Hu$tle Simmons

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Chapter 150

Hu$tle Simmons

                        "THAT WAS SOOO BEAUTIFUL DIGGY," Miley came running outside, she hugged the both of your legs. "Haha, thank you Miley," Daniel said smiling at her. He leaned over and kissed her forehead. Everyone joined you. You all stood in a circle, hugging each other. "Are you guys married now?" "Hahaaa," Daniel looked at you, "No. No sweety not yet." Everyone laughed. Miley was so cute. You looked at Daniel, then at your ring. "Let me see it girl," Mrs. Justine softly held your hand. "Wow, thats beautiful Dig." Rev then checked the ring out, "That's real nice. You designed this yourself Diggy?" "Mhm," he shook  his head, feeling real proud. "Just as beautiful as her," Rev lifted your hand, kissing it. "Thank you," your smile was so big, it hurt. Russy smiled, "Welcome to the Simmons family." Everyone huddled in a circle. It was silent, just for a moment. "Everyone, eyes closed...heads bowed...Dear Heavenly Father..."  Rev prayed over the entire family, including yours. Afterwards, he concentrated over you and Daniel's relationship. He just asked blessings upon it. You cried during the prayer, it was that beautiful. "In Jesus name we pray, Amen."  Immediately after the prayer, you felt his arms wrap around you. His forehead kisses comforted you. Something about prayer, if you let it, it will overtake you. "It's okay Sweetie," Mrs. Justine rubbed your back while Diggy held you. Rev directed the family inside, "Let's give them a minute. We'll be out in the front okay?" After they left, Daniel looked at you, "You alright baby?" "Yeah, I'm straight.. Just so emotional.. I don't know why..." He looked into your eyes, "Is there anything I can do?" "Just hold me." He wrapped his arms around you, rocking you back and forth. "Your family is so loving," you said looking at him, "I'm so blessed to have met them." "I thank God everyday for them, and for you." "Daniel, see... thats that shit again," you said laughing. "Haha, whats that babe?" "The way you treat me, you're perfect. I don't deserve you." "No, I don't deserve you. The simple fact that we've been dating, you've restored my hope into girls... I thought any girl I'd date was gna be know who... But you've proven that your type is alive." "Hahaha, I see what you mean. I feel the same way too, about, you know who. How he treated me. I guess we both needed each other huh?" "Yeah," he kissed your lips softly, "We do need each other. Makes life a bit easier to live." "HAHAHA, WAS THAT YOUR STOMACH?" "Probably, I'm hungry babe." "Me too, let's go." He grabbed your hand and walked you inside. 

                        About 20 minutes later, you were 10 minutes from Russell Simmons office building. You were still in awe about meeting him. He was equally as successful as the Rev! During the ride, you let Miley play in your hair. Daniel fell asleep, so his head rested on your shoulder. "I like your hair a lot [Yn]." "Thank you Miley, I like yours too." This girl had 10 fat plaits in your head lol... "Look Mommy, I made [Yn] look real pretty." Russy covered his mouth, trying not to laugh. "Yes you did Miley...She looks soooo pretty!" You shook your head at Russy. Rev took a snap on his phone. Suddenly, Diggy let out this huge snore. Everyone laughed. "He is knocked out! Oh my gosh!" He wrapped his arm around you and went back to sleep. "Are we almost there Daddy?" "Yes Miley Moo." "Miley, baby please take the braids outta [Yn]'s hair." "Why mommy, but she likes them!" You cracked a smile, "Don't you like them [Yn]?" "Of course I do," you lied. Everyone laughed. The limo hit a bump in the road. Daniel immediately popped up, "Sheesh, what's going on with the roads?" "Lotta construction going on," Rev said looking out the window. Moments later, the limo slowed down. "WE'RE HERE, WAKEY WAKEY DIGGY!" Rev threw a cup at him, "Dad, chill," he said stretching. "Wake up sleeping beauty." Daniel mean-mugged Russy. Suddenly, the door opened to the limo, "Welcome to Global Grind Incoporated." "Thank you Marcus, let's go gang." Everyone slowly emptied out the limo. "Babe, your hair...why?" "Miley." "Hahahaha, thats why I keep mines cut low," he said playfully flicking your chin. "Shush." He awaited for you get up. You felt his hands on your booty. "DANIEL!" "HAHAHA!" You and the gang headed inside. "What a lovely Tuesday," Rev attempted to break the silence in the elevator. "Indeed," you said staring at your ring. "When I got my ring, I couldn't take my eyes off of it either." You looked at her hand, it was decked out. "Nice huh," Rev popped his collar. "Joey gave me a new ring for each annivesary." "Really?" "Mhm." *Ding* "I wouldn't be able to decide which to wear," you walked along said of her. "Haha, I still have a hard time deciding as well." Her warm smile reminded you of your mom. You missed her so much. "HERE WE ARE!!!" Rev knocked on the door to Russell's office. The door opened and there appeared a beautiful woman. "Hello, how are you," she said stepping back to let you all in, "He's finishing up some work, so feel free to have a seat." You stepped inside and immeditately, your eyes roamed around the office. It was like an office in an office. You all sat on a long couch. "This guy here," Rev stood up, "he was suppose to be ready!" He headed towards the back. "JOEY!!! BE PATIENT!!" You giggled a bit, Daniel's dad was hilarious. "Uncle Russ is always working," Russy said shaking his head. "Yeah," Daniel watched you stare around, "You like this huh?" "Yes, a lot." Russell's assistant came back with a tray of refreshments and placed them in front of you all. "Thank you." You reached for a strawberry, "Should I be nervous?" "No baby, not at all." You looked at Daniels lips, then at his eyes, "Besides, there he is," Daniel said nudging you. There he stood, Hustle Simmons.


End of Chapter 150.

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