Who is She?

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Chapter 40

Who is she?

                  Diggy pulled your arm, motioning for you to hurry up. There was a girl approaching you both in a shoe store and he obviously wanted nothing to do with her. He pushed the back door of the store open and let you go first before shutting and locking it. He stood at the door breathing really hard. ''Diggy?'' He ignored you. ''Dig, who was that?'' He turned and walked past you for the second door leading to the car garage. You followed him to the car. ''Diggy, who was that?'' He walked over to his car door and turned around to face you. The look on his face wasn't pleasant, at all. Diggy was red in the face, ''SHE'S MY EX OKAY!'' He yelled at you for the first time, ''SHE'S MY EX. THERE I SAID IT. NOW CAN YOU PLEASE GET IN THE CAR?!'' You backed away from him with a look of fear in your eyes. You never saw this side of him before, ''Can you please calm down...'' You didn't like when people raised their voice at you, it made you extremely uncomfortable. He sighed and leaned over placing his face on the car roof. He looked up at you with sincerity in his eyes, he then walked over to you and grabbed your hand, ''[Yn], babe I'm sorry okay. I just, I really have some issues I need to work out, okay,'' he said kissing your hand. He knew that you were still upset. ''WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ABOUT HER?'' ''SHE'S THE PAST OKAY, SHE'S NOT IMPORTANT!'' ''OKAY YES, TRUE. BUT THE WAY YOU REACTED IN THERE SHOWS THAT THERE'S STILL SOMETHING GOING ON!!!'' He looked away and then back at you, ''Yeah yeah, you're right. There's still something going on. But I've moved on okay. She's the one with the problem alright?'' You folded your arms and stared at him. Diggy just stared at you. You started walking away but he tugged your arm gently, ''come here,'' he said holding you closely, ''You have your problems with your ex and so do I. Just please be understanding and patient about this. I didn't wanna bring you into this, but here it is. I apologize for yelling. Its just that she's the reason why I've hurt so much in the past, my emotions triggered when I saw her,'' you looked away from his face, making him pull your face back at him with his finger, ''I'm sorry okay,'' he said. He pulled your chin down to kiss your forehead. Those soft lips always won you over. ''It's okay Daniel.'' ''Are you sure?'' ''Yes yes, I am,'' you said walking away to get in the car. He watched you walk away as you got in. He sighed and then placed your shoes in the car trunk. He slammed the door and started the engine. He looked at you, which cause you to look at him, ''You're the only girl for me babe.'' He backed out his parking spot and drove off.

                    You and Dig drove around New York City, passing a lot of beautiful places. There were so many shopping strips with clothing stores, shoe stores, jewelry stores and bag stores. ''Versace, Louis Vutton, Gucci,'' you said looking out the window. ''Yeah, here's comes one of my faves babe,'' he said pointing at Dior Horme. You passed so many restaurants and attractions. You guys stopped at a red light. He rubbed his tummy, ''you hungry [yn]?'' ''Yeah.'' He signaled his blinker and turned right. ''You like hot dogs?'' ''Yes, I love them.'' ''Great, haha.'' Moments later, you pulled up to Papaya King. ''Whats this,'' you asked taking off your seat belt. ''One of the best hot dogs in NYC, kay?'' He opened his door and got out to open yours. ''I hope I don't get noticed out here,'' he said putting his shades on. You walked in and stood in line. ''What you want on it?'' ''Just chilli & cheese.'' He gave you this crazy ass look, ''That's it?'' ''Yeah? haha.''' He ordered three hot dogs and they were made right before your eyes. The cooks prepared them so fast. ''Thank you,'' Diggy said grabbing the bag. The two of you walked out and got back inside the car quickly. ''Phew,'' he said exhaling. He pulled your food out the bag and handed it to you, ''Thanks babe.'' ''Mhm.'' He put the bag on the backseat and opened his box. ''I didn't realize how hungry I was until I saw this, I'm starving,'' he said taking a huge bite. You made this disgusted face at him, ''What!'' ''You got chilli all over your face.'' ''I do?'' ''YES!'' He looked inside his mirror, ''Oh.'' He grabbed your face and wiped his chilli on your face, ''DIGGY STOP HAHAHA, EWW YOU'RE SO NASTY! STOP!'' He laughed hard and looked at you, ''Does it taste good ma?'' You sighed and looked down. ''Let me help you get that off,'' he leaned over and licked the chilli off your cheeks. He then sucked the rest off your lip. Jesus. He pulled away while licking his lips. ''Better?'' ''Better.'' He's a low-key freak y'all. You've been warned for future chapters.

                 ''I'MMA BE FRESH AS HELL AS THE FEDS WATCHING, DROP TOP, HEAD BOBBING,'' You and Diggy screamed driving around. You were both dancing, well at least you were. Diggy tried. ''You better keep your eyes on the road boy.'' ''Hahaha, whatever shoot.'' He watched you dance, ''ayyyyye, hahaha you think you workin with something?'' ''Shut up boy, you just jealous.'' ''Mhm. Right.'' Suddenly, the car crashed and you both died. The End. Lol, juuuusst kidding. Anyway, haha, Suddenly, the phone started ringing. Diggy pushed the answer key on the screen, ''HEEEEEY, WHATS UP BOY?'' ''HEY HEY HEY YOUNG GOD, WHATS UP!'' You recognized that voice, it was DJ SpinKing. ''HAHAHAHA, ALL DAY. Whats crackin wit you bro?'' ''Nothing much Dig, just workin on some music at the crib. Why, you tryna come over?'' ''Yeah yeah yeah, I wanna stop by real quick. I picked you up something.'' ''Alright alright cool.... Am I gna meet the lucky lady?'' Diggy looked at you and smiled, ''Of course.'' ''Gotta make sure she up to par.'' You made this 'whatever' face and Diggy laughed. ''Alright, I'll see you later Spin.'' ''Bow.''

                   You and Diggy pulled up to a car garage. There was a guard at the front. Diggy pulled out his wallet and showed him the pass. ''Go right along in Sir.'' ''Thank you,'' he said driving along. He parked the car and asked, ''You ready?'' ''Yes.'' He got out and opened your door. ''Thank you.'' ''Mhm.'' ''Wait, grab Spins hot dog.'' You opened the door and leaned over the seat to grab the bag. *Pop* Diggy smacked your ass. ''Diggy!'' He laughed and walked away. You followed him to this elevator. On the ride up, he stood behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. He kissed your neck softly. You felt so safe in his arms. *Ding* The door slid open and he held your hand as you walked you down the hall. ''This is sooo nice,'' you said to yourself. You stopped at a door and Diggy knocked on it. ''Who is it?'' ''YG fool.'' ''Who? Never heard of him.'' You laughed, ''Fool open up this damn door, your food is getting cold.'' You heard some locks click and suddenly the door opened. Spin stuck his head out the door, ''DUDE COME ON! HAHAHA.'' He opened the door and gave Diggy this dap and hug. They stopped and both looked at you, ''Well who do we have here,'' Spin said looking you up and down. ''Your worst nightmare and you're best friends girlfriend.'' ''OOOOOOOOOOOO,'' they both said laughing. ''Okay, well its nice to meet you Worst Nightmare.'' You rolled your eyes, ''Whatever.'' ''Well, please, come on in.'' You both stepped in and you followed Diggy as he walked you to the couch. You looked around in amazement. ''Such a nice place.'' It really was. You walked around and headed to the window for the view. It overlooked more condos. ''Wow.'' ''You like that view girl,'' Spin yelled, ''Yeah.'' You turned around and saw them both talking. You decided to sit on the couch and chill. Diggy and Spin Joined you. Spin sat on a recliner and Diggy sat next to you. ''So, whats you're real name?'' ''It's [Yn].'' ''Oh, okay [Yn], nice to meet you. You can call my Spin, Spinking, DJ Spinking, Dj Spinking Baby or whatever,'' he said waving his hands. ''Whats your real name?'' Diggy laughed. ''It's ummm... Ga... Nevermind.'' ''Its what, I didn't hear you?'' ''Nothing, don't worry about.'' Diggy laughed hard. ''Shut up DANIEL and give me my food.'' He threw the bag at him. ''You're welcome.'' Diggy rested his head on your lap. You started stroking his hair, rubbing your hands through his curls. ''He need a hair cut huh [yn]?'' You giggled. ''Shut up Ga..'' ''YOU BETTER NOT SAY MY NAME DIG, I AINT PLAYING. YOU GONE NEED TO FIND A NEW DJ!'' Diggy's head bobbed on your lap as he laughed. Spin stared at you and Diggy, ''y'all make a cute ass couple, no lie.'' ''She's gorgeous huh?'' ''Mhm,'' he managed to agree smackin on his food. ''Thank you.'' ''Of course, can I get you anything [yn]?'' ''Oh, no thank you.'' ''Good, cuz you wasnt gone get shit anyway.'' You laughed and then there was silence. ''Man Spin, you'll never guess who I saw at Flight Club.'' ''WHO?'' ''My ex....'' ''WHAT!'' ''Yes.... she started approaching us.'' ''I bet she got even more upset after seeing [yn] huh?'' ''Mhm.'' ''Damn,'' he said geting up. ''I'll be back.'' He left the room for a bit. Diggy pulled your face down to kiss him. He rubbed your hair and you both kissed.


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