Dawn's Party VIII

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Dawn's Party VIII

Chapter 115

                           You stared into Monique's serious eyes as she asked whether or not you wanted to talk to Daniel. Your eyes went from her face to Chelsea's; they awaited your answer. "I don't know," you said rubbing your red eyes. "[Yn], I think you should at least give him a chance to explain things. Really." "But Chelsea I..." "Chelsea's right, haha. I wanna know what the fuck they got into it for," Mo said looking up at Darnell. You and Chels turned to him, he stood in the bathroom door way. "That punk bitch still at the door." "Mhm, he wants to talk to her," Mo said pointing at you. Darnell looked at your face, "SHIT, DON'T TALK TO HIM. HE'S CRAZY AS HELL! HE AIN'T RIGHT FOR PUTTING HIS HANDS ON YOU." You stood up and yelled back, "I KNOW BUT YOU WON'T TELL ME SO I NEED TO HEAR IT FROM HIM! REMEMBER! HUH!" Darnell nodded, "I know.. I'm sorry. I just don't want him to keep hurting you." You nodded and sat down. "Look D, she's alright. We are all here for her. Remember?" "I guess shit. So how we gone do this, he coming in here or..." "Let's let them talk in here. We can all go outside and chill by the pool." "Alright. Let me brace myself for his ass." "Hahaha, Nell. Chill." "Whatever Monique," he said approaching you. She laughed, "I guess I'll let him in," she walked to the door, "Hey, she'll talk to you." *Diggy responding* "Oh, great." Monique opened the door and let him in. Chelsea waved awkwardly at him as he walked in. Darnell walked in a circle, he was talking himself down lol... "Hey Chels," he gave her a warm smile, then looked at Darnell. He chuckled, then looked at you. Your head was down, so you saw none of that. "Alright, y'all. Let's go," Monique grabbed Darnell by the arm. "Aye [Yn], we'll be right outside the hall if he tries anything," Nell said stubbling to the door. Diggy turned to him, "That won't be necessary. I'm not going to hurt her like tha." He snatched his hand from Monique, "Yeah, you're right Digg. I mean, you've clearly already done enough," he said shrugging his shoulders sarcastically, "What more can you do?" Diggy sighed and turned his focus back on you. The door shut as they left. He sat beside you on the couch. He didn't say anything, he just rubbed your back. "Don't touch me," you said under your breathe. He sighed, then rubbed his hands together. "I'm really sorry I pushed you [yn], that wasn't...'' ''Acceptable! Yeah. I know," you said looking at his face. He couldn't take seeing you cry. He had to look down for a moment. You looked distressed. "I can't do this Diggy. I'm sick of all of this."  "But I.." "I can't take it anymore." "Babe? Take what... I.." "THIS!!!! I'M SICK OF ARUGING WITH YOU, AND ABOUT WHAT," you stood up and yelled, "DIGGY YOU PUSHED ME FOR PETE'S SAKE. THE FUCK WAS THAT? HUH! YOU DON'T EVEN DESERVE TO BE IN THIS ROOM RIGHT NOW." He laid back on the couch, rubbing his hands through his curls. "Now, you better tell me what the fuck is going on between you and Darnell." "HOW ABOUT YOU TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON BETWEEN YOU AND DARNELL?" "DON'T YOU DARE RAISE YOUR FUCKIN VOICE AT ME! HE'S BEEN NOTHING BUT HONEST AND GOOD TO ME. A LOT BETTER THAN YOU AND YOUR PETTY GAMES. REALLY? YOU FLIED HIM OUT HERE JUST TO TEST ME? THE FUCK, YOU CALL THAT TRUST?" He leaned back again and sighed. "Look.... Here's the truth," you folded your arms and listened, "We know each other because of Tatianna. Awhile ago when me and Tatianna were already dating, he came along. He was a friends friend, so I paid him no mind. But rumors started. Shit about him and her messing around. I gave him the benefit of the doubt but it was hard to ignore the rumors. So, I approached him about it. He said nothing happened but I ain't believe him." You sat down, "So who said that he was cheating with her?" "Everyone in my circle would talk about it, especially behind my back from what Spin told me. I always knew something wasn't right. Especially at parties and shit." You nodded, "So thats why you don't like him?" "Right. And that's why I don't trust him." "But what if he's telling the truth. I mean, what if Tatianna was the one who approached him." He rubbed his head, "I never looked at it from his perspective. But anyways, the reason why I also didn't want him around much is because I thought maybe he was trying to sabotage our relationship." "Diggy, he's not like that. You can't let Tatianna and her ways distort Darnell's innocence. He protected me from Donte and never told me any of this. At all." "Really?" "Mhm. But why didn't you want me to know this?" "I don't know. I guess it was a chapter of my life I wanted to be over with. Babe, its so hard to trust people. Particularly in this business." "I know but you can't always assume things. I mean it seems to me that this Tatianna girl is the root to all that you went through, and I can understand going out with her, you may develop odd assumptions from the stress she's caused you, emotionally." He nodded, them smiled, "Yeah, you're exactly right." "I just wish you both could have been more honest with me." "Me too," he said nodding, "I'm sorry. I really am. I've lost count of how many times I've said that." "I'm sorry too." "Babe, there's nothing to be sorry about." "No, I mean my birth control. About me forgetting and all." "It's okay, it was new for you. I understand. I just overeacted from nerves, you know?" ''Yeah," you said getting up, "Speaking of, I have the results. You wanna hear them?" He looked nervous, "Yeah babe." You reached in your purse and retrieved your phone. After that, you sat back next to him. "No matter the results, I'm here. Okay?" "I know Daniel." You leaned in and hugged him, then you looked into his eyes. "You ready!" "Haha, yeah." You smiled, then looked down at your phone, dialing the voicemail. Daniel stared at you, smiling. You felt his cold hand against your face, so you looked up. He leaned in and kissed your lips. You smiled. "Okay, I'ma put in on speaker!" He held you as you listened together, "Hi Simmons family, this is Nurse Tanya. The results of your pregnancy test are in," you both held each other tighter, you felt a tear coming, "We're glad to inform you that you are not pregnant. Your test came back negative,"  you held your mouth and gasped, "We are diagnosing your symptoms as a form of anxiety. You seem to be under a lot of emotional stress. Just try to get some rest and take care of yourself dear. Please call back if you have any questions. Have a blessed day." You hung the phone up and hugged Daniel. You cried. "Omg my gosh Daniel." You both didn't say anything, you just hugged. What a night this turned out to be. You pulled away and looked at each other, "Haha, you okay Dan." "Haha, yeah," he wiped his eyes, "I'm just... Speechless really. But happy." "Haha, me too. I wasn't ready for a child. I gotta get myself together." He nodded, "Me too." "You would have been a cute dad though." "Hahaha, really?" "Yeah!" "Yeah, don't worry. One day, I will be," he winked. "Mhm," you said standing up. You stood up and looked at Daniel, "OH MY GOSH. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" You ran around the hotel screaming and yelling. Daniel just sat back and laughed, then he stood up. As you ran past him, he caught you in his arms. He looked you in your eyes, "I love you." "I love you too." He kissed you passionately, holding your body close. His kisses soon traveled to your neck. He rubbed your body, "I promise to do better." "Me too Daniel." 

End of Chapter 115.

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