Prom Night II

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Chapter 67

Prom Night II

                     You and Daniel were nicely snuggled up together in the back of the bugatti. He had his arm wrapped around you. That made you feel really secure. He looked and you, which made you look at him. Once your eyes met, he then looked at your lips. He licked his lips, real slow. You laughed, then got serious again before the both of you stared at each other intensely. Truth was, you missed your boyfriend. Shoot, ever since he fingered you, you wanted him even more. The both of you brought your faces close together, then seperated your lips. Daniel kissed you slowly and passionately. As you kissed, it felt like the first time again. ''Your lips taste so good babe,'' he said softly. ''It's strawberry." ''My favorite,'' he said before closing his eyes and kissing you again. After a few minutes, it got a bit intense. He held your face before slowly moving his hand down towards your chest. It was on now lol. You pulled away from his bottom lip and sat in his lap with your legs wrapped around him. ''Oooo, you lil freak,'' he said holding you. He was right though, but it was partially his fault lol. As you kissed, he rubbed your body. Every now and then, you felt this tingling sensation. You felt something coming over you as the both of you started grinding against each other. You pulled away and looked at him. ''I think we should stop ma, I'm getting too excited,'' He was out of breathe. You nodded, ''Me too.'' ''Not much we can do in this car [yn].'' The both of you were breathing hard. After you got off of him, he leaned back and looked at you. ''Damn, I swear you get me so...'' ''So what,'' you said looking at him with your eyebrow raised. He laughed, then looked away from your face, ''Nothing,'' he giggling. He then looked at you, ''Fix your dress girl.'' ''Oh,'' you said laughing. After that, it was silent. You spent the rest of the ride in silence. All you could think about was TDD. (If you don't know what that means....I suggest you figure it out. It will be used a lot in this story lol) When would that special moment happen?

                       You felt the car stop and then suddenly felt anxiety. Taken away in the moment, you didn't realize that you were headed to prom. It just sorta slipped your mind. Diggy looked at you and noticed you breathing hard, ''What's wrong baby?'' You didn't answer. He called your name over and over again but you just ignored him. You were in a gaze. He snapped his fingers, ''HEY! [YN]!'' ''What, what huh?'' ''What's wrong?'' ''I...'' Before you could speak, the door opened. ''We're here,'' the driver said enthusiastically. You faked a nervous smile as she helped you out the car. You stood in the cool breeze and you waited for Daniel. He was talking to the driver. You stared at this building where your prom was being held it. It was beautiful. You watched as Mercedes, Bentleys, Roll Royces, stretch limos and Hummers pulled up. Big groups of people would get out and head inside the lobby. ''Alright, I'll give you a call,'' Daniel said waving to the driver. "Come on, lets go,'' he reached for your arm. You walked with him towards the doors. You didn't really know how to feel. Excitement because your boyfriend was here to take you, or nervousness from Donte's reaction. Honestly, you still felt bad. You just felt uneasy. As you got closer, Daniel stopped you. He faced you and held your hands, ''No matter what happens tonight, lets just do us. Have a good time, okay?'' ''Okay Dan.'' He kissed your hands and then held one as the both of you walked towards the entrance. You were a bit shocked that no one even noticed that Diggy was at your date, or maybe I spoke too soon. Once you got in line for tickets, your nerves started to calm down a bit. Suddenly, you heard a loud ass scream. ''AAAAAAAAAH, OH MY GOSH...OH MY GOSH.'' You turned around and made this stank face. ''ARE YOU DIGGY SIMMONS?'' He turned around, ''Haha, yes I am. Hi, how are you?'' He smiled and hugged the girl politely. Her date looked a bit jealous lol. You and her date made this 'really?' look at each other. Right after that, another girl noticed him. You hoped that this bull wouldn't happen all night. Well, what did you expect? He was soo polite though. Smiling and hugging other females. Once you made it to the window, you ordered your tickets. ''Thank you!'' You nodded and looked at Daniel. He saw your face and knew that you were getting a bit annoyed. ''Haha, sorry come on,'' he said laughing. As you got closer and closer inside, it seemed like everyone was staring at the two of you. It made you feel a bit uncomfortable. Once you made it inside, you stood at the front of the room with Daniel. You scanned the room until your eyes met with Donte's.....Uh oh....

End of Chapter 67.

A Dream Come True (Diggy Love Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang