Be Careful

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Chapter 105

Be Careful

                         "It's always a pleasure to see you [yn]." "You as well Rev," you said nervously tapping your foot. He sat there with Mrs. Justine, playing on his iPad. He seemed pretty casual, but you were still scerd, yes scerd lol. "So, I know you and Dig got a long weekend planned ahead, don't want to keep you too long. Just wanted to make sure you're doing okay here," he said looking up, "The move from your home to NYC is going to be a lot more than you think it is, or will be." You politely nodded. "So, how has it been here for you [yn], all honesty." Daniel turned and faced you, he wanted to hear this lol. "It's been interesting, really. I like it, it's just..." They all made these intense faces with question marks lol, "Sometimes I feel a bit lonely, lost even." *In your head* "Shit shit shit! Why'd I say that!!!!!!!! FUCK!" They all nodded; Daniel looked a bit upset... He didn't like hearing that. "Thats perfectly normal sweetie, thats okay. Things are new and you just gotta find your place here," Rev said nodding. "Yeah, I mean...I know I'll get use to this lifestyle. I'll adjust." Daniel sat back on the couch, rubbing his head. "From my understanding, you bought her a car, right Dig?" "Yeah Dad." "Mhm, so if you ever need something to do or just wanna hang out, we're here. But I'm sure Dig can introduce you to some people. Get you a friend or two. It'll get better." You smiled and nodded. Mrs Justine spoke, "Yeah Sweetie, I'm always here. We can always go do things together. Shopping, cooking, baking, eating." "Yeah? That sounds like fun." "Mhm...." Rev and Justine both smiled and sat back. They seemed to be awaiting some news or something... "So, you guys went to the doctor?" Dig sat up and spoke, "Mhm, she wasn't feeling too good. We went this morning real quick and got her checked out." "What'd they say," Rev asked squinting his eyebrow. You looked at Dig, signalling that you wanted to answer, "I've been experiencing a lot of nausea lately." They both sat up nervously, "Are you okay?" "Mhm, I'm feeling much better. They didn't really diagnosis anything." "Yeah Pa, they said everything seemed normal." Justine looked at the both of you, "Did they give you a test?" You both knew exactly what test she was talking about lol. "Yeah, we'll have the results in a couple days ma." It was a bit freaky that they knew you and Dig were having sex lol. Rev nodded, "Good... Once we get the results, we'll take it from there. But in the mean time, I hope you feel better sweetie. Just know that whether the results are positive or negative, you still got quite a journey ahead of you." "Yes Sir." Justine nodded, "Yes, be careful." "Yes ma'am." "Alright youngins, I don't know about you, but I'm ready to eat," Rev got up and headed to the kitchen, "I'll race you there," he said jogging off. "Oh Joey," she got up and followed him there. "Food will be ready in 10 minutes okay." "Okay. Thank you." Once they were gone, you sat in silence with Daniel. You felt his hand rubbnig your lower back. "How'd they know Daniel." "I told them," he said looking at you from the side. You didn't look at him. "Why'd you tell them we were having sex? How long have they known?" He pulled your face towards his with his finger, "Babe, they asked... What was I suppose to do? Lie? We're 18 and we live by ourselves. What do you expect them to think. I mean your mom must know, she gave you all those boxes of birth control." You nodded, "Yeah, you're right. I guess I just got a bit nervous and uneasy about them knowing. I'm sorry Daniel," you rubbed your finger nails through his curls. He smiled, "It's okay [yn]." He puckered his lips; you leaned in and kissed him. Then you leaned on his shoulder. Mrs. Justine came out from the kitchen, "Foods ready guys! Come on!" You and Daniel stood up, stretching. Miley and Russ came downstairs, racing to the kitchen. 

After Brunch

                         "Girl, where y'all at?" "Hey Monique, we leaving my in-laws. After the doctor we came by to talk and eat." "Oh okay, we miss guys." " Same here. What y'all doing?" "Girl, we been taking over NYC. HAHAHA! We been just eating and shopping really. This shit been too live though." You and Monique chatted while you waited for Daniel. He stood at the door talking to his parents. "Yeah? I'm glad y'all having fun. We'll be there in a bit to meet up with y'all." "Alright girl, later." You hit the end key and shoved your phone back into your Louis Vuitton bag. You propped your legs up on the dash board and watched Daniel talk. "I swear he's perfect," you laughed, getting excited. He showed so much support and love today. He looked so good too. Daniel had on a tank top with some sweatpants. His sexy caramel skin glistened in the sunlight. You loved everything about him. Just watching him stand there made you so horny, you wanted him. NOW! He started walking towards the car, waving bye. "Finally. Shit," you said right before he opened the car door. "You ready mama," he asked snapping his seatbelt. "Yeah," you rubbed his chest with your hands, softly. "Haha, what are you doing [yn]?" "Oh, nothing..." You blushed and turned to your window. He knew exactly what you wanted. He was gone give it to ya too. "I gotta make a quick stop at this studio real quick  to meet a new artist I wanna work wit. After that, we'll go back with the crew." "Okay Dan." He started the car and drove off. 

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