Lonely Loners

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Chapter 64

Lonely Loners

                    ''UGGGHHH, MOM....'' She looked at you, ''What's wrong with that one, its pretty baby,'' she said smiling at you. You were at this dress boutique trying on prom dresses. It was Saturday, exactly one week until prom. It took everything in you to get out the bed and look for a dress. Your mom convenced you eventually, even though you had no date. ''I don't like this one ma,'' you said frowning in the mirror. ''Lets see what else we can find,'' the dress-fitter said with a smile. She was being so sweet and patient with you. It seemed like every dress you tried on, it just wasn't right for you. It was hard trying on a dress knowing you had no one to match it to. As you headed back to the dressing room, you mummbled, ''I don't even see the point in going.'' Your mom over heard you, ''What'd you say?'' You turned around and yelled, ''I DON'T SEE THE POINT IN GOING!'' Everyone in the boutique was now staring at you. Your mom just gave you this 'but why' look and shook her head. ''Come on sweetie, we'll find something,'' the dress-fitter said tugging your hand gently. You followed her back to the dressing room. ''What colors do you have in mind,'' she asked shutting the door. ''I love blue, white, red and black.''  She nodded, ''I'll be right back.'' You said okay and stood in the mirror looking at yourself. You looked so beautiful but it was hard to see that because you were so distracted. Moments later, she came back in, ''Here, I think you'll like these.'' You nodded and pointed at the black one, ''I like that one a lot!'' She smiled, then unzipped the one you were wearing. After placing the other one on you, you covered your mouth with your hands. ''Oh my gosh, this is perfect.'' ''I knew you'd like it [yn].'' The dress was nice and flowy. It was simple but what caught your eyes was the beautiful diamond detailed around the sweetheart neckline.The back was out, and the straps in the back were diamond as well. It was simple but dramatic. ''Ready to show mom?'' You nodded, ''Yeah.'' You stepped out and followed her to the waiting area. As you got closer, your mom stood up and covered her mouth as well. She saw you smiling and knew that was the dress, ''I love it baby!!!!!'' ''Me too ma.'' You stood up on a platform and looked at yourself in a mirror. ''Take a picture for me ma, please.'' Your mom snapped a picture on your phone. ''Thank you mama.'' The store clerks all looked at you. ''Such a beautiful girl,'' you heard one say. You just smiled and took it all in. ''Is this the dress?'' ''YES!'' So, this is what you'd be wearing to prom. 

                     You arrived back home and went up to your bedroom. Excited about your dress, you sent a picture of it to Monique and Daniel. You hung the dress up and flopped on the bed. After a few minutes, you picked up your vibrating phone. Monique's text read: ''Girl, that is soooo sexy on you.'' You laughed a bit, but you really wanted to know what Daniel would say. He didn't always respond to texts right away. After 30 minutes went by, you decided to just stop waiting on him. After you got out the shower, you started on some easy homework from school. About another half our later, you got a text on your phone. Hoping it was Daniel, you quickly grabbed it. But, it was Monique: ''Come to my house real quick.'' You sighed and got out the bed, sending: ''Omw.'' You put all your school stuff up and headed downstairs. ''Where you going [yn],'' your dad asked, noticing you headed for the door. ''Just to Monique's real quick.'' ''You need my keys?'' ''Na uh, She's pretty close. I'll walk.'' He nodded and shewed you away with his hand. Off you were, heading down the street. Anxiously awaiting Daniels reply, you decided to call him. You listened to it ring about 4 times before there was an answer. ''Hello?'' ''Hey babe,'' you said. He sounded like he was tired or something. He didn't say anything after that. ''What you doing Daniel?'' ''Oh, just tryna sleep.'' ''You sound exhausted.'' ''I am.'' ''I miss you.'' He didn't respond. ''Did you get my picture?'' ''....Huh?'' ''I SAID, do you get my picture?'' ''Oh, lemme see....,'' you waited for him to respond, ''Yeah, I got it.'' ''Well...'' ''Well What?'' ''Do you like it?'' ''Yeah.'' Joking around, you said, ''Now all you have to do if get your suit.'' It seemed like that was the wrong thing to say because this conversation totally went south, ''Can you not? I'm not in the mood for this.'' ''I was just joking Daniel, there's no need to ge..'' ''I don't feel like arguing okay. I'm tired as hell and not in the best mood.'' ''Okay.'' ''Bye.'' He hung up. You stood there and shook your head, ''What a meanie pants.'' You continued to walk alone, trying not to step on the cracks. You felt tears starting to form but just held them in. You walked along the sidewalk. There was a breeze every now and then. *HONK HONK* You looked up, there was a car along side you. You put your hand over your eyes, ''Who is that?'' The windows rolled down, ''AYE [YN],'' you heard a bunch of guys say. ''Oh, hey y'all,'' you said smiling. You saw Donte in the driver seat, Kory in the passanger seat. In the back was Marcus, your neighbor, Johnathan from History and some other random guy. ''WHAT'S A PRETTY LADY LIKE YOU DOING ALL ALONE AT THIS TIME OF NIGHT,'' one of them said out loud. They all laughed. ''SHUT UP, I'M HEADED TO MONIQUE'S HOUSE,'' you yelled back. ''You need a ride,'' Donte asked. ''Na, she lives right there,'' you said pointing to her house. ''Oh, well we going to make sure you get there safely,'' Kory said laughing. You sighed. As you walked, they drove the car along side the sideway. ''Y'ALL ARE SO FREAKIN CHILDISH,'' you yelled. They all laughed. ''YOU LUCKY WE HERE TO PROTECT YOU GIRL, SHOOT.'' ''Whatever Marcus!'' You started heading up the driveway of Monique's house. ''AYE, HOLD UP [YN],'' you heard Donte say. He put his car in park and got out. He walked around the car and stood before, ''Hey, just wanted to say you look beautiful.'' ''Haha, thank you Donte.'' ''Yeah, by the way my English assignment got an A cus of you.'' ''Mhm, you owe me.'' ''Yeah, you're right, that's why I wantd to know if you wouldn't mind being my prom date?'' You covered your mouth and stared at him. He went to the trunk of his car and pulled out a banquet of roses. All the guys got out the car and held up the letters to spell out a word the sidewalk. The letters read, ''PROM''' You just stood there in shock. Suddenly, Monique came outside smiling. She stood at the end of the line holding a ''?''' Then, Donte placed the P down and got on one knee. He asked once more and awaited your response....

End of Chapter 64

Oh shit. What do you wanna do? Do you wanna go to prom with Donte?

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