A Let Down

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Chapter 54

A Let Down

                 ''I still can't believe you and Diggy are dating,'' Monique said as she held the door open for you. ''Oh, thank you girl...Shoot, me either.'' The two of you walked towards your dads car. You just finished eating ice cream and catching up on your looonnng weekend with Diggy. ''Hit the keys [yn],'' Monique said. You pretended to unlock the door and you watched her pull. ''Oh em geeee, you're soooo childish sometimes, I SWEAR.'' ''Hahahahaaaaaa, fine.'' You both shut the door and buckled in. You sighed, causing Monique to look at you, ''You miss him huh?'' You looked at her and nodded. ''Call him.'' ''He's suppose to call tonight,'' you said starting the car. She nodded and leaned her head against the glass. You drove off and headed for Mo's house. The ride there was silent, but that was okay because you said everything at the ice cream parlor. She sat up and looked at you with a question mark written all over her face, ''Oh my gosh, is he gna take you to prom?'' You smiled and  shrugged your shoulders, ''I guess so.'' ''Oh my gosh [yn], can you imagine that? That's gna be a fairytale for you but think abt whose gna be there.'' ''I know girl, I already thought about that.'' ''That shit gna be crazy, haha, I'll just sit back and watch,'' she said laughing hard. ''Whatever,'' you said shaking you head. You slowly pressed the brakes as you pulled up to Mo's house. ''Thanks girl, I'm glad we got a chance to hang out. I'll see you tomorrow boo.'' You hugged and air-kissed. She got out, shut the door and walked towards her door. She looked at you and started strutting extra hard. ''Hahahaaaa, omg she is too much.'' After she finally made it inside, you waved as she shut the door. You laughed and drove off. ''I miss bae,'' you said with a sad face. ''Goooood Giiirrl, I know you want it. I know you want it. I know you want it. You're a good girl. Can't let it get past me. You're far from plastic...'' You stopped the car and dug through your bag to get your phone. ''I'm so sick of this damn song, I need to change this stupid ass ringto....Hello?'' ''Hey baby, are you almost home?'' ''Yes ma'am, I just dropped Monique off.'' ''Oh, shit. Well, go run and get me some ice cream.'' ''MAA!'' ''MAAAA MY ASS, now go....And you already know what kind I want too.... Love you,'' she said and hung up. ''Ugh, this woman here.'' You backed into someone's driveway to turn around. ''I'm gna just get it from that gas station, not in the mood for this traffic.'' After a few minutes of driving, you pulled into the gas station and drove into a parking space. ''Alright, lets make this quick,'' you said getting out and shutting the door. ''Thank you,'' you told this gentleman that held the door open for you. You walked towards the freezer. ''I'll get her vanilla.'' You grabbed it and headed for the counter. ''Hi, how are you? Did you find everything okay?'' ''Yes, thank you,'' you said digging for your wallet. ''I'll cover it,'' you heard someone say. You saw a hand slap down a 10 dollar bill. You turned around and saw a familiar face, it was Donte. Once your eyes met, he smiled. You sighed and rolled your eyes. ''Oh, how sweet of him, is that your man?'' ''NO!!!! I ALREADY HAVE ONE,'' you yelled at the salesclerk. He started shaking out of fear and nodded. You grabbed the bag and walked out. ''Have a nice day ma'am.'' You didn't even look back. ''Hey hey hey, whats up [yn].'' You stopped in front of your car and turned to him. You looked him up and down, ''What do you want Donte?'' He took and deep breathe, ''You.'' You turned around but felt a gentle tug. ''Come on [yn], we can't just simply talk.'' You looked at him, folded your arms and stared. ''I know things between us haven't been so great, I just, I miss you. I'm going about this whole thing wrong, I mean I practically pushed you away. I know it was my fault.'' You looked down for a second. ''Yeah,'' he said rubbing his head, ''I'm sorry.'' You nodded. ''So you still wit 'ole dude huh?'' ''Yes, happily.'' He shook his head, ''Alright.'' Then there was silence. ''Donte, why are you with Chelsea?'' ''It was a plan to get back at you, you know....But I can see that it isn't working.'' ''You basically fucked up my friendship.'' ''Not entirely true, she could have resisted.'' ''That's true I guess.'' ''Look [yn], I know its too late to make things right, but I want you to know that I'm truly sorry. I hope one day you can see that I really mean it.'' You nodded, ''Yeah, maybe.'' ''I'm about to break up with her.'' ''WHAT?'' ''Mhm, I'm done with these stupid ass games. Real T.'' You laughed, ''She gone look so stupid too.'' ''Yeah, just a heads up,'' he said smiling. You smiled as well, he looked good. You felt water drip on your feet, ''Oh shit, this is melting. I gotta go Donte.'' ''Oh alright,'' he said leaning in for a hug, but you stuck your hand out, causing him to back up and shake it. You walked away, ''You look beautiful by the way [yn],'' he yelled. You just smiled and got in your dads car.

                  After you made it home, you stepped inside and walked into the living room. ''Hello?'' No answer. You stuck your moms half-melted ice cream into the freezer and knocked on your parents bedroom door. *bang bang bang* ''Heeeellllllooooo?'' No answer. You opened the door and saw them asleep. ''How cute,'' you said shutting the door. You smiled because this is exactly what you wanted, your parents back together. You went upstairs and laid across your bed. Diggy's poster caught your eyes. You stared at it, for a while. After staring intensely at the poster, you took your eyes off the poster and stared at the ceiling. You reflected over your weekend with Diggy, and then what Donte said.  He apologized and mentioned ending it with Chelsea. HAAAA, that thirsty, fake bitch would look so stupid now. You laughed just thinking about it. *Buzzzz* *buzzzzz* *buzzzz* ''You're my four letter word, four letter, Love.'' You sat up and got excited, that was Diggy's default ringtone. ''Dan?'' ''Hey babe, whats my beautiful lady doing?'' You nearly died. I must admit, you were being a bit dramatic, you just saw him earlier, It wasn't even a day! C'mon now! Anyway, you blushed, ''Nothing much, I'm just laying on my bed....thinking about you.'' ''Haha, Oh really now?'' ''Mhm... I miss you Daniel.'' ''I miss you too [yn].'' There was a short silence, ''You glad to be back at home ma?'' ''Yeah, somewhat, I really like it there better though.'' ''Oh really? I'll keep that in mind.'' You smiled, ''What you do today babe?'' ''I had ice cream with Monique.'' ''Hahaaaaaa, she's the one that jumped on me huh?'' ''Haha, yeah.'' He chuckled...He sounded so sexy on the phone, ''Yeah. How's she doing?'' ''Great actually...'' ''That's good, anything else?'' You paused. Did you wanna bring up Donte? Shiiiddd... That might stir the pot. There was a silence, followed by an ''ummmmmm.'' ''Ummmmm what [yn]?'' ''Oh... It's noth...'' ''Now, let me stop you right there [yn], you better not lie to me. Tell me now.'' Damn it Diggy. ''Well, I ran into Donte today...'' ''WHAT! AND YOU WEREN'T GNA TELL ME!'' ''Babe, please calm down. Everything was fine...'' He sighed. ''He didn't hurt you?'' ''No Daniel.'' ''Good, it'd be an unfortunate day for him.'' Hearing Diggy sound so serious and thuggish turned you on. Lol... ''What he tell you ma?'' ''He was just like 'I'm sorry' and stuff like that.'' ''Hmmmmm... Okay... '' ''Yeah, nothing to worry about. I Promise. How was your day babe?'' He didn't answer, you could tell he was eating something. ''What you eating, fat-so!'' He laughed, ''Ha....ha... Don't worry... It'll be you soon.'' You blushed, ''I'm having a burger, cheese burger from Fuddruckers. And ummmmm, today? I found out today that I'm gna spend the next few weeks touring. I'm performing some new songs, plus I gotta fly here and there to get features on my next album.'' Your mouth remained open, ''When do you think it'll all be done?'' ''Uggghh, I don't really know... Month or two.'' ''Oh my gosh, Diggy no...'' ''Whats wrong mama?'' ''What about prom and graduation, I wanted you to come!'' He was silent, then he finally spoke, ''Oh my god, I completely forgot...'' ''Diggy what am I suppose to do?'' ''Babe calm down, I...'' ''DIGGY HOW COULD YOU, THESE ARE TWO OF THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS RIGHT NOW!'' ''HEY, HEY, I SAID CALM DOWN!'' You felt tears flooding your eyes, you didn't speak. Diggy heard you crying. ''Babe, I don't know what to do. It's already been finalized.'' You didn't speak. You heard someone in the background talking, ''Look, I gotta go mama. We can fix this later okay? Just relax.'' ''Ookay okay.'' He made a kiss sound and hung up.

End of Chapter 54

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