puckering noises with his lips. "SPIN, STOP!!!! QUIT!!!!"  He didn't though. You climbed over Daniel and ran across the room, trying to get away from him. "DANIEL, GET HIM," you plead for help. He laid back and just watched Spin chase you around the room. "Oh shit!" You tripped over someones Jordan's. Spin grabbed you and picked you up. "Its too early to be messing with me!" "Never that," he walked you over to the bed and threw you onto it. You scrabbled around and laid on top of Daniel. He held you in his arms. Spin flopped in the bed next to y'all. "You cock blocked the fuck out of us," you said kissing Daniels lips. "Good, y'all need to chill wit all that fucking anyway." "It's good fucking though," you said laughing, "Besides, we didn't bust in on you and that side hoe." "LEAVE VALERIE ALONE!" Daniel laughed. "Whatever," you said resting your head on Daniels chest. *phones buzzes* You sat up quickly and reached over Dan to grab it off the night stand. "It's ma," you said glaring at her picture on your screen. "Ima take it outside," you said getting off of Dan. "When you get done, we gone meet up with everyone else and get food. Tell her I said hello." "Me too!" "Kay, will do," you said sliding the balcony door shut. *Answering the phone* "Hey Ma!" "Hey baby, oh my goodness, Daryl... It's our baby girl." Hearing her voice immediately brought tears to your eyes. You sat down on a couch, rocking back and forth. "Baby, are you there? [Yn]?" Your mom didn't know you were crying. She put the phone on speaker so your dad could talk to you as well. "Aaaaaye Mrs. Simmons!" You wiped your wet face, "Hahaha, hey daddy!" You had no idea how much you missed them. They were so important to you. You couldn't wait to fly and see them. "How are you dear?" "I'm fine daddy!" "Oh Michelle, you know what that means!" "Daryl shut up! Thats good baby. We miss you. When you and your man gone fly out here and see us?" "Haha, Idk ma... Soon though. He said he is definitely gone make it happen. Maybe y'all can even come up here... We'll see." "Sounds good. That boy treating you right?" You looked up and saw him on his phone. He looked up and smiled at you, "As always. He's perfect. Him and his bestfriend Spin said Hello..." "Better be, before I have to break my foot up his ass!" Your dad was just as crazy as ever. " Hahaha, Daddy chill. I mean, it ain't been easy but it's worth it." "Mhm, thats right. Thats exactly how relationships are. You make them work." "Yeah. How you and daddy been?" "We been walking around this house butt naked, living the good life!" You and your mom laughed!!! "Okay, thats too much info! But I'm glad y'all are doing well. That makes me happy, you know to hear that." "Mhm," you heard them kiss over the phone, "Yeah, but we were just checkin in on you, since you too busy to call us!" "Oh ma! Never that!" "Mhm.. It's okay sweetie. We know you are getting adjusted to your new life. We bouta head to 10:30 service. Call whenever okay?" "Yes ma'am. I love you." "We love you too." They were gone in an instant. You held your phone in your hand and sat there for a moment. Just a few months ago they were about to sign divorce papers. This was literally a miracle. *balcony door slides open* "Hurry, shit I'm hungry!" You rolled your eyes at Spin, walking past him and heading to the bathroom to brush your teeth. Daniel walked inside and sat on the sink, watching you, "How your people been?" "Freaky as ever," you managed to say with a mouth full of toothpaste. He smiled, dangling his feet off the counter, "That's gone be us one day, no lie..." You looked at his eyes, "You tryna marry me Daniel," you said flushing water out of your mouth. He smirked, then shrugged, "I mean.. it could happen..." he was tryna front... "Long as you remain loyal to me and keep me satisfied," he said pointing between your legs. "Haha, I see," you finished up, then threw away the disposable tooth brush. You bent over in front him, tryna be sexy. "You something else [Yn]," he said laughing, "Come here," he reached for you. "What do you want." "A kiss." You leaned in and licked his mouth. "Eeewwww, haha!!!" "There, you got what you wanted..." "Use that tongue for something else," he side smiled, then looked down at TDD. "You didn't let me last time, so no!" You tried walking away but he pulled you back to him, "Nah uh, come here!" "NO!" He chased you to the bed. "Daniel stop!!!" "You aint say that last night." Spin walked in from the balcony, ''Y'all tryna get a quickie in before breakfast?" "Haha, no. She's just being bad," he said popping your ass. "Ow!" He had you locked on the bed. "Put her in check Dig!" *knock at the door* Spin got up and anwered the door. In came Monique and Jacob. "Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeey y'all, oh hell no," Monique jumped on top of Daniel, "Get the fuck off of her," she said tickling him. Daniel was very ticklish, "Jay, come get your woman!" He laughed, "Nah, I'm staying out of it," he went over to Spin. Monique faught him off of you. "AAAAH shit, she's strong," Daniel said trying to hold her back. Once you were free, you both tickled him. His face started turning red, "Damn, they merkin you Diggy," Jay said standing over the bed. "OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY! YOU WIN!!!! HAHAHAAAAA." You high-fived Monique and laughed. Daniel laid there, rubbing his stomach. "Haha Diggy, really!!!" "Y'all ready to eat or nah?" "Hell yeah, we gotta get everyone else though." "What rooms they in?" "Shit, idk... I sent out a huge group message though." "Cool. Lets just wait on them." Everyone sat on the bed. "Last night was crazy," Jacob said playing in his hair. "For sure. Hope that bitch is gone." "Haha, I know [Yn] is glad thats over." You nodded. "I told y'all, I can't take no more drama. I'm done!" Everyone nodded. *knock at the door* "ITS OPEN!" In came all of MB, along with Chelsea, Trevor and Samantha. Spin sat up real fast, "OOOOO SHIT, ORGY OR NAAAAH?" Everyone busted out laughing. Chelsea stood there and defended herself, "I spent the night with Trevor and Trevor only so ummmmm.." "OOOOOOOOOOO." He nodded, then walked up to her. Spin yelled out, "YOU JUST TOLD ON YOURSELF!" They didn't care, they just started making out like animals. Princeton ran around the room then jumped on the bed. Everyone ran around, acting crazy. They went on for about 5 mins straight. "OH MY GOSH!!! NOOO Y'ALLL, NO! THEY DOING IT, THEY DOING IT!!!!" Suddenly, a knock came to the door, "ROOM SERVICE, PLEASE OPEN!!!" Aaaaw shit... "Man [Yn], go see what she wants..." "Really, why me?!" "Cus, shit!" Everyone laughed. You sat up from laying between Daniel and Monique. You managed to get out the bed. It was too many of y'all, honestly. Spin pulled your leg, trippin you. "Bitch!" You looked at everyone, "ACT NORMAL!!!!" Everyone pulled out their cell phone and tried to act civilized. "Wait, some of y'all go into the bathroom." They all looked at each other, "GO GO GO!" Within seconds, the bed only consisted of Daniel. You nodded and opened, "Yes?" "Hi ma'am, we got a noise complaint." You stepped back and opened the door, "It's just me and my boyfriend, idk whose making so much noise." She peeped her head inside, "I'm so sorry, I thought there were a lot of people of in here. Must have been mistakened. Mind if I come in?" "No, you don't need to." *Daniel* " *ahem*," you looked at him, "Let her in babe." "Come on in."  She thanked you, then stepped inside. You got nervous because you heard snickering from the bathroom. "Babe, come lay down." You listened to him. After she looked around, she apologized, then let herself out. "Bitch." "[Yn] chill, haha." Once she left, the bathroom door busted open and everyone ran to the bed. Oh, my, gosh...too much. "Okay okay, I'm ready to eat!" "Me too, lets go!" Everyone put their shoes on and left the room.

End of Chapter 125.

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