Why Me?

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Chapter 22

Why Me?

        As you stood in the quad with your girls, you glance over your shoulder and saw Roxanne. The longer you stared, the more you wanted to tell her something. After all the bull she had done to you, you were at your boiling point. She looked up from whoever she was talking to and fixed her eyes on you. Roxanne made this stank face at you, which caused you to make one back. She motioned to whoever she was talking to to hold on, then she began walking towards you. ''[Yn]! [Yn]! [Yn]!'' You heard Chelsea calling your name but you ignored you. You started walking over towards her as well. Moments later you stood face to face in front of the entire 12th grade. Monique and Chelsea pushed through the crowd and were now behind you, like they always were for you. You stared Roxanne in her eyes. She opened her mouth to speak, but you interrupted her, ''LOOK HERE BITCH, I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE AGAINST ME BUT I'M LETTIN YOU KNOW I'M NOT THE ONE. SINCE ELEMENTARY YOU'VE BEEN ON MY CASE AND IM ABOUT DONE. YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A WHORE AND THATS ALL YOU'LL BE GOOD FOR. STAY THE FUCK OUT MY LIFE YOU STUPID BITCH!!!!''' Roxanne's once hard face then became saddened. You saw a side of her that you've never seen before. Suddenly, she swung and hit you in the face. The entire crowd said ''Oooooo.'' You turned your head and wiped your face. You punched her right back. ''Ooooooooo.'' ''GET THAT BITCH [YN],'' Monique yelled in your ear. You two were now rolling around on the floor. You punched her as much as you could. It was as though each punch counted for each time this bitch pissed you off. You felt someone pull you off of her, and then they began hitting you. ''OH HELL NAW!!!'' You looked up and saw Mo hittin her off of you. It was one of Roxannes stupid minions. ''BREAK IT UP, RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!'' You and Monique stood up and backed up. Roxanne stumbled gettin up as her stupid minion tried to help her. You were at such a gaze, you didn't know what was going on. Everything happened so fast. 

        ''LOOK, I DONT KNOW WHATS GOTTEN INTO YOU BUT YOU NEED TO GET IT TOGETHER, YOU UNDERSTAND ME YOUNG LADY?'' ''Yes, daddy.'' ''I BETTER NOT GET ANOTHER CALL ABOUT THIS BULLSHIT, DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?'' ''Yes.'' ''GOOD, GIVE THE PHONE BACK TO YOUR MOTHER.'' You pulled the cell phone away from your ear and handed it to your mom. She continued talking to your dad. Every now and then she mumbled and said ''Mhm'' in agreement. You sat in the passenger seat of your moms car. The principle sent you, Roxanne, Monique and her stupid friend home. They said, "There were consequences for our actions and that a punishment will be given." Whatever. You just leaned your head against the glass window and stared out the window. You thought about everything. There was too much going on. Way too much. ''Alright, I'll talk to you later Daryl,'' your mom said hanging up the phone. She placed the phone under the radio and sighed. ''[Yn], I dont know whats gotten into you, but you need to come correct on some things.'' She signaled her blinker for the driveway and pulled in, she waved at the neighbors. ''DID YOU HEAR WHAT I SAID?'' ''Yes ma'am,'' you mumbled while slamming the door. ''DON'T BE SLAMMIN NO FUCKIN DOORS AROUND HERE!'' She pulled your arm as you passed her, ''Do I make myself clear?'' ''YES!'' You yelled pulling away. She bumped you as she walked pass you to open the door. Once inside you ran upstairs, ''NO [YN]. GET YOUR ASS BACK DOWN HERE.'' You turned around and walked towards her. You looked her in the eyes, ''Mom, I'm tired. I'm tired of everything. I just want things to get better. Better between you and dad, things at school, just everything,'' you said wiping a tear. ''I'M TIRED MA,'' you yelled. Your mom saw tears forming in your eyes. She loosened up a bit. She took hold of your arm and pulled you to the couch. ''Baby, I know things haven't been easy on you,'' she said sitting you down, ''But it will get better. I promise. You just gotta be strong, okay baby?'' She wiped your tear and hugged you. ''I'll leave you here alone so you can think.'' She got up and headed for her bedroom door. You just sat there and thought. Would things ever get better. You had so much built up inside. You just laid on the couch and thought. Why Me?

        It was now 1:02. You sat on the couch and stared off for 30 mins or more in deep thought. Your phone vibrated. You sat up and picked it up, reading the screen, ''Hey beautiful :)'' from Diggy. You cracked a smile and laid back down. ''Hi'' You sent back. Hearing from him made you feel a bit better but you still were upset. *Buuuzzzz* ''You alright ma?'' Did you wanna tell him what was wrong? Ehh... ''Na,'' you sent back. After that message, you didn't get a reply. For a while. About 30 minutes passed by. You got up to get a drink of water and a bag of fruit snacks. *Ding Dong* You looked up. ''Who was that?'' You placed your snacks on the coffee table in the living room and then made your way to the door. You looked out the peak whole. You smiled and opened the door. ''Is it a good time?'' ''Yeah.'' He stepped inside while you shut the door. Diggy pulled you in close, he hugged you and then pecked your lips. You let go of his hug as he followed you to the couch and you both took a seat. ''How'd you know I would be home?'' He looked up at you, ''I just had a feeling,'' he looked into your eyes, ''What happened?'' Your smile turned into a frown. ''Got into a fight... at school.'' He looked up at you... He showed so much concern, ''What? How?'' ''This girl, shes been bothering me since forever. Shes the one that saw your number and kept calling you.'' ''Wow...,'' he said rubbing your hand, ''I'm glad you're okay, she'll get what she deserves one day.'' You picked up your fruit snack and put one in your mouth. ''Yeah,'' you said smackin on a strawberry fruit snack, ''I sure hope so.'' He chuckled. ''Yeah, just keep doing you. Shes not worth it ma.'' ''Mhm,'' you said puttin another one in your mouth. ''Are those good haha?'' ''Yeah.'' ''You not gone share?'' You took one out the pack and put it in his mouth. You watched him chew it and laughed. Suddenly, your mom came out her room in nothing but a bra and panties. Your eyes widened. ''Ma!'' She turned around, saw Diggy, jumped and ran back into her room. You and him both laughed. She came out moments later in proper clothing. ''Hello Daniel, I'm so sorry!'' He smiled. ''It's okay Ms. Michelle, I didnt see anything.'' Luckily Diggy was on his phone when she came out. Haha. ''Well alright, I'll let you two talk,'' she said leaving again. He leaned against you, ''Gimme one.'' ''No. You gotta get it yourself!'' As he reached over, you pulled them further away. He leaned so far over you that he was now on top of you. You both laughed, then looked each other in the eye. He got off of you and you both sat back up. ''Here! Shoot.'' He laughed, took it and chewed it in your face. He pulled you close and rubbed your arm. You two sat there and fed each other fruit snacks. Trying to catch them in your mouth. You had fun with him. He was as perfect as you imagined.

End of Chapter 22.

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