You Must Be Crazy

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Chapter 14

You Must Be Crazy

        ''Beep, Beep, Beep!''  You turned over and looked at the alarm clock, slamming the snooze button. It was 6:45 a.m. You yawned and stretched your arms out. When you came across Diggy's poster, you made a huge grin. ''Aaaahhh,'' you yawned once more. That phone call last night put you in a great mood. It was tuesday, you only had to make it through this week to see him. You wondered if he was gonna come Friday or Saturday. ''Hmmmm.'' After you came out the bathroom from freshening up, you checked your cell phone. ''Oh.'' You had 1 missed call from 'Dad♥' and 4 texts. Dad: Hi sweetie, I'm sure you fell asleep. Just wanted to let you know I made it safely. Call when we you get a chance. Love ya ;-). Chelsea: Hey girl, sorry I was babysitting. Whats up? Monique: You okay? The final message came from Diggy: Have a great day beautiful. ''OMG! How sweet of him.'' You starting gigglin like a little girl. ''Whats funny [yn]''? ''Oh, Good Morning Ma!'' She sat next to you on the bed. You looked her in the eyes, you could tell she was crying all night. ''You okay ma?'' ''Yeah, I'm a bit better, just heard some laughing and wanted some.'' ''Well ummm, you look like a tow-up strippa!'' She laughed. But she did. She had on her bra and panties, her hair was big and messy, and the make-up, oh gawd. ''Hahaha, yeah I need to clean up huh. Thanks baby.'' She looked around for a sec, ''I do wanna talk about yesterday, but later okay?'' You nodded as she kissed your head. She stood up and walked out. You realized in that moment that you didn't tell her yet, guess it was too soon. Just like she said, talk later! You got out the bed and went into the bathroom. After you were done, you picked out your outfit. Since you were extremely happy, you went with a nice outfit. Red shirt with black leather sleeves, your fave jeans and your new studded boots. You wore your hair down, with a black bow headband in your hair. After adjusting yourself in the mirror, you were done. You grabbed your bag pack and went downstairs.

        Downstairs you arrived to an egg omelet with hashbrowns. ''You off today ma?'' ''Yeah I took off, needed to gather myself.'' You nodded and sat down. ''Can you hand me the ketchup please?'' Man, this was so damn good. Perfect way to start off the day. As you were eating, your mom came around the counter to look at your outfit. ''Cute baby, love those boots.'' You smiled and wiped your orange juice moustache. You got up and put the dishes in the sink. ''Ma, I know you wanna talk abt this later, but I want you to know I'm fine.'' She look kind of relieved when you said that. You heard two loud honks outside and knew it was the girls. ''I love you ma!'' You kissed her and gave her a hug. You didn't want her to feel bad. After all, shit happens, you know?'' She said it back and let go of the hug. You were now outside and approaching Chelseas car. They started yelling from the car, ''Werk it hunnnty, Werk Werk.'' You starting doing your model walk, then you did dropped it down. ''Hahahahaaaa.'' You stopped and then got in the car. ''Hahaha hey y'all.'' ''[Yn], you look soooo cute girl,'' Monique said. ''Yes girl, whats the special occasion!'' ''Girls, I gotta tell y'all something important!'' You watched Monique turn the radio down. Chelsea begn driving. ''Is that why you called us last night?'' ''Naw, this is something different.'' You got a bit worried that they wouldnt believe you again. Well, here goes nothing. ''Diggy Simmons gave me his number! He's flying in this weekend to see me.'' There was a long pause. Monique and Chelsea looked at each other slowly, then burst into laughter. ''BAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHA.'' ''UGH -_- not again.'' ''Oh my gosh, I cant feel my face!'' ''Haha, my stomach hurts.'' ''Well...'' You got frustrated and tried to figure out how to make them believe you. ''Look at my phone, go through my messages!'' Monique grabbed the phone and read. ''Omg, [Yn],'' you sat up and your eyes widened, "This is sooo sweet.....SIKE! Girl, how we suppose to know you aint type this!'' You sat back and frowned, then rolled your eyes. Was it that unbelieveable? Guess they would have to find out Saturday!

        You were now at lunch with the girls. ''Omg, I'm so over Mr. Spelman. He's constantly accussing me of talking during our silent note sessions,'' you said to the girls as you walked over to your lunch table outside. It was nice and sunny, with a cool breeze. ''Yeah, he's trippin. He needs to get laid,'' Mo said. You all started laughing. You pulled your burger and fries out the brown bag and popped open your soda. You were upset about today. ''Mr. Spelman been pissin me off, I dropped my books down the staircase, and Roxanne was talkin shit again. Not to mention my two friends don't believe that I met Diggy. Ugh, can this day get any worse?'' Chelsea looked up at you, she knew you were dead serious. ''Look girl, I'm sorry its been a miserable Tuesday but we all have our days. But as far as you and Diggy, well, I just don't believe you...'' You put your food down and got an idea. ''Okay, I'll call him.'' Monique chuckled as she put a dorrito in her mouth. You got your phone out and found his number. You felt kinda ashamed that you felt the need to prove yourself, but that's how frustrated you were. You put it on speaker. ''Ring.......Ring......Ring.....Ring.......Ring....Please leave your message for..'' They both looked at you and started laughing. ''He's probably busy right now! Shoot.'' ''Yeah, busy living in a real world and not in fantasies.'' ''Haha.'' Suddenly, Roxanne came over with her stank ass. ''Whats funny?'' ''None of your business, Roxanne.'' Monique opened her big mouth, ''Hahaha, she claims that she knows Diggy Simmons and has his real number.'' She looked serious and snatched your phone. ''Give it back!!!!'' She took a pic of the number. ''Roxanne!!!! Stop it!!!!!'' She gave you back your phone and laughed, ''I guess I'll have to find out for myself.'' You were beyond pissed. If she would have called Diggy, he could have gotten really upset. Thinking that your were just handing his number out. What just happened.

        You stormed off to the bus stop. You were done for the day and honestly the rest of the week. Everything lately just seemed to be pissing you off. The bus ride home was long and boring. You hadn't taken a bus ride in a while. After you got dropped off, you walked inside. You sat on the couch and felt sooooo bad. Roxanne, Ugh!!!! Seems as though your whole world was crashing. ''Hey baby, how was school?'' Your mom came in and sat next to you. She looked soooo much better too. ''It was alright.'' You didn't even bother bringing up Diggy, cus you didnt wanna deal with another person not believing you... She just sat there and hugged you. She looked at you and started talking, ''I want to apologize, for not setting a good example. I'm your mother and you don't need to be exposed to sex like that. He was just someone I met baby, we are not dating,'' she was now wiping tears, ''Your father hurt me sooo much, but I know he's making the effort to change. As am I.''' You hugged each other. That made your day a bit better. You smiled at her. ''Alright, I'm going to go call daddy.'' You went upstairs and did jus that. ''Hey Daddy!'' ''Hey baby, you doing alright?'' ''Yes, I'm good.'' ''Good good, I'm a bit busy but all I want to say is that I'm doing better. Much better. I've forgiven your mom. I sat down and thought about things. I knows its been a lot on you.'' ''Yes, It has'' ''Mhm, but you know they say when something amazing is about to happen, you go through a lot. Its the storm before the calm.'' ''Yes, I hope so.'' ''It is so, [Yn].'' He paused. ''I love you okay, I'll be in touch with you.'' ''Love you back.'' He was now gone. Even though things were pretty tough, you knew your dad was right.

        As the week went by, you managed to survive the stupid little things. You ignored Roxanne at school, didn't care about your friends not believing you, and you were doing pretty good in your classes. It was now Friday and you were too excited about the weekend. Thankfully, it was early release and you were outta school sooner. You and the girls headed to the car. ''It's friday y'all, lets turn up,'' Monique yelled. A bunch of ppl in the parking lot near by heard and starting laughing. She was right, it was friday and you had a lot to look forward to this weekend. ''Aaaaayyyyyyyyyye.'' You and the girls started dancing in a litttle circle. The moment was sooo perfect. ''Hahahaha.'' You guys got in the car and headed home.''That was live tho, hahahaha.'' You guys were talking when suddenly your cell phone rang. You checked and it was Diggy. You played it cool and answered, ''Hello?'' ''Hi [Yn], are we still good for the weekend?'' ''Yes we are.'' Monique heard the change in your voice, ''Whose that [Yn]?'' You ignored her. ''Alright, I'll get the details to you. I'll also get your address from you later.'' ''Okay, I can't wait.'' ''Me neither. I'll talk to you later ma.'' You guys pulled up to your house. ''Who was that!'' ''No one you don't already know.'' You got out the car and laughed. They'd finally know you weren't lying. You waved goodbye as they gave you confused stares and drove off. Here comes the weekend.

End of Chapter 14

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