Do My Eyes Deceive Me?

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Chapter 99

Do My Eyes Deceive Me?


                          “Where are you going [yn]?!” You stopped and turned around, looking Daniel straight in his eyes, “Stop following me and just let me go.” “I don’t want anything to happen to you, just calm down. Please!” For the past 5 minutes, Daniel followed you until the both of you were outside the restaurant. You were still really upset about everything. “[Yn], [Yn]!” His calls were nothing more than wind that blew by, and right now non-existent to you. “Why are you overreacting?” You stood there, holding your hand out for a cab.  But once you heard him say that, you turned your head and slowly said, “Easy for you to say. You’re not the one in my position right now. Daniel, I’m just pissed right now okay. And no, I’m not about to go upstairs and pretend that I’m fine. I got a lot going through my head and I’m just tryna make sense of all this.” He didn’t really respond, but nodded. “I’m going home okay, so you don’t have to worry about where I’ll be. Just go upstairs and keep an eye on Darnell okay?” That last sentence hit him hard. You rolled your eyes before getting inside a cab. He just stood there, staring at you. You hated fighting him so much and honestly you would hold back on a lot but this time, you couldn’t hold your tongue. He watched you from the window, the mouthed, “I’m sorry. I love you.” You looked down, then rubbed your head. Once you looked up, he was gone. You sighed. *Cab Driver* “Where to ma’am.” “The….the Hilton Hotel on 27th and 45th.” “Yes ma’am.”


                           Once you made it to the hotel, you laid across the bed and cried. Why all the emotion? You told Daniel you were going home but you lied. Oh well. You cried for at least 10 minutes straight but every time you’d question why you felt this way, nothing seemed to be wrong. What Daniel did was fucked up, flying someone out here just to watch you like a damn hawk was ridiculous but you honestly got over it during the cab ride. Why else were you so emotional? Since you were here alone, you decided to think some stuff over. Were you really happy here? Did things turn out the way you expected them to? What were you feeling right now? You sat up from the bed and decided to get a snack from the vending machine. After you grabbed your hotel key, you stepped into the hall with your cell phone and wallet. *Buzzz Buuuzzzz* "I don't feel like talking to you Daniel." You let the phone keep buzzing. There was a vending machine near by. "A bag of cheetohs and a kitkat sounds good for now." Room service wasn't gone handle your quick fix. *Buuuzzzz Buuuuuuzzz* "Ugh. Daniel I just need space babe." That was him again. You didn't want to talk right now because you didn't want to say something you'd regret later. It was best that you were fully relaxed. "Ugh, stupid vending machine!" That thing took your money! "DAMN IT!" *Voice from behind you* "Haha, aye, I got you." You looked up and saw a familiar face. "Oh my gosh, HEEEEY!" "HEEEY GIRL!" Roxanne was that familiar face. She looked so pretty. Once you stood by and got a good look at her, you asked, "Where you going sexy?" "Oh now girl please, haha, I'm going to this night club called Equinox. What are you doing here?" Damn, why'd she remind. Her very presence gave you a mental break, just for a moment. You sighed, "Oh. I'm just here chilling girl." She nodded, "Where's bae?" "Oh, Daniel...?" "UMMMM, YEAH?!" Right..... Oh. He's good. I mean ummmm, he's ugh," you scratched your head looking away. You didn't really have any words prepared. The uneasiness must be loud and clear because she knew something was wrong. "You okay?" "Yeah." you lied. "You sure?" "Mhm." "You guys get into a fight?" "Sorta." "Wanna talk about it?" EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER! (That's a car screech sound effect lol....) Now rewind to the second chapter of my story.. this was the same chick that bumped your desk, I mean she was a real bitch. Now, true she changed a lot over the course of time but could you trust her with your relationship business? It was personal... "I don't know Rox, I just..." "Hey hey, it's okay if you don't want to tell me. I understand we've had our differences." You nodded, "right, we had.... as in its over." She smiled. "Yeah, well long story short....Daniel flew Darnell.." "Chels fine ass cousin?" "Hahaha, yes. He flew D out here just to test me. Daniels performing Saturday at this big summer party. Its suppose to be BIG girl... He surprised me by flying out Monique and Chelsea too." "Fuck yes, I was planning on going to that too!! I'm staying at this hotel for a few weeks until my studio apartment is ready." You smiled, then she said, "Yeah but wow... Can't believe he did that... Tryna test you huh?" "I guess so... I thought he trusted me though." "He does... He just probably wanted more validation. Look, you are dating Diggy Simmons. Not your typical John Smith. I wouldn't fully trust your gorgeous ass either." You blushed, "Just be patient with him. He probably had some crazy ex who drove his ass crazy...Do you like Darnell?" "Nah uh, I mean... I don't think so. He's sexy though." "Mhhhhmmmm girl." "Yeah but, I mean he saved me from Donte..." She nodded, "Him saving you from Donte made you unintentionally create this sense of trust from him. This bond. It was a knight and shining armour moment. So of course you're gna feel something." You nodded, that made so much sense. "That's all [yn], its harmless...Well unless you start getting physical with him." "Right.." How come she knew what to say. "It'll be okay, just remember that you're going through a lot of change right now. We just graduated, you are a young adult, and did I not mention that you moved away from your old life." "Yeah, that's probably why I've been so emotional. I feel lost here. Like, he got me this car and nice condo but I just feel a bit lost sometimes." "It's okay, look here's my cell phone number," she reached for your phone and typed her number in, "Come over any time, well here or whenever the apartments done. I'm here for you. Call me whenever okay?" "Thank you so much," you said hugging her. "I'm not leaving until 11:30, wanna come chill wit me in my hotel. I'm still getting ready." "Oh naw, its okay girl. I'm gna go back to my room and call Daniel." She smiled, then tapped you, "Good for you. Call bae," she said making this kissy face. "Hahahaaaa, yeah." "Well go ahead girl." "Alright, I'll see you Saturday Roxanne." "Kay." She turned away and headed back to her room. "Wow, what are the chances of that?" Amazed by this coincidence, you just stood there and replayed what she and you just discussed. You were over this, honestly. A bit upset but only because of how he did it. Why wouldn't he just talk to you about it? *Your stomach growled* "Time to eat, let me get back to this room." The walk back was so peaceful, you felt so much better. All you could think about was calling your boyfriend. You turned the corner and stopped in your tracks... You saw Daniel coming out of a hotel room or what looked like he was... He was standing at a door, talking to a girl. "What the fuck?" You approached slowly, stopping in the middle of the hallway. The girl stopped talking when she noticed you. She pointed at you, then Daniel turned his head and saw you. He nodded and left her, walking slowly towards you. 

End of Chapter 99.

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